340 lines
8.5 KiB
340 lines
8.5 KiB
using Essgee.Emulation.Configuration;
using Essgee.Emulation.Machines;
using Essgee.EventArguments;
using Essgee.Metadata;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
namespace Essgee.Emulation
public class EmulatorHandler
readonly Action<Exception> exceptionHandler;
public IMachine emulator { get; private set; }
Thread emulationThread;
volatile bool emulationThreadRunning;
volatile bool limitFps;
volatile bool emulationThreadPaused;
volatile bool configChangeRequested = false;
volatile IConfiguration newConfiguration = null;
volatile bool stateLoadRequested = false, stateSaveRequested = false;
volatile int stateNumber = -1;
volatile Queue<bool> pauseStateChangesRequested = new Queue<bool>();
public event EventHandler<SendLogMessageEventArgs> SendLogMessage
add { emulator.SendLogMessage += value; }
remove { emulator.SendLogMessage -= value; }
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> EmulationReset
add { emulator.EmulationReset += value; }
remove { emulator.EmulationReset -= value; }
public event EventHandler<RenderScreenEventArgs> RenderScreen
add { emulator.RenderScreen += value; }
remove { emulator.RenderScreen -= value; }
public event EventHandler<SizeScreenEventArgs> SizeScreen
add { emulator.SizeScreen += value; }
remove { emulator.SizeScreen -= value; }
public event EventHandler<ChangeViewportEventArgs> ChangeViewport
add { emulator.ChangeViewport += value; }
remove { emulator.ChangeViewport -= value; }
public event EventHandler<PollInputEventArgs> PollInput
add { emulator.PollInput += value; }
remove { emulator.PollInput -= value; }
public event EventHandler<EnqueueSamplesEventArgs> EnqueueSamples
add { emulator.EnqueueSamples += value; }
remove { emulator.EnqueueSamples -= value; }
public event EventHandler<SaveExtraDataEventArgs> SaveExtraData
add { emulator.SaveExtraData += value; }
remove { emulator.SaveExtraData -= value; }
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> EnableRumble
add { emulator.EnableRumble += value; }
remove { emulator.EnableRumble -= value; }
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PauseChanged;
GameMetadata currentGameMetadata;
public bool IsCartridgeLoaded { get; private set; }
public bool IsRunning => emulationThreadRunning;
public bool IsPaused => emulationThreadPaused;
public bool IsHandlingSaveState => (stateLoadRequested || stateSaveRequested);
public (string Manufacturer, string Model, string DatFileName, double RefreshRate, double PixelAspectRatio, (string Name, string Description)[] RuntimeOptions) Information =>
(emulator.ManufacturerName, emulator.ModelName, emulator.DatFilename, emulator.RefreshRate, emulator.PixelAspectRatio, emulator.RuntimeOptions);
public EmulatorHandler(Type type, Action<Exception> exceptionHandler = null)
this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
emulator = (IMachine)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
public void SetConfiguration(IConfiguration config)
if (emulationThreadRunning)
configChangeRequested = true;
newConfiguration = config;
public void Initialize()
public void Startup()
emulationThreadRunning = true;
emulationThreadPaused = false;
emulationThread = new Thread(ThreadMainLoop) { Name = "EssgeeEmulation", Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal };
public void Reset()
public void Shutdown()
emulationThreadRunning = false;
public void Pause(bool pauseState)
public string GetSaveStateFilename(int number)
return Path.Combine(EmuStandInfo.SaveStatePath, $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentGameMetadata.FileName)} (State {number:D2}).est");
public void LoadState(int number)
stateLoadRequested = true;
stateNumber = number;
public void SaveState(int number)
stateSaveRequested = true;
stateNumber = number;
public void LoadCartridge(byte[] romData, GameMetadata gameMetadata)
currentGameMetadata = gameMetadata;
byte[] ramData = new byte[currentGameMetadata.RamSize];
var savePath = Path.Combine(EmuStandInfo.SaveDataPath, Path.ChangeExtension(currentGameMetadata.FileName, "sav"));
if (File.Exists(savePath))
ramData = File.ReadAllBytes(savePath);
emulator.Load(romData, ramData, currentGameMetadata.MapperType);
IsCartridgeLoaded = true;
public void SaveCartridge()
if (currentGameMetadata == null) return;
var cartRamSaveNeeded = emulator.IsCartridgeRamSaveNeeded();
if ((cartRamSaveNeeded && currentGameMetadata.MapperType != null && currentGameMetadata.HasNonVolatileRam) ||
var ramData = emulator.GetCartridgeRam();
var savePath = Path.Combine(EmuStandInfo.SaveDataPath, Path.ChangeExtension(currentGameMetadata.FileName, "sav"));
File.WriteAllBytes(savePath, ramData);
public Dictionary<string, dynamic> GetDebugInformation()
return emulator.GetDebugInformation();
public Type GetMachineType()
return emulator.GetType();
public void SetFpsLimiting(bool value)
limitFps = value;
public object GetRuntimeOption(string name)
return emulator.GetRuntimeOption(name);
public void SetRuntimeOption(string name, object value)
emulator.SetRuntimeOption(name, value);
public int FramesPerSecond { get; private set; }
private void ThreadMainLoop()
// TODO: rework fps limiter/counter - AGAIN - because the counter is inaccurate at sampleTimespan=0.25 and the limiter CAN cause sound crackling at sampleTimespan>0.25
// try this maybe? https://stackoverflow.com/a/34839411
var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
TimeSpan accumulatedTime = TimeSpan.Zero, lastStartTime = TimeSpan.Zero, lastEndTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
var frameCounter = 0;
var sampleTimespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);
while (true)
if (!emulationThreadRunning)
if (stateLoadRequested && stateNumber != -1)
var statePath = GetSaveStateFilename(stateNumber);
if (File.Exists(statePath))
using (var stream = new FileStream(statePath, FileMode.Open))
emulator.SetState(SaveStateHandler.Load(stream, emulator.GetType().Name));
stateLoadRequested = false;
stateNumber = -1;
var refreshRate = emulator.RefreshRate;
var targetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)Math.Round(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / refreshRate));
var startTime = stopWatch.Elapsed;
while (pauseStateChangesRequested.Count > 0)
var newPauseState = pauseStateChangesRequested.Dequeue();
emulationThreadPaused = newPauseState;
PauseChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
if (!emulationThreadPaused)
if (limitFps)
var elapsedTime = (startTime - lastStartTime);
lastStartTime = startTime;
if (elapsedTime < targetElapsedTime)
accumulatedTime += elapsedTime;
while (accumulatedTime >= targetElapsedTime)
accumulatedTime -= targetElapsedTime;
if ((stopWatch.Elapsed - lastEndTime) >= sampleTimespan)
FramesPerSecond = (int)((frameCounter * 1000.0) / sampleTimespan.TotalMilliseconds);
frameCounter = 0;
lastEndTime = stopWatch.Elapsed;
lastEndTime = stopWatch.Elapsed;
if (configChangeRequested)
configChangeRequested = false;
if (stateSaveRequested && stateNumber != -1)
var statePath = GetSaveStateFilename(stateNumber);
using (var stream = new FileStream(statePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
SaveStateHandler.Save(stream, emulator.GetType().Name, emulator.GetState());
stateSaveRequested = false;
stateNumber = -1;
catch (Exception ex) when (!AppEnvironment.DebugMode)
ex.Data.Add("Thread", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);