247 lines
8.9 KiB
247 lines
8.9 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
namespace AssetBundleBrowser.AssetBundleModel
internal sealed class AssetTreeItem : TreeViewItem
private AssetInfo m_asset;
internal AssetInfo asset
get { return m_asset; }
internal AssetTreeItem() : base(-1, -1) { }
internal AssetTreeItem(AssetInfo a) : base(a != null ? a.fullAssetName.GetHashCode() : Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue), 0, a != null ? a.displayName : "failed")
m_asset = a;
if (a != null)
icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(a.fullAssetName) as Texture2D;
private Color m_color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
internal Color itemColor
if (m_color.a == 0.0f && m_asset != null)
m_color = m_asset.GetColor();
return m_color;
set { m_color = value; }
internal Texture2D MessageIcon()
return MessageSystem.GetIcon(HighestMessageLevel());
internal MessageType HighestMessageLevel()
return m_asset != null ?
m_asset.HighestMessageLevel() : MessageType.Error;
internal bool ContainsChild(AssetInfo asset)
bool contains = false;
if (children == null)
return contains;
if (asset == null)
return false;
foreach (var child in children)
var c = child as AssetTreeItem;
if (c != null && c.asset != null && c.asset.fullAssetName == asset.fullAssetName)
contains = true;
return contains;
internal class AssetInfo
internal bool isScene { get; set; }
internal bool isFolder { get; set; }
internal long fileSize;
private HashSet<string> m_Parents;
private string m_AssetName;
private string m_DisplayName;
private string m_BundleName;
private MessageSystem.MessageState m_AssetMessages = new MessageSystem.MessageState();
internal AssetInfo(string inName, string bundleName="")
fullAssetName = inName;
m_BundleName = bundleName;
m_Parents = new HashSet<string>();
isScene = false;
isFolder = false;
internal string fullAssetName
get { return m_AssetName; }
m_AssetName = value;
m_DisplayName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_AssetName);
//TODO - maybe there's a way to ask the AssetDatabase for this size info.
System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(m_AssetName);
if (fileInfo.Exists)
fileSize = fileInfo.Length;
fileSize = 0;
internal string displayName
get { return m_DisplayName; }
internal string bundleName
{ get { return System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_BundleName) ? "auto" : m_BundleName; } }
internal Color GetColor()
if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_BundleName))
return Model.k_LightGrey;
return Color.white;
internal bool IsMessageSet(MessageSystem.MessageFlag flag)
return m_AssetMessages.IsSet(flag);
internal void SetMessageFlag(MessageSystem.MessageFlag flag, bool on)
m_AssetMessages.SetFlag(flag, on);
internal MessageType HighestMessageLevel()
return m_AssetMessages.HighestMessageLevel();
internal IEnumerable<MessageSystem.Message> GetMessages()
List<MessageSystem.Message> messages = new List<MessageSystem.Message>();
var message = displayName + "\n";
if (isScene)
message += "Is a scene that is in a bundle with non-scene assets. Scene bundles must have only one or more scene assets.";
message += "Is included in a bundle with a scene. Scene bundles must have only one or more scene assets.";
messages.Add(new MessageSystem.Message(message, MessageType.Error));
var message = displayName + "\n";
message += MessageSystem.GetMessage(MessageSystem.MessageFlag.DependencySceneConflict).message;
messages.Add(new MessageSystem.Message(message, MessageType.Error));
if (IsMessageSet(MessageSystem.MessageFlag.AssetsDuplicatedInMultBundles))
var bundleNames = AssetBundleModel.Model.CheckDependencyTracker(this);
string message = displayName + "\n" + "Is auto-included in multiple bundles:\n";
foreach(var bundleName in bundleNames)
message += bundleName + ", ";
message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 2);//remove trailing comma.
messages.Add(new MessageSystem.Message(message, MessageType.Warning));
if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_BundleName) && m_Parents.Count > 0)
//TODO - refine the parent list to only include those in the current asset list
var message = displayName + "\n" + "Is auto included in bundle(s) due to parent(s): \n";
foreach (var parent in m_Parents)
message += parent + ", ";
message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 2);//remove trailing comma.
messages.Add(new MessageSystem.Message(message, MessageType.Info));
if (m_dependencies != null && m_dependencies.Count > 0)
var message = string.Empty;
var sortedDependencies = m_dependencies.OrderBy(d => d.bundleName);
foreach (var dependent in sortedDependencies)
if (dependent.bundleName != bundleName)
message += dependent.bundleName + " : " + dependent.displayName + "\n";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) == false)
message = message.Insert(0, displayName + "\n" + "Is dependent on other bundle's asset(s) or auto included asset(s): \n");
message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1);//remove trailing line break.
messages.Add(new MessageSystem.Message(message, MessageType.Info));
messages.Add(new MessageSystem.Message(displayName + "\n" + "Path: " + fullAssetName, MessageType.Info));
return messages;
internal void AddParent(string name)
internal void RemoveParent(string name)
internal string GetSizeString()
if (fileSize == 0)
return "--";
return EditorUtility.FormatBytes(fileSize);
List<AssetInfo> m_dependencies = null;
internal List<AssetInfo> GetDependencies()
//TODO - not sure this refreshes enough. need to build tests around that.
if (m_dependencies == null)
m_dependencies = new List<AssetInfo>();
if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(m_AssetName))
//if we have a folder, its dependencies were already pulled in through alternate means. no need to GatherFoldersAndFiles
foreach (var dep in AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(m_AssetName, true))
if (dep != m_AssetName)
var asset = Model.CreateAsset(dep, this);
if (asset != null)
return m_dependencies;