publicstaticstringIssueMapper5="Split screen not implemented.\nUchuu Keibitai SDF game graphic corruption for unknown reason in the intro (not in the split screen).";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper6="Mapper 6 is not tested, issues may occur";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper8="Mapper 8 is not tested, issues may occur";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper33="Mapper 33: Akira is not working for unknown reason.";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper44="In game Super Big 7 - in - 1 : Double Dragon 3 game does not work.";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper53="Mapper 53 does not work with the test roms i have, maybe something wrong with the implementation or the roms themselves";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper56="Mapper 56 does not work with the test roms i have, maybe something wrong with the implementation or the roms themselves";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper58="Study and Game 32-in-1 (Ch) [!].nes needs keyboard ?";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper60="Mapper 60 does not work with the test roms i have, maybe something wrong with the implementation or the roms themselves";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper85="VRC7 sound channels are not supported";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper90="DipSwitch is not implemented, the irq modes 2-3 are not implemented yet.";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper96="Mapper 96 does not function probably and needs special controller to be implemented.";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper105="Game hangs on title screen !";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper119="Mapper 119 does not function probably";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper154="Game shows glitches with chr";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper180="Crazy Climber needs special controller which not implemented yet.";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper191="Mapper 191 is not tested, issues may occur";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper193="Game show nothing but fighter sprite !";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper202="150 in 1: some games not work well. Is it mapper or rom dump ?";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper203="64-in-1: some games not work, maybe something wrong with the implementation or the rom itself";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper207="Fudou Myouou Den is not assigned as mapper 207 while it should be !";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper222="Mapper 222 is not tested, issues may occur";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper228="Mapper 228 does not function probably";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper229="Mapper 229 is not tested, issues may occur";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper230="Only Contra works !?";
publicstaticstringIssueMapper243="Shows glitches in some games.";