using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType; namespace MHFOldShopTools { internal class Program { static string loc = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppContext.BaseDirectory) + "\\"; const string InDir = "Files"; const string Ver = "0.1"; static void Main(string[] args) { string title = $"MHFOldShopTools Ver.{Ver} By 皓月云"; Console.Title = title; Console.WriteLine(title); if (!Directory.Exists(loc + InDir)) { Console.WriteLine("Files文件不存在"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); int bflag = 0; string[] files = FileHelper.GetDirFile(loc + InDir); while (true) { Console.WriteLine($"请确保Files目录中已放置解密的MHF-FW5 mhfdat.bin文件,请选择:"); Console.WriteLine($"[1],解析Files目录中bin文件,生成同名txt清单和csv表"); Console.WriteLine($"[2],解析Files目录中csv文件,修改回同名的bin文件中"); Console.WriteLine($"[3],探索道具数据"); Console.WriteLine($"Please ensure that the decrypted MHF-FW5 mhfdat.bin file is placed in the Files directory. Please select:"); Console.WriteLine($"[1],Parse the .bin file in the Files directory and generate a .txt list and .csv table with the same name"); Console.WriteLine($"[2],Parse the .csv file in the Files directory and modify it back to the .bin file with the same name"); string yn = Console.ReadLine(); if (yn.ToLower() == "1") bflag = 1; else if(yn.ToLower() == "2") bflag = 2; else if (yn.ToLower() == "3") bflag = 3; if (bflag != 0) break; } if (bflag == 1) { int index = 0; int errcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { string FileName = files[i].Substring(files[i].LastIndexOf("\\")); if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower() != ".bin") { continue; } index++; Console.WriteLine($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>开始处理 第{index}个文件 {FileName}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); FileHelper.LoadFile(files[i], out byte[] data); ReaderItems(data, out List OutInputString, out List outPutCsv); string listfileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".txt"; string listoutpath = loc + InDir + "\\" + listfileName; FileHelper.SaveFile(listoutpath, OutInputString.ToArray()); string csvfileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".csv"; string csvoutpath = loc + InDir + "\\" + csvfileName; FileHelper.SaveFile(csvoutpath, outPutCsv.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>处理完毕>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } } else if (bflag == 2) { int index = 0; int errcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { string FileName = files[i].Substring(files[i].LastIndexOf("\\")); if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower() != ".csv") { continue; } index++; Console.WriteLine($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>开始处理 第{index}个文件 {FileName}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); FileHelper.LoadFile(files[i], out string[] lines); List itemlist = LoadStructForCsv(lines); string binfileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".bin"; string binoutpath = loc + InDir + "\\" + binfileName; FileHelper.LoadFile(binoutpath, out byte[] bindata); ModifyNPShopItem(bindata, itemlist, out byte[] ResultData); FileHelper.SaveFile(binoutpath, ResultData); Console.WriteLine($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>处理完毕>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } } else if (bflag == 3) { int index = 0; int errcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { string FileName = files[i].Substring(files[i].LastIndexOf("\\")); if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName).ToLower() != ".bin") { continue; } index++; Console.WriteLine($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>开始处理 第{index}个文件 {FileName}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); FileHelper.LoadFile(files[i], out byte[] data); DiscoverItems4(data, out List OutInput, out List outPutCsv); Console.WriteLine($">>>>>>>>>>>>>>处理完毕>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } } while (true) { Console.ReadLine(); } } static int NPStore_Ptr = 0x537924; const int _NPsingelItemDatalenght = 12; static int NPStore_ItemCount = 712; static void ReaderItems(byte[] data,out List OutInput,out List outPutCsv) { OutInput = new List(); outPutCsv = new List(); List items = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < NPStore_ItemCount; i++) { items.Add(GetNPShopItemInfo(data, NPStore_Ptr + (i * _NPsingelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { NPShopItem item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; if (item.UnKnow) ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | 解析失败"; else ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点 | {item.Group}({GetShopName(item.Group)}) {item.LevelType}({GetLevelTypeName(item.LevelType)})| [{item.OtherData[0].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[1].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[2].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[3].ToString("X")}]"; OutInput.Add(ItemInfo); outPutCsv.Add($"{item.ItemID},{item.Point},{item.Group},{item.LevelType},{MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}"); Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } /* int TempPtr = 0x539A78; int ToUpCount = 712; for (int i = 0; i < ToUpCount; i++) { items.Add(GetShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (-1 * i * _singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ShopItem item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; if (item.UnKnow) ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | 解析失败"; else ItemInfo = $"{ "0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点 | {item.Group}({GetShopName(item.Group)}) {item.LevelType}({GetLevelTypeName(item.LevelType)})| [{item.OtherData[0].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[1].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[2].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[3].ToString("X")}]"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } */ } static void DiscoverItems(byte[] data, out List OutInput, out List outPutCsv) { OutInput = new List(); outPutCsv = new List(); List items = new List(); int TempPtr = 0x536100 - 1200; int ToUpCount = 3000; int flag = 1; //顺序 if (flag == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ToUpCount; i++) { items.Add(GetNPShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (1 * i * _NPsingelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { NPShopItem item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; if (item.UnKnow) ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | 解析失败"; else ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点 | {item.Group}({GetShopName(item.Group)}) {item.LevelType}({GetLevelTypeName(item.LevelType)})| [{item.OtherData[0].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[1].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[2].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[3].ToString("X")}]"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } else //倒叙 { { for (int i = ToUpCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { items.Add(GetNPShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (-1 * i * _NPsingelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { NPShopItem item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; if (item.UnKnow) ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | 解析失败"; else ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点 | {item.Group}({GetShopName(item.Group)}) {item.LevelType}({GetLevelTypeName(item.LevelType)})| [{item.OtherData[0].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[1].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[2].ToString("X")} {item.OtherData[3].ToString("X")}]"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } } } static void DiscoverItems2(byte[] data, out List OutInput, out List outPutCsv) { OutInput = new List(); outPutCsv = new List(); List items = new List(); int TempPtr = 0x535F30; int ToUpCount = 3000; int singelItemDatalenght = 8; int flag = 2; //顺序 if (flag == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ToUpCount; i++) { items.Add(Get8ByteShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (1 * i * singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { ShopItem_8Byte item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } else //倒叙 { { for (int i = ToUpCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { items.Add(Get8ByteShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (-1 * i * singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { ShopItem_8Byte item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } } } static void DiscoverItems3(byte[] data, out List OutInput, out List outPutCsv) { OutInput = new List(); outPutCsv = new List(); List items = new List(); int TempPtr = 0x535F30; int ToUpCount = 3000; int singelItemDatalenght = 8; int flag = 2; //顺序 if (flag == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ToUpCount; i++) { items.Add(Get8BbyteIIShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (1 * i * singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { ShopItem_8ByteII item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } else //倒叙 { { for (int i = ToUpCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { items.Add(Get8BbyteIIShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (-1 * i * singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { ShopItem_8ByteII item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)}) | {item.Point}点"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } } } static void DiscoverItems4(byte[] data, out List OutInput, out List outPutCsv) { OutInput = new List(); outPutCsv = new List(); List items = new List(); int TempPtr = 0x535F40; int ToUpCount = 3000; int singelItemDatalenght = 2; int flag = 2; //顺序 if (flag == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ToUpCount; i++) { items.Add(Get2BbyteShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (1 * i * singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { ShopItem_2Byte item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)})"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } else //倒叙 { { for (int i = ToUpCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { items.Add(Get2BbyteShopItemInfo(data, TempPtr + (-1 * i * singelItemDatalenght))); } for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { ShopItem_2Byte item = items[i]; string ItemInfo; ItemInfo = $"{"0x" + item.Ptr.ToString("X") + ":"} | {item.ItemID} ({MHHelper.Get2MHFItemName(item.ItemID)})"; Console.WriteLine(ItemInfo); } } } } static List LoadStructForCsv(string[] lines) { List itemList = new List(); for (int i = 0;i < lines.Length; i++) { string[] temp = lines[i].Split(','); NPShopItem item = new NPShopItem() { ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(temp[0]), Point = Convert.ToInt32(temp[1]), Group = Convert.ToInt32(temp[2]), LevelType = Convert.ToInt32(temp[3]), }; itemList.Add(item); } return itemList; } static void ModifyNPShopItem(byte[] srcdata, List items,out byte[] ResultData) { byte[] target = HexHelper.CopyByteArr(srcdata); //ClearData for (int i = NPStore_Ptr; i < NPStore_Ptr + (NPStore_ItemCount * _NPsingelItemDatalenght); i++) target[i] = 0x00; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { NPShopItem itemdata = items[i]; int tempItemIDPtr = NPStore_Ptr + (i * _NPsingelItemDatalenght); int tempPricePtr = tempItemIDPtr + 4; int tempMenuPtr = tempItemIDPtr + 4 + 4; int tempLevelPtr = tempItemIDPtr + 4 + 4 + 1; HexHelper.ModifyDataToBytes(target, HexHelper.intToBytes(itemdata.ItemID), tempItemIDPtr); HexHelper.ModifyDataToBytes(target, HexHelper.intToBytes(itemdata.Point), tempPricePtr); target[tempMenuPtr] = (byte)itemdata.Group; target[tempLevelPtr] = (byte)itemdata.LevelType; } ResultData = target; } static string GetShopName(int gourp) { switch (gourp) { case 0:return "基本道具"; case 1:return "采集素材"; case 2:return "素材(HR99以下)"; case 3:return "汎用素材(HR100以上)"; case 4:return "装饰品"; case 5:return "其他道具"; default: return "未定义"; } } static string GetLevelTypeName(int Level) { switch (Level) { case 0:return "无限制"; case 1:return "HR31以上"; case 2:return "HR100以上"; case 3:return "SR1以上"; case 4:return "SR31以上"; default: return "未定义"; } } #region NP商店类 static NPShopItem GetNPShopItemInfo(byte[] data, int StartPos) { int ItemID = -1; int Point = -1; int Group = -1; int LevelType = -1; bool UnKnow = false; try { ItemID = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 4, StartPos); Point = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 4, StartPos + 4); Group = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 1, StartPos + 4 + 4); LevelType = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 1, StartPos + 4 + 4 + 1); UnKnow = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"获取错误" + ex.ToString()); UnKnow = true; } NPShopItem item = new NPShopItem() { Ptr = StartPos, ItemID = ItemID, Point = Point, Group = Group, LevelType = LevelType, OtherData = new int[] { data[StartPos + 4 + 4 + 0], data[StartPos + 4 + 4 + 1], data[StartPos + 4 + 4 + 2], data[StartPos + 4 + 4 + 3] }, UnKnow = UnKnow }; return item; } struct NPShopItem { public int Ptr; public int ItemID; public int Point; public int Group; public int LevelType; public int[] OtherData; public bool UnKnow; } #endregion #region 8字节类商品 static ShopItem_8Byte Get8ByteShopItemInfo(byte[] data, int StartPos) { int ItemID = -1; int Point = -1; int Group = -1; int LevelType = -1; bool UnKnow = false; try { ItemID = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 4, StartPos); Point = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 4, StartPos + 4); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"获取错误" + ex.ToString()); UnKnow = true; } ShopItem_8Byte item = new ShopItem_8Byte() { Ptr = StartPos, ItemID = ItemID, Point = Point, }; return item; } struct ShopItem_8Byte { public int Ptr; public int ItemID; public int Point; } #endregion #region 8字节II类商品 static ShopItem_8ByteII Get8BbyteIIShopItemInfo(byte[] data, int StartPos) { int ItemID = -1; int Point = -1; try { ItemID = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 2, StartPos); Point = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 2, StartPos + 4); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"获取错误" + ex.ToString()); } ShopItem_8ByteII item = new ShopItem_8ByteII() { Ptr = StartPos, ItemID = ItemID, Point = Point, }; return item; } struct ShopItem_8ByteII { public int Ptr; public int ItemID; public int Point; } #endregion #region 4字节II类商品 static ShopItem_4Byte Get4BbyteShopItemInfo(byte[] data, int StartPos) { int ItemID = -1; int Point = -1; try { ItemID = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 2, StartPos); Point = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 2, StartPos + 2); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"获取错误" + ex.ToString()); } ShopItem_4Byte item = new ShopItem_4Byte() { Ptr = StartPos, ItemID = ItemID, Point = Point, }; return item; } struct ShopItem_4Byte { public int Ptr; public int ItemID; public int Point; } #endregion #region 2字节 static ShopItem_2Byte Get2BbyteShopItemInfo(byte[] data, int StartPos) { int ItemID = -1; try { ItemID = HexHelper.bytesToInt(data, 2, StartPos); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"获取错误" + ex.ToString()); } ShopItem_2Byte item = new ShopItem_2Byte() { Ptr = StartPos, ItemID = ItemID, }; return item; } struct ShopItem_2Byte { public int Ptr; public int ItemID; } #endregion } }