using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MAME.Core { enum trans_t { WHOLLY_TRANSPARENT, WHOLLY_OPAQUE, MASKED } public struct RECT { public int min_x; public int min_y; public int max_x; public int max_y; } public partial class Tmap { public int laynum; public int rows; public int cols; public int tilewidth; public int tileheight; public int width; public int height; public int videoram_offset; public bool enable; public byte attributes; public bool all_tiles_dirty; public int palette_offset; public byte priority; public int scrollrows; public int scrollcols; public int[] rowscroll; public int[] colscroll; public int dx; public int dx_flipped; public int dy; public int dy_flipped; public ushort[] pixmap; public byte[,] flagsmap; public byte[,] tileflags; public byte[,] pen_to_flags; public byte[] pen_data; public int mask, value; public int total_elements; public Action tile_update3; public Action tilemap_draw_instance3; public int effective_rowscroll(int index) { int value; if ((attributes & Tilemap.TILEMAP_FLIPY) != 0) { index = scrollrows - 1 - index; } if ((attributes & Tilemap.TILEMAP_FLIPX) == 0) { value = dx - rowscroll[index]; } else { value = Tilemap.screen_width - width - (dx_flipped - rowscroll[index]); } if (value < 0) { value = width - (-value) % width; } else { value %= width; } return value; } public int effective_colscroll(int index) { int value; if ((attributes & Tilemap.TILEMAP_FLIPX) != 0) { index = scrollcols - 1 - index; } if ((attributes & Tilemap.TILEMAP_FLIPY) == 0) { value = dy - colscroll[index]; } else { value = Tilemap.screen_height - height - (dy_flipped - colscroll[index]); } if (value < 0) { value = height - (-value) % height; } else { value %= height; } return value; } public void tilemap_set_palette_offset(int offset) { palette_offset = offset; } public static void tilemap_set_flip(Tmap tmap, byte _attributes) { if (tmap == null) { foreach (Tmap t1 in Tilemap.lsTmap) { if (t1.attributes != _attributes) { t1.attributes = _attributes; } } } else if (tmap.attributes != _attributes) { tmap.attributes = _attributes; tmap.mappings_update(); } } public void get_row_col(int index, out int row, out int col) { if ((attributes & Tilemap.TILEMAP_FLIPX) != 0) { col = cols - 1 - index % cols; } else { col = index % cols; } if ((attributes & Tilemap.TILEMAP_FLIPY) != 0) { row = rows - 1 - index / cols; } else { row = index / cols; } } public void tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(int row, int col) { tileflags[row, col] = Tilemap.TILE_FLAG_DIRTY; } public void tilemap_set_scroll_rows(int scroll_rows) { scrollrows = scroll_rows; } public void tilemap_set_scroll_cols(int scroll_cols) { scrollcols = scroll_cols; } public void tilemap_set_scrolldx(int _dx, int _dx2) { dx = _dx; dx_flipped = _dx2; } public void tilemap_set_scrolldy(int _dy, int _dy2) { dy = _dy; dy_flipped = _dy2; } public void tilemap_set_scrollx(int which, int value) { if (which < scrollrows) { rowscroll[which] = value; } } public void tilemap_set_scrolly(int which, int value) { if (which < scrollcols) { colscroll[which] = value; } } public RECT sect_rect(RECT dst, RECT src) { RECT dst2 = dst; if (src.min_x > dst.min_x) { dst2.min_x = src.min_x; } if (src.max_x < dst.max_x) { dst2.max_x = src.max_x; } if (src.min_y > dst.min_y) { dst2.min_y = src.min_y; } if (src.max_y < dst.max_y) { dst2.max_y = src.max_y; } return dst2; } public void tilemap_draw_primask(RECT cliprect, int flags, byte _priority) { int xpos, ypos; if (!enable) { return; } mask = 0x0f | flags; value = flags; priority = _priority; if (all_tiles_dirty) { Array.Copy(Tilemap.bbFF, tileflags, cols * rows); all_tiles_dirty = false; } if (scrollrows == 1 && scrollcols == 1) { int scrollx = effective_rowscroll(0); int scrolly = effective_colscroll(0); for (ypos = scrolly - height; ypos <= cliprect.max_y; ypos += height) { for (xpos = scrollx - width; xpos <= cliprect.max_x; xpos += width) { tilemap_draw_instance3(cliprect, xpos, ypos); } } } else if (scrollcols == 1) { RECT rect = cliprect; int rowheight = height / scrollrows; int scrolly = effective_colscroll(0); int currow, nextrow; for (ypos = scrolly - height; ypos <= cliprect.max_y; ypos += height) { int firstrow = Math.Max((cliprect.min_y - ypos) / rowheight, 0); int lastrow = Math.Min((cliprect.max_y - ypos) / rowheight, scrollrows - 1); for (currow = firstrow; currow <= lastrow; currow = nextrow) { int scrollx = effective_rowscroll(currow); for (nextrow = currow + 1; nextrow <= lastrow; nextrow++) { if (effective_rowscroll(nextrow) != scrollx) { break; } } rect.min_y = currow * rowheight + ypos; rect.max_y = nextrow * rowheight - 1 + ypos; rect = sect_rect(rect, cliprect); for (xpos = scrollx - width; xpos <= cliprect.max_x; xpos += width) { tilemap_draw_instance3(rect, xpos, ypos); } } } } else if (scrollrows == 1) { int i1 = 1; } } public void mappings_update() { all_tiles_dirty = true; } } public class Tilemap { public static List lsTmap = new List(); public static byte[,] priority_bitmap; public static byte[,] bb00, bbFF; public static byte[] bb0F; public static int screen_width, screen_height; private static int INVALID_LOGICAL_INDEX = -1; public static byte TILEMAP_PIXEL_TRANSPARENT = 0x00; private static byte TILEMAP_PIXEL_CATEGORY_MASK = 0x0f; /* category is stored in the low 4 bits */ public static byte TILE_FLAG_DIRTY = 0xff; public static byte TILEMAP_PIXEL_LAYER0 = 0x10; public static byte TILE_FLIPX = 0x01; /* draw this tile horizontally flipped */ public static byte TILE_FLIPY = 0x02; /* draw this tile vertically flipped */ public static byte TILEMAP_FLIPX = TILE_FLIPX; /* draw the tilemap horizontally flipped */ public static byte TILEMAP_FLIPY = TILE_FLIPY; /* draw the tilemap vertically flipped */ public static void tilemap_init() { int i, j; switch (Machine.sBoard) { case "CPS-1": case "CPS-1(QSound)": case "CPS2": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; CPS.tilemap_init(); break; case "Data East": screen_width = 0x100; screen_height = 0x100; Dataeast.tilemap_init(); break; case "Tehkan": screen_width = 0x100; screen_height = 0x100; Tehkan.tilemap_init(); break; case "Namco System 1": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; Namcos1.tilemap_init(); break; case "PGM": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; PGM.tilemap_init(); break; case "M72": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; M72.tilemap_init(); break; case "M92": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; M92.tilemap_init(); break; case "Taito": screen_width = 0x140; screen_height = 0x100; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x100, 0x140]; Taito.tilemap_init(); break; case "Taito B": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; Taitob.tilemap_init(); break; case "Konami 68000": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; Konami68000.tilemap_init(); break; case "Capcom": screen_width = 0x200; screen_height = 0x200; priority_bitmap = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; Capcom.tilemap_init(); break; } switch (Machine.sBoard) { case "CPS-1": case "CPS-1(QSound)": case "CPS2": case "Data East": case "Tehkan": case "Namco System 1": case "PGM": case "M72": case "Taito": case "Taito B": case "Konami 68000": bb0F = new byte[0x400]; bbFF = new byte[0x80, 0x40]; for (i = 0; i < 0x80; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 0x40; j++) { bbFF[i, j] = 0xff; } } for (i = 0; i < 0x400; i++) { bb0F[i] = 0x0f; } break; case "M92": screen_height = 0x100; bbFF = new byte[0x80, 0x40]; bb00 = new byte[0x200, 0x200]; for (i = 0; i < 0x200; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 0x200; j++) { bb00[i, j] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < 0x80; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 0x40; j++) { bbFF[i, j] = 0xff; } } break; case "Capcom": bbFF = new byte[0x800, 0x10]; for (i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) { bbFF[i, j] = 0xff; } } break; } } } }