using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Essgee.Emulation.Configuration; using Essgee.Emulation.CPU; using Essgee.Emulation.Video; using Essgee.Emulation.Audio; using Essgee.Emulation.Cartridges; using Essgee.Emulation.Cartridges.Sega; using Essgee.EventArguments; using Essgee.Exceptions; using Essgee.Utilities; namespace Essgee.Emulation.Machines { [MachineIndex(0)] public class SG1000 : IMachine { // TODO: verify port 0xC0-0xFF behavior wrt the lack of a PPI and the SG-1000 Test Cartridge Extension Port test? const double masterClockNtsc = 10738635; const double masterClockPal = 10640684; const double refreshRateNtsc = 59.922743; const double refreshRatePal = 49.701459; const int ramSize = 1 * 1024; double masterClock; double vdpClock, psgClock; public event EventHandler SendLogMessage; protected virtual void OnSendLogMessage(SendLogMessageEventArgs e) { SendLogMessage?.Invoke(this, e); } public event EventHandler EmulationReset; protected virtual void OnEmulationReset(EventArgs e) { EmulationReset?.Invoke(this, e); } public event EventHandler RenderScreen { add { vdp.RenderScreen += value; } remove { vdp.RenderScreen -= value; } } public event EventHandler SizeScreen { add { vdp.SizeScreen += value; } remove { vdp.SizeScreen -= value; } } public event EventHandler ChangeViewport; protected virtual void OnChangeViewport(ChangeViewportEventArgs e) { ChangeViewport?.Invoke(this, e); } public event EventHandler PollInput; protected virtual void OnPollInput(PollInputEventArgs e) { PollInput?.Invoke(this, e); } public event EventHandler EnqueueSamples { add { psg.EnqueueSamples += value; } remove { psg.EnqueueSamples -= value; } } public event EventHandler SaveExtraData; protected virtual void OnSaveExtraData(SaveExtraDataEventArgs e) { SaveExtraData?.Invoke(this, e); } public event EventHandler EnableRumble { add { } remove { } } public string ManufacturerName => "Sega"; public string ModelName => "SG-1000"; public string DatFilename => "Sega - SG-1000.dat"; public (string Extension, string Description) FileFilter => (".sg", "SG-1000 ROMs"); public bool HasBootstrap => false; public double RefreshRate { get; private set; } public double PixelAspectRatio => 8.0 / 7.0; public (string Name, string Description)[] RuntimeOptions => vdp.RuntimeOptions.Concat(psg.RuntimeOptions).ToArray(); ICartridge cartridge; byte[] wram; Z80A cpu; TMS99xxA vdp; SN76489 psg; [Flags] enum PortIoABValues : byte { P1Up = 0b00000001, P1Down = 0b00000010, P1Left = 0b00000100, P1Right = 0b00001000, P1Button1 = 0b00010000, P1Button2 = 0b00100000, P2Up = 0b01000000, P2Down = 0b10000000, Mask = 0b11111111 } [Flags] enum PortIoBMiscValues : byte { P2Left = 0b00000001, P2Right = 0b00000010, P2Button1 = 0b00000100, P2Button2 = 0b00001000, CON = 0b00010000, IC21Pin6 = 0b00100000, IC21Pin10 = 0b01000000, IC21Pin13 = 0b10000000, Mask = 0b11111111 } PortIoABValues portIoABPressed; PortIoBMiscValues portIoBMiscPressed; bool pauseButtonPressed, pauseButtonToggle; int currentMasterClockCyclesInFrame, totalMasterClockCyclesInFrame; Configuration.SG1000 configuration; public SG1000() { } public void Initialize() { cartridge = null; wram = new byte[ramSize]; cpu = new Z80A(ReadMemory, WriteMemory, ReadPort, WritePort); vdp = new TMS99xxA(); psg = new SN76489(); vdp.EndOfScanline += (s, e) => { PollInputEventArgs pollInputEventArgs = new PollInputEventArgs(); OnPollInput(pollInputEventArgs); ParseInput(pollInputEventArgs); }; } public void SetConfiguration(IConfiguration config) { configuration = (Configuration.SG1000)config; ReconfigureSystem(); } public object GetRuntimeOption(string name) { if (name.StartsWith("Graphics")) return vdp.GetRuntimeOption(name); else if (name.StartsWith("Audio")) return psg.GetRuntimeOption(name); else return null; } public void SetRuntimeOption(string name, object value) { if (name.StartsWith("Graphics")) vdp.SetRuntimeOption(name, value); else if (name.StartsWith("Audio")) psg.SetRuntimeOption(name, value); } private void ReconfigureSystem() { if (configuration.TVStandard == TVStandard.NTSC) { masterClock = masterClockNtsc; RefreshRate = refreshRateNtsc; } else { masterClock = masterClockPal; RefreshRate = refreshRatePal; } vdpClock = (masterClock / 1.0); psgClock = (masterClock / 3.0); vdp?.SetClockRate(vdpClock); vdp?.SetRefreshRate(RefreshRate); vdp?.SetRevision(0); psg?.SetSampleRate(EmuStandInfo.Configuration.SampleRate); psg?.SetOutputChannels(2); psg?.SetClockRate(psgClock); psg?.SetRefreshRate(RefreshRate); currentMasterClockCyclesInFrame = 0; totalMasterClockCyclesInFrame = (int)Math.Round(masterClock / RefreshRate); OnChangeViewport(new ChangeViewportEventArgs(vdp.Viewport)); } public void Startup() { cpu.Startup(); vdp.Startup(); psg.Startup(); } public void Reset() { cpu.Reset(); cpu.SetStackPointer(0xDFF0); vdp.Reset(); psg.Reset(); portIoABPressed = 0; portIoBMiscPressed = 0; pauseButtonPressed = pauseButtonToggle = false; OnEmulationReset(EventArgs.Empty); } public void Shutdown() { cpu?.Shutdown(); vdp?.Shutdown(); psg?.Shutdown(); } //public void SetState(Dictionary state) public void SetState(Dictionary state) { configuration.TVStandard = (TVStandard)state[nameof(configuration.TVStandard)]; SaveStateHandler.PerformSetState(cartridge, (Dictionary)state[nameof(cartridge)]); wram = (byte[])state[nameof(wram)]; SaveStateHandler.PerformSetState(cpu, (Dictionary)state[nameof(cpu)]); SaveStateHandler.PerformSetState(vdp, (Dictionary)state[nameof(vdp)]); SaveStateHandler.PerformSetState(psg, (Dictionary)state[nameof(psg)]); ReconfigureSystem(); } public Dictionary GetState() { return new Dictionary { [nameof(configuration.TVStandard)] = configuration.TVStandard, [nameof(cartridge)] = SaveStateHandler.PerformGetState(cartridge), [nameof(wram)] = wram, [nameof(cpu)] = SaveStateHandler.PerformGetState(cpu), [nameof(vdp)] = SaveStateHandler.PerformGetState(vdp), [nameof(psg)] = SaveStateHandler.PerformGetState(psg) }; } public Dictionary GetDebugInformation() { var dict = new Dictionary { { "CyclesInFrame", currentMasterClockCyclesInFrame }, }; return dict; } public void Load(byte[] romData, byte[] ramData, Type mapperType) { if (mapperType == null) mapperType = typeof(SegaSGCartridge); cartridge = (ICartridge)Activator.CreateInstance(mapperType, new object[] { romData.Length, ramData.Length }); cartridge.LoadRom(romData); cartridge.LoadRam(ramData); } public byte[] GetCartridgeRam() { return cartridge.GetRamData(); } public bool IsCartridgeRamSaveNeeded() { return cartridge.IsRamSaveNeeded(); } public virtual void RunFrame() { while (currentMasterClockCyclesInFrame < totalMasterClockCyclesInFrame) RunStep(); currentMasterClockCyclesInFrame -= totalMasterClockCyclesInFrame; } public void RunStep() { double currentCpuClockCycles = 0.0; currentCpuClockCycles += cpu.Step(); double currentMasterClockCycles = (currentCpuClockCycles * 3.0); vdp.Step((int)Math.Round(currentMasterClockCycles)); if (pauseButtonPressed) { pauseButtonPressed = false; cpu.SetInterruptLine(InterruptType.NonMaskable, InterruptState.Assert); } cpu.SetInterruptLine(InterruptType.Maskable, vdp.InterruptLine); psg.Step((int)Math.Round(currentCpuClockCycles)); cartridge?.Step((int)Math.Round(currentCpuClockCycles)); currentMasterClockCyclesInFrame += (int)Math.Round(currentMasterClockCycles); } private void ParseInput(PollInputEventArgs eventArgs) { /* Get variables */ var keysDown = eventArgs.Keyboard; /* Handle Pause button */ var pausePressed = keysDown.Contains(configuration.InputPause); var pauseButtonHeld = (pauseButtonToggle && pausePressed); if (pausePressed) { if (!pauseButtonHeld) pauseButtonPressed = true; pauseButtonToggle = true; } else if (pauseButtonToggle) pauseButtonToggle = false; /* Handle controllers */ portIoABPressed = 0; portIoBMiscPressed = 0; /* Keyboard */ if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad1Up)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Up; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad1Down)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Down; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad1Left)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Left; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad1Right)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Right; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad1Button1)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Button1; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad1Button2)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Button2; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad2Up)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P2Up; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad2Down)) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P2Down; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad2Left)) portIoBMiscPressed |= PortIoBMiscValues.P2Left; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad2Right)) portIoBMiscPressed |= PortIoBMiscValues.P2Right; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad2Button1)) portIoBMiscPressed |= PortIoBMiscValues.P2Button1; if (keysDown.Contains(configuration.Joypad2Button2)) portIoBMiscPressed |= PortIoBMiscValues.P2Button2; /* XInput controller */ if (eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyUpDirectionPressed() && !eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyDownDirectionPressed()) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Up; if (eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyDownDirectionPressed() && !eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyUpDirectionPressed()) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Down; if (eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyLeftDirectionPressed() && !eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyRightDirectionPressed()) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Left; if (eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyRightDirectionPressed() && !eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAnyLeftDirectionPressed()) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Right; if (eventArgs.ControllerState.IsAPressed()) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Button1; if (eventArgs.ControllerState.IsXPressed() || eventArgs.ControllerState.IsBPressed()) portIoABPressed |= PortIoABValues.P1Button2; portIoBMiscPressed |= (PortIoBMiscValues.IC21Pin6 | PortIoBMiscValues.IC21Pin10 | PortIoBMiscValues.IC21Pin13); /* Unused, always 1 */ } private byte ReadMemory(ushort address) { if (address >= 0x0000 && address <= 0xBFFF) { return (cartridge != null ? cartridge.Read(address) : (byte)0x00); } else if (address >= 0xC000 && address <= 0xFFFF) { return wram[address & (ramSize - 1)]; } /* Cannot read from address, return 0 */ return 0x00; } private void WriteMemory(ushort address, byte value) { if (address >= 0x0000 && address <= 0xBFFF) { cartridge?.Write(address, value); } else if (address >= 0xC000 && address <= 0xFFFF) { wram[address & (ramSize - 1)] = value; } } private byte ReadPort(byte port) { switch (port & 0xC0) { case 0x80: return vdp.ReadPort(port); case 0xC0: if ((port & 0x01) == 0) return (byte)(PortIoABValues.Mask & ~portIoABPressed); else return (byte)(PortIoBMiscValues.Mask & ~portIoBMiscPressed); default: // TODO: handle properly return 0x00; } } public void WritePort(byte port, byte value) { switch (port & 0xC0) { case 0x40: psg.WritePort(port, value); break; case 0x80: vdp.WritePort(port, value); break; default: break; // TODO: handle properly } } } }