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The Vignette effect darkens the edges of an image, leaving the center of the image brighter. For more information on the Vignette effect, see the Vignette documentation in the Unity manual.

The Vignette effect in the post-processing stack has two modes:


Classic mode has parametric controls for the position, shape and intensity of the Vignette. This is the most common way to use the effect.


Property Function
Color Set the color of the Vignette.
Center Set the Vignette center point (screen center is [0.5,0.5]).
Intensity Set the amount of vignetting on screen.
Smoothness Set the smoothness of the Vignette borders.
Roundness Set the value to round the Vignette. Lower values will make a more squared vignette.
Rounded Enable this checkbox to make the vignette perfectly round. When disable, the Vignette effect is dependent on the current aspect ratio.


Masked mode multiplies a custom texture mask over the screen to create a Vignette effect. This mode can be used to achieve less common or irregular vignetting effects.


Property Function
Color Set the color of the Vignette. Use the alpha channel for transparency.
Mask Select a black and white mask to use as a vignette.
Intensity Set the mask opacity value.


  • Shader Model 3

See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.