UIEffect === UIEffect provide visual effect components for uGUI element in Unity. [![](https://img.shields.io/github/release/mob-sakai/UIEffect.svg?label=latest%20version)](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/releases) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/mob-sakai/UIEffect.svg)](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/releases) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/unity-5.5%2B-green.svg) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mob-sakai/UIEffect.svg)](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-orange.svg)](http://makeapullrequest.com) [![](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/mob_sakai.svg?label=Follow&style=social)](https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=mob_sakai) << [Description](#Description) | [WebGL Demo](#demo) | [Download](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/releases) | [Usage](#usage) | [Example of using](#example-of-using) | [Development Note](#development-note) >> ### What's new? [See changelog ![](https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/mob-sakai/UIEffect.svg?label=last%20updated)](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md) ### Do you want to receive notifications for new releases? [Watch this repo ![](https://img.shields.io/github/watchers/mob-sakai/UIEffect.svg?style=social&label=Watch)](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/subscription) ### Support me on Patreon! [![become_a_patron](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/50731629-3b18b480-11ad-11e9-8fad-4b13f27969c1.png)](https://www.patreon.com/join/2343451?)

## Description Let's decorate your UI with effects! You can control parameters as you like from the script as well as inspector. AnimationClip is supported as a matter of course! ![thumbnail](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/41398364-155cf5a6-6ff2-11e8-8124-9d16ef6ca267.gif) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/38594668-636dd3ac-3d82-11e8-9951-820964a6a95f.gif)

#### Available effects | Component | Features | Screenshot | |-|-|-| |**UIEffect**|Combine some visual effects.

**Effect Mode:** Grayscale, Sepia, Nega, Pixelation
**Color Mode:** Multiply, Fill, Additive, Subtract
**Blur Mode:** Fast, Medium, Detail
**Advanced Blur:** Enable more beautiful blurring.|| |**UICaptured EffectImage**|Capture a screenshot of a specific frame with effect, and display it.
This effect is non-realtime, light-weight, less-camera, but be effective enough.

**Effect Mode:** Grayscale, Sepia, Nega, Pixelation
**Color Mode:** Multiply, Fill, Additive, Subtract
**Blur Mode:** Fast, Medium, Detail
**Quality Mode:** Fast, Medium, Detail, Custom
**Capture On Enable:** When the component is enable, capture screen automatically.
**Blur iterations:** Number of blur iterations.
**Reduction/Downsampling Rate:** None, x1, x2, x4, x8
**Fit size to screen:** Fit RectTransform to the screen on captured.
**Immediate Capturing:**

*NOTE: This component can be used with UIEffect, UITransition etc.*
*NOTE: Immediate capturing does not support LWRP, WebGL and Unity 5.x for iOS/Mac.*|| |**UIShiny**|Apply shining effect to a graphic.
The effect does not require Mask component or normal map.

**Parameters:** Effect factor, Width, Rotation, Softness, Brightness, Gloss
**Effect Player:** To play shining, enable `Play` in inspector or call `Play()` from script.|| |**UIDissolve**|Apply dissolve effect to a graphic.

**Color Mode for edge:** Multiply, Fill, Additive, Subtract
**Parameters:** Effect factor, Width, Rotation, Softness, Edge color
**Options:** Effect area, Keep effect aspect ratio
**Effect Player:** To play dissolving, call `Play()` from script.|| |**UIHsvModifier**|Modify HSV for graphic.

**Target:** Color, Range
**Adjustment:** Hue, Saturation, Value|| |**UITransition Effect**|Apply transition effect with a single channel texture.

**Effect Mode:** Cutoff, Fade, Dissolve
**Options:** Effect area, Keep effect aspect ratio, transition texture
**Pass Ray On Hidden:** Disable the graphic's raycastTarget on hidden.
**Effect Player:** To show/hide transition, call `Show()/Hide()` from script.||

##### The following effects can be used with the above components. | Component | Features | Screenshot | |-|-|-| |**UIShadow**|Add shadow/outline to a graphic.
The performance is better than the default Shadow/Outline component.

**ShadowStyle:** Shadow, Shadow3, Outline, Outline8|| |**UIGradient**|Change vertex color as gradient with angle and offset.

**Direction:** Horizontal, Vertical, Angle, Diagonal
**Options:** Offset, Color space|| |**UIFlip**|Flip a graphic.

**Direction:** Horizontal, Vertical, Both||

## Demo [WebGL Demo](http://mob-sakai.github.io/UIEffect) * Effect sample * Transition * Dialog window with blured background * Included in unitypackage

## Usage 1. Download UIEffect.unitypackage from [Releases](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/releases). 2. Import the package into your Unity project. Select `Import Package > Custom Package` from the `Assets` menu. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46570979-edbb5a00-c9a7-11e8-845d-c5ee279effec.png) 3. In Unity5.6+, enable `TexCoord1` channel of canvas. See also [Development Note](##note-unity-56). ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46567584-3525f400-c970-11e8-9839-5c9e810b0b80.png) 4. Add any effect component to UI element (Image, RawImage, Text, etc...) from `Add Component` in inspector or `Component > UI > UIEffect > ...` menu. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46570977-ebf19680-c9a7-11e8-9ffb-174f56107070.png) 6. Adjust the parameters of the effect as you like, in inspector. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/38594668-636dd3ac-3d82-11e8-9951-820964a6a95f.gif) 7. Enjoy! #### Usage with TextMeshPro 1. Add a symbol `TMP_PRESENT` to scripting define symbols. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/54080742-14583500-433a-11e9-815b-8ed600697569.png) 2. If the material does not support the effect component, the following warning will be displayed. When you press the Fix button, new material is automatically generated and set. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/49728471-377d3500-fcb6-11e8-849b-d664aeb9da75.png) 3. If you want to use material variants, select `Create Material Preset` from the context menu to duplicate the material. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/53881014-dfa45f00-4055-11e9-833f-7409adebc542.png) 4. Effect mode, color mode, blur mode and etc. can not be changed from the component editor. Change them from the material editor. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/53782892-bea71580-3f52-11e9-9d43-e7cb6761f52c.png) 5. If you want to enable "Advanced Blur", enable `TexCoord2` channel of canvas. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46567584-3525f400-c970-11e8-9839-5c9e810b0b80.png) #### Usage without TextMeshPro 1. When you uninstalled TextMeshPro from the project, remove a symbol `TMP_PRESENT` to scripting define symbols. ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/54080761-cabc1a00-433a-11e9-97ab-431cf1cfe602.png) ##### Requirement * Unity 5.5+ *(included Unity 2018.x)* * No other SDK are required

## Example of using | Case | Description | Screenshot | |-|-|-| |Lock/unlock contents|Use UIEffect to apply grayscale.
Indicate to user that the content is unavailable.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46563469-aba8fe80-c93c-11e8-850f-949f6f8da742.png)| |Silhouette|Use UIEffect for filling color.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46563576-3db10700-c93d-11e8-960e-4336ff3ce481.png)| |Soft shadow/
Outer glow|Use UIEffect and UIShadow to blur the shadow.
To blur only shadow, set `Blur Factor` in UIEffect to 0.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46566001-452edb00-c952-11e8-9cc4-6098a9eb67f3.png)| |Colored shadow|Use UIEffect and UIShadow to fill shadow with color.
To fill only shadow, set `Color Factor` in UIEffect to 0.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46566000-452edb00-c952-11e8-8d20-6ccc3fa92ae4.png)| |Blurred dynamic font|Use UIEffect to blur text.
To blur dynamic font cleanly, enable `Advanced Blur` option.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46566002-45c77180-c952-11e8-87cb-4d915e0614be.png)| |Text with outline & shadow|Use two UIShadows to add outline and shadow.
There is less overdraw than default Outline/Shadow `(Default: 1 x 5 x 2 = 10 overdraws, UIShadow: 1 + 4 + 1 = 6 overdraws)`.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46566003-45c77180-c952-11e8-9b47-7bf563ffbaa7.png)| |Shining button|Use UIShiny for shining button.
Shine the button and indicate to user that you can press the button.
Enable `Play` and `Loop` option to shine it without any AnimationClip.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46563539-fb87c580-c93c-11e8-8c08-0f21872c47d4.gif)| |Blurring the background of a menu|Use UIEffectCapturedImage to blur the background of a menu.
UIEffectCapturedImage applies an effect to the screen of the previous frame, without adding a camera or layer.
It's not a real-time post effect, so it's good performance and works well on mobile.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46565712-735dec00-c94d-11e8-81b4-4e848d8fdb2e.png)| |Screen transition|Use UITransitionEffect to add screen transition.
You can change transition texture (single channel texture).
Enable `Pass Ray On Hidden` option and use `Show()/Hide()` method to play transition without AnimationClip.|![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/46565182-dfd5ec80-c947-11e8-834f-a2ef67ad0d95.gif)|

## Development Note #### How does UIEffectCapturedImage work? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/34619147-868cb36a-f284-11e7-8122-b924ff09077f.gif) `UIEffectCapturedImage` is similar to post effect, but uses `CommandBuffer` to give effect only on the rendering result (= captured image) of a specific frame. This effect is non-realtime, light-weight, less-camera, blit only once, but be effective enough. * Camera for processing effect is unnecessary. * Process effect only once after `UIEffectCapturedImage.Capture`. * Using reduction buffer, keep using memory size small and keep the rendering load are small. * When GameObjects with motion are on the screen, a result texture may be stirred. * You can overlay and display like as: `[Screen] | [UIEffectCapturedImage] | [Dialog A] | [UIEffectCapturedImage] | [Dialog B]`. See also [Demo](#demo). #### Why is UIEffect lightweight? * UIEffect pre-generates material from a combination of effects. This has the following benefits. * Draw call batching If possible, draw calls will decrease. * Since only the required material and shader variants are included in the build, the build size will be smaller. #### How to control effect parameters for uGUI element WITHOUT MaterialPropertyBlock? * In general, you can use [MaterialPropertyBlock](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MaterialPropertyBlock.html) for renderers to control minor changes in the material without different batches. * However, changing the [MaterialPropertyBlock](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MaterialPropertyBlock.html) of the uGUI element from the script will cause different batches and draw calls to increase. * So UIEffect encodes multiple effect parameters to UV1 channel with [IMeshModifier](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/UI.IMeshModifier.html). * Pack four 6-bit [0-1] (64 steps) parameters into one float value. * The parameters are lower precision, but sufficient. | uv1 | 6-bit [0-1] | 6-bit [0-1] | 6-bit [0-1] | 6-bit [0-1] | |-|-|-|-|-| | x(32bit float) | Tone level | *Empty* | Blur level | *Empty* | | y(32bit float) | Red channel | Green channel | Blue channel | Alpha channel | * In v3.0.0+, UIEffect uploads the parameter value to a shared texture and the shader refers to it. This approach has the following advantages: * More parameters for the effect are available. * The parameter accuracy is improved from 6 bits to 8 bits. * ModifyMesh is not called when parameter value is changed. #### Note: Unity 5.6+ In Unity 5.6+, Canvas supports **Additional Shader Channels**. Please enable `TexCoord1` to use UIEffect. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/28405830-f4f261e8-6d68-11e7-9faf-7e5442062f59.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/34560894-191b6cda-f18b-11e7-9de2-9a9d13f72ccd.png) #### Note: if you include prefabs / scenes containing UIEffect in AssetBundle. Use script define symbol `UIEFFECT_SEPARATE`. Unused shader variants and materials will be excluded from AssetBundles. ||Combined mode (default)|Separated mode| |-|-|-| |Script define symbol| - |`UIEFFECT_SEPARATE`| |Included in build|Only used variants|Only used variants| |Included in AssetBundle|All variants (Heavy!)|Only used variants| |Look in editor|![comb](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/35324040-df4f1684-0132-11e8-9534-f958b93de158.png)|![sep](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/35324405-fd5e89a6-0133-11e8-9d23-71ccc424fa21.png)| #### How to improve performance? * Use `ShaderVariantCollection` to preload shader. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/OptimizingShaderLoadTime.html * Set camera's clear flag to "Solid Color". * Enable multi thread rendering. #### The issue of default Outline component Graphic with multiple outline components will generate a lot of overdraw. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/34552373-600fdab2-f164-11e7-8565-21c15af92a93.png) This is an overdraw view of image with three outline components. Because there are many overdraws, it is very bright! For each Outline component, increase the mesh by 5 times. (In the case of the Shadow component, it doubles the mesh.) In the image above, `1 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 125` overdraws are generated. UIShadow's 'Addition Shadow' feature solves this issue by adding only the necessary mesh, `1 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 13` overdraws are generated.

## License * MIT * © UTJ/UCL ## Author [mob-sakai](https://github.com/mob-sakai) [![](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/mob_sakai.svg?label=Follow&style=social)](https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=mob_sakai) [![become_a_patron](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12690315/50731629-3b18b480-11ad-11e9-8fad-4b13f27969c1.png)](https://www.patreon.com/join/2343451?) ## See Also * GitHub page : https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect * Releases : https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/releases * Issue tracker : https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/issues * Current project : https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/projects/1 * Change log : https://github.com/mob-sakai/UIEffect/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md