#pragma warning(disable : 3568) #pragma exclude_renderers gles gles3 d3d11_9x #define HISTOGRAM_BINS 256 #define GROUP_SIZE_X 16 #define GROUP_SIZE_Y 16 #include "../StdLib.hlsl" #include "../Colors.hlsl" RWStructuredBuffer _HistogramBuffer; Texture2D _Source; CBUFFER_START(Params) float4 _Params; // x: width, y: height, z: linear, w: channel CBUFFER_END groupshared uint gs_histogram[HISTOGRAM_BINS]; #ifdef DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS TRIVIAL_COMPUTE_KERNEL(KHistogramGather) TRIVIAL_COMPUTE_KERNEL(KHistogramClear) #else #pragma kernel KHistogramGather [numthreads(GROUP_SIZE_X, GROUP_SIZE_Y, 1)] void KHistogramGather(uint2 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint2 groupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID) { const uint localThreadId = groupThreadId.y * GROUP_SIZE_X + groupThreadId.x; // Clears the shared memory if (localThreadId < HISTOGRAM_BINS) gs_histogram[localThreadId] = 0u; GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // Gather local group histogram if (dispatchThreadId.x < uint(_Params.x) && dispatchThreadId.y < uint(_Params.y)) { float3 color = saturate(_Source[dispatchThreadId].xyz); // We want a gamma-corrected histogram (like Photoshop & all) if (_Params.z > 0) color = LinearToSRGB(color); // Convert channel value to histogram bin float channel; uint c = uint(_Params.w); if (c > 2) channel = Luminance(color); else channel = color[c]; uint idx = (uint)(round(channel * 255.0)); InterlockedAdd(gs_histogram[idx], 1u); } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // Merge everything if (localThreadId < HISTOGRAM_BINS) InterlockedAdd(_HistogramBuffer[localThreadId], gs_histogram[localThreadId]); } #pragma kernel KHistogramClear [numthreads(GROUP_SIZE_X, 1, 1)] void KHistogramClear(uint dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID) { if (dispatchThreadId < HISTOGRAM_BINS) _HistogramBuffer[dispatchThreadId] = 0u; } #endif // DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS