#pragma warning(disable : 3568) #pragma exclude_renderers gles gles3 d3d11_9x #pragma kernel KAutoExposureAvgLuminance_fixed MAIN=KAutoExposureAvgLuminance_fixed #pragma kernel KAutoExposureAvgLuminance_progressive MAIN=KAutoExposureAvgLuminance_progressive PROGRESSIVE #include "../StdLib.hlsl" #include "ExposureHistogram.hlsl" StructuredBuffer _HistogramBuffer; Texture2D _Source; RWTexture2D _Destination; CBUFFER_START(Params) float4 _Params1; // x: lowPercent, y: highPercent, z: minBrightness, w: maxBrightness float4 _Params2; // x: speed down, y: speed up, z: exposure compensation, w: delta time float4 _ScaleOffsetRes; // x: scale, y: offset, w: histogram pass width, h: histogram pass height CBUFFER_END groupshared uint gs_pyramid[HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_BINS]; float GetExposureMultiplier(float avgLuminance) { avgLuminance = max(EPSILON, avgLuminance); //float keyValue = 1.03 - (2.0 / (2.0 + log2(avgLuminance + 1.0))); float keyValue = _Params2.z; float exposure = keyValue / avgLuminance; return exposure; } float InterpolateExposure(float newExposure, float oldExposure) { float delta = newExposure - oldExposure; float speed = delta > 0.0 ? _Params2.x : _Params2.y; float exposure = oldExposure + delta * (1.0 - exp2(-_Params2.w * speed)); return exposure; } #ifdef DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS TRIVIAL_COMPUTE_KERNEL(MAIN) #else [numthreads(HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_THREAD_X, HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_THREAD_Y, 1)] void MAIN(uint2 groupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID) { #if HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_ALT_PATH const uint thread_id = groupThreadId.y * HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_THREAD_X + groupThreadId.x; gs_pyramid[thread_id] = max(_HistogramBuffer[thread_id], _HistogramBuffer[thread_id + HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_BINS]); #else const uint thread_id = groupThreadId.y * HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_THREAD_X + groupThreadId.x; gs_pyramid[thread_id] = _HistogramBuffer[thread_id]; #endif GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // Parallel reduction to find the max value UNITY_UNROLL for (uint i = HISTOGRAM_REDUCTION_BINS >> 1u; i > 0u; i >>= 1u) { if (thread_id < i) gs_pyramid[thread_id] = max(gs_pyramid[thread_id], gs_pyramid[thread_id + i]); GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); } GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); if (thread_id == 0u) { float maxValue = 1.0 / float(gs_pyramid[0]); #if PROGRESSIVE float avgLuminance = GetAverageLuminance(_HistogramBuffer, _Params1, maxValue, _ScaleOffsetRes.xy); float exposure = GetExposureMultiplier(avgLuminance); float prevExposure = _Source[uint2(0u, 0u)].x; exposure = InterpolateExposure(exposure, prevExposure); _Destination[uint2(0u, 0u)].x = exposure.x; #else float avgLuminance = GetAverageLuminance(_HistogramBuffer, _Params1, maxValue, _ScaleOffsetRes.xy); float exposure = GetExposureMultiplier(avgLuminance); _Destination[uint2(0u, 0u)].x = exposure.x; #endif } } #endif // DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS