// // メインウインドウクラス // // #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "VirtuaNESres.h" #include "DebugOut.h" #include "App.h" #include "Pathlib.h" #include "Plugin.h" #include "Wnd.h" #include "WndHook.h" #include "MainFrame.h" #include "Recent.h" #include "Config.h" #include "NetPlay.h" #include "AboutDlg.h" #include "EmulatorDlg.h" #include "GraphicsDlg.h" #include "SoundDlg.h" #include "ControllerDlg.h" #include "ShortcutDlg.h" #include "FolderDlg.h" #include "LanguageDlg.h" #include "MovieDlg.h" #include "GameOptionDlg.h" #include "JoyAxisDlg.h" #include "RomInfoDlg.h" #include "NetPlayDlg.h" #include "MovieInfoDlg.h" #include "DirectDraw.h" #include "DirectSound.h" #include "DirectInput.h" #include "nes.h" #include "rom.h" #include "romdb.h" #include "pad.h" BOOL CMainFrame::m_bKeyEnable = FALSE; volatile BOOL CMainFrame::m_bKeyThreadExit = FALSE; DWORD CMainFrame::m_dwKeyTime = 0; BYTE CMainFrame::m_KeyBuf[256+64*8]; BYTE CMainFrame::m_KeyOld[256+64*8]; BYTE CMainFrame::m_KeyCnt[256*64*8]; // メッセージマップ WND_MESSAGE_BEGIN(CMainFrame) // メッセージ WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_CREATE, OnCreate ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_CLOSE, OnClose ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_DESTROY, OnDestroy ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_GETMINMAXINFO, OnGetMinMaxInfo ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_ACTIVATE, OnActivate ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_ACTIVATEAPP, OnActivateApp ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_VNS_SHORTCUTENABLE, OnShortCutEnable ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_ENABLE, OnEnable ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_ENTERMENULOOP, OnEnterMenuLoop ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_EXITMENULOOP, OnExitMenuLoop ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_SETFOCUS, OnSetFocus ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_KILLFOCUS, OnKillFocus ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_INITMENU, OnInitMenu ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_INITMENUPOPUP, OnInitMenuPopup ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_PAINT, OnPaint ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, OnDisplayChange ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_PALETTECHANGED, OnPaletteChanged ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, OnQueryNewPalette ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_MENUCHAR, OnMenuChar ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_KEYDOWN, OnKeyDown ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_SIZE, OnSize ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_SYSCOMMAND, OnSysCommand ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, OnExitSizeMove ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_SETCURSOR, OnSetCursor ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_TIMER, OnTimer ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_COPYDATA, OnCopyData ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_VNS_ERRORMSG, OnErrorMessage ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_DROPFILES, OnDropFiles ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_VNS_COMMANDLINE, OnCommandLine ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_VNS_LAUNCHERCMD, OnLauncherCommand ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_NETPLAY, OnNetPlay ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_NETPLAY_CLOSE, OnNetPlayClose ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_NETPLAY_ERROR, OnNetPlayError ) WND_ON_MESSAGE( WM_VNS_CHATPOPUP, OnNetPlayChatPopup ) // コマンド WND_COMMAND_BEGIN() WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_EXIT, OnExit ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_HTMLHELP, OnHelp ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_ABOUT, OnAbout ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_OPEN, OnFileOpen ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CLOSE, OnFileClose ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_ROMINFO, OnRomInfo ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_WAVERECORD, OnWaveRecord ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_LAUNCHER, OnLauncher ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_MRU_PATH0, ID_MRU_PATH9, OnRecentOpenPath ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_MRU_FILE0, ID_MRU_FILE9, OnRecentOpen ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_NETPLAY_CONNECT, OnNetPlayConnect ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, OnNetPlayDisconnect ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_NETPLAY_CHAT, OnNetPlayChat ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_EMULATOR, OnEmulatorCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_GRAPHICS, OnGraphicsCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_SOUND, OnSoundCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_CONTROLLER, OnControllerCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_SHORTCUT, OnShortcutCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_FOLDER, OnFolderCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_LANGUAGE, OnLanguageCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_MOVIE, OnMovieCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_GAMEOPTION, OnGameOptionCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_JOYAXIS, OnJoyAxisCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CFG_PALETTE, OnPaletteEditCfg ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_SEARCH, OnSearch ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_CHEAT, OnCheat ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_CHEAT_ENABLE, ID_CHEAT_DISABLE, OnCheatCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_GENIE, OnGenie ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_BARCODEBATTLER, OnDatachBacode ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_VSUNISYSTEM_DIPSWITCH, OnDipSwitch ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_FULLSCREEN, OnFullScreen ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_ZOOMx1, ID_ZOOMx4, OnZoom ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_HWRESET, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_SWRESET, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_PAUSE, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_THROTTLE, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_STATE_UP, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_STATE_DOWN, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_FPSDISP, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_TVASPECT, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_TVFRAME, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_SCANLINE, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_ALLLINE, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_ALLSPRITE, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_SYNCDRAW, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_FITSCREEN, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_SNAPSHOT, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_LEFTCLIP, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_ONEFRAME, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_STATE_LOAD, OnStateCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_STATE_SAVE, OnStateCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_MOVIE_PLAY, OnMovieCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_MOVIE_REC, OnMovieCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_MOVIE_REC_APPEND, OnMovieCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_MOVIE_STOP, OnMovieCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_MOVIE_INFO, OnMovieInfo ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_TAPE_PLAY, OnTapeCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_TAPE_REC, OnTapeCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_TAPE_STOP, OnTapeCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_FRAMESKIP_AUTO, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_FRAMESKIP_UP, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_FRAMESKIP_DOWN, OnEmuCommand ) // Viewers WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_VIEW_PATTERN, OnViewCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_VIEW_NAMETABLE, OnViewCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_VIEW_PALETTE, OnViewCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND( ID_VIEW_MEMORY, OnViewCommand ) // WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_FILTER_NONE, ID_FILTER_END, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_STATE_SLOT0, ID_STATE_SLOT9, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_DISK_EJECT, ID_DISK_1B, OnEmuCommand ) //WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_EXCTR_NONE, ID_EXCTR_END, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_EXCTR_SUBOR_KEYBOARD, ID_EXCTR_END, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_MUTE_0, ID_MUTE_F, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_TURBOFILE_BANK0, ID_TURBOFILE_BANK3, OnEmuCommand ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT0, ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT9, OnStateCommand2 ) WND_ON_COMMAND_RANGE( ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT0, ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT9, OnStateCommand2 ) WND_COMMAND_END() WND_MESSAGE_END() BOOL CMainFrame::Create( HWND hWndParent ) { // NESオブジェクト Nes = NULL; // メンバ変数 m_hMenu = NULL; WNDCLASSEX wcl; ZEROMEMORY( &wcl, sizeof(wcl) ); wcl.cbSize = sizeof(wcl); wcl.lpszClassName = "VirtuaNESwndclass"; wcl.lpfnWndProc = g_WndProc; // wcl.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS; wcl.style = CS_DBLCLKS; wcl.cbClsExtra = wcl.cbWndExtra = 0; wcl.hInstance = CApp::GetInstance(); wcl.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcl.hIcon = wcl.hIconSm = ::LoadIcon( CApp::GetInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON) ); wcl.hCursor = ::LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wcl.hbrBackground = 0; if( !RegisterClassEx( &wcl ) ) { // DEBUGOUT( "RegisterClassEx faild.\n" ); return FALSE; } HWND hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, VIRTUANES_WNDCLASS, VIRTUANES_CAPTION, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hWndParent, NULL, CApp::GetInstance(), (LPVOID)this // This を埋め込む為 ); if( !hWnd ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CreateWindow faild.\n" ); return FALSE; } // メインウインドウとして登録 CApp::SetHWnd( hWnd ); // ステートスロット m_nStateSlot = 0; return TRUE; } void CMainFrame::Destroy() { if( m_hWnd && IsWindow(m_hWnd) ) { ::DestroyWindow( m_hWnd ); m_hWnd = NULL; } } BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage( MSG* pMsg ) { if( pMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && pMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST ) { // return TRUE; } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnCreate( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnCreate\n" ); DirectDraw.SetSystemMemory( Config.graphics.bSystemMemory ); DirectDraw.SetUseHEL ( Config.graphics.bUseHEL ); if( !DirectDraw.InitialDDraw( m_hWnd ) ) { hResult = -1L; return TRUE; } if( !DirectSound.InitialDSound( m_hWnd ) ) { hResult = -1L; return TRUE; } if( !DirectInput.InitialDInput( m_hWnd, CApp::GetInstance() ) ) { hResult = -1L; return TRUE; } // DirectDrawオプションの設定 DirectDraw.SetFlipMode ( Config.graphics.bSyncDraw ); DirectDraw.SetAspectMode ( Config.graphics.bAspect ); DirectDraw.SetAllLineMode ( Config.graphics.bAllLine ); DirectDraw.SetMaxZoom ( Config.graphics.bFitZoom ); DirectDraw.SetTVFrameMode ( Config.graphics.bTVFrame ); DirectDraw.SetScanlineMode ( Config.graphics.bScanline ); DirectDraw.SetScanlineColor( Config.graphics.nScanlineColor ); DirectDraw.SetWindowVSyncMode( Config.graphics.bWindowVSync ); DirectDraw.SetDoubleSize( Config.graphics.bDoubleSize ); DirectDraw.SetGraphicsFilter( Config.graphics.nGraphicsFilter ); // DirectDrawサーフェスの構築 if( !DirectDraw.InitialSurface( FALSE ) ) { hResult = -1L; return TRUE; } // パレットファイルのロード if( Config.graphics.bPaletteFile ) { string pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.graphics.szPaletteFile ); DirectDraw.SetPaletteFile( pathstr.c_str() ); } // DirectSoundオプションの設定 DirectSound.SetSamplingRate( Config.sound.nRate, Config.sound.nBits ); DirectSound.SetBufferSize( Config.sound.nBufferSize ); // ExtraSoundFileのロード for( INT i = 0; i < ESF_FILE_MAX; i++ ) { string pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.extsound.szExtSoundFile[i] ); DirectSound.LoadEsf( pathstr.c_str(), i ); } // DirectInputオプションの設定 DirectInput.SetJoyAxisMode( Config.general.JoyAxisSetting ); // DirectSoundバッファの構築 if( !DirectSound.InitialBuffer() ) { hResult = -1L; return TRUE; } // パレットテーブルの計算 DirectDraw.CalcPaletteTable(); // ネットプレイ NetPlay.Initialize( m_hWnd ); // メニューのロード m_hMenu = CApp::LoadMenu( IDR_MENU ); CApp::SetMenu( m_hMenu ); ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, m_hMenu ); m_bMenu = TRUE; // メニュー表示中フラグ // メニューにアクセラレータキー名の追加 OnRebuildMenu(); // ウインドウ位置の設定 RECT rc = Config.general.rcWindowPos; if( !((rc.right-rc.left) <= 0 || (rc.bottom-rc.top) <= 0) ) { if( (m_bZoomed = Config.general.bWindowZoom) ) { CApp::SetCmdShow( SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ); } // 保存されていたウインドウサイズにする m_WindowRect = rc; ::SetWindowPos( m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top, 0 ); } else { m_bZoomed = FALSE; // デフォルトサイズを調整する OnSetWindowSize(); } // ウインドウスタイルの保存 m_StyleBackup = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); m_ExStyleBackup = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ); // IME使用禁止:D ::ImmAssociateContext( m_hWnd, NULL ); // Drag&Dropの許可 ::DragAcceptFiles( m_hWnd, TRUE ); // フラグ類 m_bActivate = TRUE; m_bActivateApp = TRUE; m_bForcus = TRUE; m_bCursor = TRUE; m_bEnable = TRUE; m_bKeyEnable = TRUE; m_bKeyChecking = FALSE; m_LastMovedTime = 0; m_uTimerID = ::SetTimer( m_hWnd, 0x0001, 1000, NULL ); // m_uKeyTimerID = ::SetTimer( m_hWnd, 0x0100, 30, NULL ); // 30ms m_dwKeyTime = 0; // Key Thread ::memset( m_KeyBuf, 0x00, sizeof(m_KeyBuf) ); ::memset( m_KeyOld, 0x00, sizeof(m_KeyBuf) ); ::memset( m_KeyCnt, 0x00, sizeof(m_KeyCnt) ); ::_beginthread( KeyThreadProc, 0, NULL ); ZEROMEMORY( m_KeyBuf, sizeof(m_KeyBuf) ); ZEROMEMORY( m_KeyCnt, sizeof(m_KeyCnt) ); #if 0 // For Command Lines if( ::strlen( CApp::GetCmdLine() ) > 0 ) { LPSTR pCmd = CApp::GetCmdLine(); if( pCmd[0] == '"' ) { // Shell execute!! ZEROMEMORY( m_szCommandLine, sizeof(m_szCommandLine) ); ::memcpy( m_szCommandLine, pCmd+1, ::strlen(pCmd)-2 ); m_szCommandLine[::strlen(m_szCommandLine)] = '\0'; } else { ::strcpy( m_szCommandLine, pCmd ); } ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_VNS_COMMANDLINE, 0, 0L ); } #endif return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnClose( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnClose\n" ); // ネットプレイ NetPlay.Release(); // エミュレーション終了 Emu.Stop(); DELETEPTR( Nes ); // キースレッド終了 m_bKeyThreadExit = TRUE; // タイマーの終了 ::KillTimer( m_hWnd, m_uTimerID ); // ::KillTimer( m_hWnd, m_uKeyTimerID ); m_uTimerID = 0; m_uKeyTimerID = 0; // ウインドウ破棄 ::DestroyWindow( m_hWnd ); // サーチダイアログ終了 m_SearchDlg.Destroy(); // ランチャー終了 m_LauncherDlg.Destroy(); // チャット終了 m_ChatDlg.Destroy(); // パターンビュア終了 m_PatternView.Destroy(); m_NameTableView.Destroy(); m_PaletteView.Destroy(); m_MemoryView.Destroy(); // バーコード入力ダイアログ終了 m_DatachBarcodeDlg.Destroy(); // パレット編集の終了 m_PaletteEdit.Destroy(); // ウインドウ位置の保存 Config.general.bWindowZoom = m_bZoomed; Config.general.rcWindowPos = m_WindowRect; ::DragAcceptFiles( m_hWnd, FALSE ); return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnDestroy( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnDestroy\n" ); ::PostQuitMessage( 0 ); return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnGetMinMaxInfo( WNDMSGPARAM ) { MINMAXINFO* lpMMI = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam; // 最小サイズだけ lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.x = 128; lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.y = 128; // lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.x = 65535; // lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.y = 65535; return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnActivate( WNDMSGPARAM ) { //DEBUGOUT( "WA_ACTIVATE: Minimized:%s Prev:%08X This:%08X\n", HIWORD(wParam)?"TRUE":"FALSE", lParam, m_hWnd ); #if 1 if( HIWORD(wParam) || (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE && !lParam) ) { if( m_bActivate ) { // DEBUGOUT( "Inactivate.\n" ); m_bActivate = FALSE; // バックグラウンド動作ONかネットプレイ中はポーズしない if( !(Config.emulator.bBackground || NetPlay.IsConnect()) ) { Emu.Pause(); } } // DirectInput無効化 DirectInput.Unacquire(); } else if( !lParam ) { // DEBUGOUT( "Activate.\n" ); m_bActivate = TRUE; // バックグラウンド動作ONかネットプレイ中はレジュームしない if( !(Config.emulator.bBackground || NetPlay.IsConnect()) ) { Emu.Resume(); } // DirectInput有効 DirectInput.Acquire(); } #else if( LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE ) { // DEBUGOUT( "WM_ACTIVATE: WA_INACTIVE\n" ); //// DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivate:Inactive\n" ); m_bActivate = FALSE; //// m_bActivate = TRUE; } else if( LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE ) { // DEBUGOUT( "WM_ACTIVATE: WA_ACTIVE\n" ); //// DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivate:Active\n" ); m_bActivate = TRUE; } else if( LOWORD(wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE ) { // DEBUGOUT( "WM_ACTIVATE: WA_CLICKACTIVE\n" ); //// DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivate:ClickActive\n" ); m_bActivate = TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnActivateApp( WNDMSGPARAM ) { //DEBUGOUT( "wParam:%08X lParam:%08X\n", wParam, lParam ); #if 0 if( (BOOL)wParam ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivateApp:Active\n" ); m_bActivateApp = TRUE; // バックグラウンド動作ONかネットプレイ中はレジュームしない if( !(Config.emulator.bBackground || NetPlay.IsConnect()) ) { Emu.Resume(); } DirectInput.Acquire(); } else { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivateApp:Inactive\n" ); if( m_bActivateApp ) { m_bActivateApp = FALSE; // バックグラウンド動作ONかネットプレイ中はポーズしない if( !(Config.emulator.bBackground || NetPlay.IsConnect()) ) { Emu.Pause(); } } DirectInput.Unacquire(); } #else if( (BOOL)wParam ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivateApp:Active\n" ); m_bActivateApp = TRUE; if( !m_bActivate ) { m_bActivate = TRUE; // バックグラウンド動作ONかネットプレイ中はレジュームしない if( !(Config.emulator.bBackground || NetPlay.IsConnect()) ) { Emu.Resume(); } } DirectInput.Acquire(); } else { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnActivateApp:Inactive\n" ); m_bActivateApp = FALSE; if( m_bActivate ) { m_bActivate = FALSE; // バックグラウンド動作ONかネットプレイ中はポーズしない if( !(Config.emulator.bBackground || NetPlay.IsConnect()) ) { Emu.Pause(); } } DirectInput.Unacquire(); } #endif return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnShortCutEnable( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnShortCutmode Req=%s\n", (BOOL)wParam?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); if( (BOOL)wParam ) { if( m_bEnable ) { m_bKeyEnable = TRUE; //DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnShortCutmode TRUE\n" ); } } else { m_bKeyEnable = FALSE; //DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnShortCutmode FALSE\n" ); } // m_bKeyEnable = (BOOL)wParam; #if 0 if( (BOOL)wParam ) { if( --m_nKeyDisableCount < 0 ) { m_bKeyEnable = TRUE; } } else { m_nKeyDisableCount++; m_bKeyEnable = FALSE; } #endif return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnEnable( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnEnable = %s\n", (BOOL)wParam?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); if( (BOOL)wParam ) Emu.Resume(); else Emu.Pause(); m_bEnable = (BOOL)wParam; m_bKeyEnable = (BOOL)wParam; return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnEnterMenuLoop( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnEnterMenuLoop\n" ); m_bKeyEnable = FALSE; Emu.Pause(); return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnExitMenuLoop( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnExitMenuLoop\n" ); m_bKeyEnable = TRUE; Emu.Resume(); return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnSetFocus( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnSetFocus\n" ); m_bForcus = TRUE; if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { if( !m_bMenu ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, FALSE ); } } } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnKillFocus( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnKillFocus\n" ); m_bForcus = FALSE; return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnInitMenu( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnInitMenu\n" ); CRecent::UpdateMenu( CApp::GetMenu() ); DrawMenuBar( m_hWnd ); return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnInitMenuPopup( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnInitMenuPopup\n" ); // System menu if( (BOOL)HIWORD(lParam) ) return FALSE; // DEBUGOUT( "SubMenu=%08X uPos=%d bSys=%d\n", wParam, (UINT)LOWORD(lParam), (UINT)HIWORD(lParam) ); HMENU hMenu = (HMENU)wParam; INT MenuCount = ::GetMenuItemCount( hMenu ); for( INT i = 0; i < MenuCount; i++ ) { OnUpdateMenu( hMenu, ::GetMenuItemID( hMenu, i ) ); } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnPaint( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnPaint\n" ); HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps; hDC = ::BeginPaint( m_hWnd, &ps ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() ) { RECT rc; ::GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &rc ); ::SetBkColor( hDC, 0x00000000 ); ::ExtTextOut( hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, NULL, 0, NULL ); } else if( Emu.IsPausing() ) { DirectDraw.OnScreenDraw(); } ::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnDisplayChange( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnDisplayChange\n" ); // フルスクリーンならば自分でチェンジ中もしくはALT+TAB切り替え中 if( !Config.general.bScreenMode ) { // 危険なのでスレッドをポーズ Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.OnChangeDisplayMode(); // 再描画 ::InvalidateRect( m_hWnd, NULL, TRUE ); // スレッドをレジューム Emu.Resume(); } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnPaletteChanged( WNDMSGPARAM ) { if( (HWND)wParam == m_hWnd ) return FALSE; DirectDraw.RealizePalette(); return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnQueryNewPalette( WNDMSGPARAM ) { DirectDraw.RealizePalette(); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnMenuChar( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnMenuChar\n" ); // キンキンうるさいから閉じる…と嘘をつく hResult = MAKELONG(0,MNC_CLOSE); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnKeyDown( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnKeyDown\n" ); if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( wParam == VK_ESCAPE && (lParam & (1<<30)) == 0 ) { OnChangeMenu( !m_bMenu ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnSize( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // 最大化表示等 // WM_SYSCOMMANDでも良いのだが,キャプションをダブルクリックしたときに来ないので... switch( wParam ) { case SIZE_MAXIMIZED: m_bZoomed = TRUE; { WINDOWPLACEMENT wpl; ::GetWindowPlacement( m_hWnd, &wpl ); m_WindowRect = wpl.rcNormalPosition; // 元の位置をコピー } break; case SIZE_RESTORED: m_bZoomed = FALSE; break; default: break; } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnSysCommand( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // エミュレーション中のみ if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { // スクリーンセーバーの起動の抑止 if( wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnSysCommand SC_SCREENSAVE\n" ); hResult = 1L; return TRUE; } // ディスプレイ電源オフの抑止 if( wParam == SC_MONITORPOWER ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnSysCommand SC_MONITORPOWER\n" ); hResult = 1L; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnExitSizeMove( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnExitSizeMove\n" ); if( !Config.general.bScreenMode ) { ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &m_WindowRect ); } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnSetCursor( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnSetCursor\n" ); if( LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { // if( !Emu.IsPausing() && !Emu.IsEmuPausing() ) { if( !Emu.IsPausing() ) { if( DirectDraw.GetZapperMode() ) { m_bCursor = TRUE; ::SetCursor( NULL ); hResult = 1L; return TRUE; } else { m_bCursor = FALSE; m_LastMovedTime = ::timeGetTime(); } } else { m_bCursor = TRUE; } } else { m_bCursor = TRUE; } } else { m_bCursor = TRUE; } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnTimer( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnTimer\n" ); // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnTimer bCursor=%s bForcus=%s\n", m_bCursor?"TRUE":"FALSE", m_bForcus?"TRUE":"FALSE" ); if( wParam == 0x0001 ) { // マウスカーソル用タイマー RECT rc; POINT pt; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rc ); ::GetCursorPos( &pt ); if( !m_bCursor && m_bForcus && pt.x >= rc.left && pt.x <= rc.right && pt.y >= rc.top && pt.y <= rc.bottom ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() && !Emu.IsPausing() ) { if( (::timeGetTime()-m_LastMovedTime) > 1500 ) { ::SetCursor( NULL ); } } } } else if( wParam == 0x0100 ) { // キーチェック用タイマー // アクティブウインドウでない時やダイアログ等が出ている時はキャンセル //// if( m_bActivate && m_bKeyEnable ) //// if( m_bKeyEnable ) // OnKeyControl(); } return FALSE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnCopyData( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnCopyData\n" ); COPYDATASTRUCT* pcds = (COPYDATASTRUCT*)lParam; OnEmulationStart( (LPSTR)pcds->lpData, FALSE ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnErrorMessage( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnErrorMessage\n" ); // チャット終了 m_ChatDlg.Destroy(); // サーチダイアログ終了 m_SearchDlg.Destroy(); // パターンビュア終了 m_PatternView.Destroy(); m_NameTableView.Destroy(); m_PaletteView.Destroy(); m_MemoryView.Destroy(); // バーコード入力ダイアログ終了 m_DatachBarcodeDlg.Destroy(); // NetPlay切断 NetPlay.Disconnect(); // エミュレーション終了 Emu.Stop(); DELETEPTR( Nes ); // キャプションを変える ::SetWindowText( m_hWnd, VIRTUANES_CAPTION ); if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, (LPCTSTR)lParam, "ERROR", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK ); ::InvalidateRect( m_hWnd, NULL, TRUE ); if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { OnChangeMenu( TRUE ); } return TRUE; } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnExit( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnExit\n" ); ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnHelp( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnHelp\n" ); string sHelp = CPathlib::MakePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), "virtuanes.chm" ); // 面倒なんでShellExecuteで代用 ::ShellExecute( HWND_DESKTOP, "open", sHelp.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); // ::HtmlHelp( m_hWnd, "virtuanes.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, NULL ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnAbout( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnAbout\n" ); CAboutDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnFileOpen( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnFileOpen\n" ); if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.Pause(); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } } OPENFILENAME ofn; CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ZEROMEMORY( szFile, sizeof(szFile) ); ZEROMEMORY( &ofn, sizeof(ofn) ); string pathstr; if( Config.path.bRomPath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szRomPath ); } else { pathstr = CApp::GetModulePath(); } CHAR szTitle[256]; CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_OPENROM, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "ヒモミソノモテホトシ (*.nes,*.unf,*.fds,*.nsf,*.lzh,*.zip,*.7z,*.cab)\0*.nes;*.unf;*.fds;*.nsf;*.lzh;*.zip;*.7z;*.cab\0" "NES ROM (*.nes,*.unf)\0*.nes*.unf\0" "FDS エナオサセオマ (*.fds)\0*.fds\0" "NES メタヨホトシ (*.nsf)\0*.nsf\0" "ムケヒホトシ (*.lzh,*.zip,*.7z,*.cab)\0*.lzh;*.zip;*.7z;*.cab\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.Flags = OFN_READONLY|OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = pathstr.c_str(); if( ::GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { OnEmulationStart( szFile, FALSE ); if( Config.general.bScreenMode && Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnChangeMenu( FALSE ); } } else { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } } while( Emu.IsPausing() ) { Emu.Resume(); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnFileClose( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnFileClose\n" ); // チャット終了 m_ChatDlg.Destroy(); // サーチダイアログ終了 m_SearchDlg.Destroy(); // パターンビュア終了 m_PatternView.Destroy(); m_NameTableView.Destroy(); m_PaletteView.Destroy(); m_MemoryView.Destroy(); // バーコード入力ダイアログ終了 m_DatachBarcodeDlg.Destroy(); if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.Stop(); DELETEPTR( Nes ); // キャプションを変える ::SetWindowText( m_hWnd, VIRTUANES_CAPTION ); // 再描画 ::InvalidateRect( m_hWnd, NULL, TRUE ); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { OnChangeMenu( TRUE ); } } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnCommandLine( WNDMSGPARAM ) { OnEmulationStart( (LPSTR)lParam, FALSE ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnLauncherCommand( WNDMSGPARAM ) { if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd ) { ::SetWindowPos( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } } ::SetForegroundWindow( m_hWnd ); OnEmulationStart( (LPSTR)lParam, FALSE ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnNetPlay( WNDMSGPARAM ) { DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnNetPlay\n" ); hResult = NetPlay.WndProc( hWnd, wParam, lParam ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnNetPlayClose( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnNetPlayClose\n" ); NetPlay.SetMsgWnd( NULL ); NetPlay.Disconnect(); LPCSTR szErrStr = CApp::GetErrorString( IDS_ERROR_NETWORKDISCONNECT ); ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_VNS_ERRORMSG, 0, (LPARAM)szErrStr ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnNetPlayError( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnNetPlayError\n" ); NetPlay.SetMsgWnd( NULL ); NetPlay.Disconnect(); LPCSTR szErrStr = CApp::GetErrorString( IDS_ERROR_NETWORKERROR ); ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_VNS_ERRORMSG, 0, (LPARAM)szErrStr ); return TRUE; } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnNetPlayChatPopup( WNDMSGPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnNetPlayChatPopup\n" ); DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnNetPlayChatPopup\n" ); if( !NetPlay.IsConnect() ) return TRUE; if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } // ダイアログが画面外ならば中央に移動する:) RECT rcParent, rc; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcParent ); ::GetWindowRect( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, &rc ); if( (rc.right < rcParent.left) || (rc.left > rcParent.right) || (rc.bottom < rcParent.top) || (rc.top > rcParent.bottom) ) { INT x = rcParent.left+(rcParent.right-rcParent.left)/2-(rc.right-rc.left)/2; INT y = rcParent.top +(rcParent.bottom-rcParent.top)/2-(rc.bottom-rc.top)/2; ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, x, y, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, -1, -1, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } return TRUE; } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnRecentOpen( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnRecentOpen ID=%d\n", uID-ID_MRU_FILE0 ); // DEBUGOUT( "Fname: \"%s\"\n", CRecent::GetName( (INT)uID-ID_MRU_FILE0 ) ); OnEmulationStart( CRecent::GetName( (INT)uID-ID_MRU_FILE0 ), FALSE ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnRecentOpenPath( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnRecentOpenPath ID=%d\n", uID-ID_MRU_FILE0 ); // DEBUGOUT( "Fname: \"%s\"\n", CRecent::GetPath( (INT)uID-ID_MRU_FILE0 ) ); if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.Pause(); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } } OPENFILENAME ofn; CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ZEROMEMORY( szFile, sizeof(szFile) ); ZEROMEMORY( &ofn, sizeof(ofn) ); CHAR szTitle[256]; CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_OPENROM, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "ヒモミソノモテホトシ (*.nes,*.unf,*.fds,*.nsf,*.lzh,*.zip,*.7z,*.cab)\0*.nes;*.unf;*.fds;*.nsf;*.lzh;*.zip;*.7z;*.cab\0" "NES ROM (*.nes,*.unf)\0*.nes*.unf\0" "FDS エナオサセオマ (*.fds)\0*.fds\0" "NES メタヨホトシ (*.nsf)\0*.nsf\0" "ムケヒホトシ (*.lzh,*.zip,*.7z,*.cab)\0*.lzh;*.zip;*.7z;*.cab\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.Flags = OFN_READONLY|OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = CRecent::GetPath( (INT)uID-ID_MRU_PATH0 ); if( ::GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { OnEmulationStart( szFile, FALSE ); } else { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } } while( Emu.IsPausing() ) { Emu.Resume(); } } WNDMSG CMainFrame::OnDropFiles( WNDMSGPARAM ) { DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnDropFiles\n" ); ::SetForegroundWindow( m_hWnd ); CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ::DragQueryFile( (HDROP)wParam, 0, szFile, _MAX_PATH ); ::DragFinish( (HDROP)wParam ); INT ret; if( (ret = ROM::IsRomFile( szFile )) >= 0 ) { DEBUGOUT( "ROMファイル CHK=%d\n", ret ); if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALHEADER ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return TRUE; OnEmulationStart( szFile, TRUE ); return TRUE; } else if( ret == 0 ) { OnEmulationStart( szFile, TRUE ); return TRUE; } } if( Emu.IsRunning() && !NetPlay.IsConnect() ) { if( (ret = NES::IsStateFile( szFile, Nes->rom )) >= 0 ) { DEBUGOUT( "ステートファイル CHK=%d\n", ret ); if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALSTATECRC ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return TRUE; } } Emu.EventParam2( CEmuThread::EV_STATE_LOAD, (INT)szFile, -1 ); } else if( (ret = NES::IsMovieFile( szFile, Nes->rom )) >= 0 ) { DEBUGOUT( "ムービーファイル CHK=%d\n", ret ); if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEOLD ) { ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONHAND|MB_OK ); return TRUE; } else if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEVER ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return TRUE; } } else if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIECRC ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return TRUE; } } Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MOVIE_PLAY, (INT)szFile ); } } return TRUE; } void CMainFrame::OnEmulationStart( LPCSTR szFile, BOOL bChecked ) { // サーチダイアログ終了 m_SearchDlg.Destroy(); // バーコード入力ダイアログ終了 m_DatachBarcodeDlg.Destroy(); // パターンビュア終了 // m_PatternView.Destroy(); // m_NameTableView.Destroy(); // m_PaletteView.Destroy(); // m_MemoryView.Destroy(); // エミュレーション終了 // Emu.Stop(); // DELETEPTR( Nes ); try { if( !bChecked ) { INT ret; if( (ret = ROM::IsRomFile( szFile )) != 0 ) { // 致命的なエラー if( ret == IDS_ERROR_OPEN ) { if( ::strlen(Config.path.szRomAutoRunPath ) > 0 ) { ::wsprintf(Config.path.szRomAutoRunPath, ".\\"); } // xxx ファイルを開けません ::wsprintf( szErrorString, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), szFile ); throw szErrorString; } if( ret == IDS_ERROR_READ ) { throw CApp::GetErrorString(ret); } if( ret == IDS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTFORMAT ) { throw CApp::GetErrorString(ret); } // YES/NOチェック if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALHEADER ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return; } // } else { // throw CApp::GetErrorString( IDS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTFORMAT ); } } // エミュレーション終了 Emu.Stop(); DELETEPTR( Nes ); if( (Nes = new NES(szFile)) ) { CRecent::Add( szFile ); if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); OnChangeMenu( FALSE ); } else { if( Config.emulator.bLoadFullscreen ) { ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)ID_FULLSCREEN, (LPARAM)0 ); } } // キャプションを変える { string str = VIRTUANES_CAPTION; str = str + " - " + Nes->rom->GetRomName(); ::SetWindowText( m_hWnd, str.c_str() ); } // エミュレーションスレッドスタート Emu.Start( m_hWnd, Nes ); } else { // xxx ファイルを開けません LPCSTR szErrStr = CApp::GetErrorString( IDS_ERROR_OPEN ); sprintf( szErrorString, szErrStr, szFile ); throw szErrorString; } } catch( CHAR* str ) { ::strcpy( szErrorString, str ); PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_VNS_ERRORMSG, 0, (LPARAM)szErrorString ); #ifndef _DEBUG } catch(...) { // 不明なエラーが発生しました ::strcpy( szErrorString, CApp::GetErrorString( IDS_ERROR_UNKNOWN ) ); PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_VNS_ERRORMSG, 0, (LPARAM)szErrorString ); #endif } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnRomInfo( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnRomInfo\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; CRomInfoDlg dlg; // メンバの設定 if(Nes->rom->IsUnifMapper()) ::strcpy( dlg.m_szName, Nes->rom->GetBoardName() ); else ::strcpy( dlg.m_szName, Nes->rom->GetRomName() ); dlg.m_nMapper = Nes->rom->GetMapperNo(); dlg.m_nPRG = Nes->rom->GetPROM_SIZE(); //for Game Star - Smart Genius (Unl) if(Nes->rom->GetPROM_SIZE()==0xff) dlg.m_nPRG = Nes->rom->GetPROM_SIZE()+1; dlg.m_nCHR = Nes->rom->GetVROM_SIZE(); dlg.m_bMirror = Nes->rom->IsVMIRROR(); dlg.m_bSram = Nes->rom->IsSAVERAM(); dlg.m_b4Screen = Nes->rom->Is4SCREEN(); dlg.m_bTrainer = Nes->rom->IsTRAINER(); dlg.m_bVSUnisystem = Nes->rom->IsVSUNISYSTEM(); if( Nes->rom->GetMapperNo() < 256 && Nes->rom->GetMapperNo() != 20 ) { dlg.m_dwCRC = Nes->rom->GetPROM_CRC(); dlg.m_dwCRCALL = Nes->rom->GetROM_CRC(); dlg.m_dwCRCCHR = Nes->rom->GetVROM_CRC(); } if(Nes->rom->IsUnifMapper()){ dlg.m_dwCRC = Nes->rom->GetPROM_CRC(); dlg.m_dwCRCCHR = Nes->rom->GetVROM_CRC(); } if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnWaveRecord( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnWaveRecord\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; if( Emu.IsWaveRecord() ) { // 録音中だったら止める Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_WAVEREC_STOP ); } else { // 初めてなら string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bWavePath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szWavePath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), "wav" ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", tempstr.c_str() ); OPENFILENAME ofn; CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ::strcpy( szFile, tempstr.c_str() ); ZEROMEMORY( &ofn, sizeof(ofn) ); CHAR szTitle[256]; CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_WAVERECORD, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "wav"; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "Wave Files(*.wav)\0*.wav\0All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = pathstr.c_str(); if( !m_bMenu ) Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); if( ::GetSaveFileName( &ofn ) ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_WAVEREC_START, (INT)szFile ); } if( !m_bMenu ) Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, FALSE ); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnLauncher( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnLauncher\n" ); if( !m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd ) { m_LauncherDlg.Create( NULL ); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } // ダイアログを中央に移動する:) RECT rcParent, rc; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcParent ); ::GetWindowRect( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, &rc ); INT x = rcParent.left+(rcParent.right-rcParent.left)/2-(rc.right-rc.left)/2; INT y = rcParent.top +(rcParent.bottom-rcParent.top)/2-(rc.bottom-rc.top)/2; ::SetWindowPos( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, x, y, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); ::SetWindowPos( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } ::ShowWindow( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnNetPlayConnect( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; if( Nes->IsMoviePlay() || Nes->IsMovieRec() ) return; if( NetPlay.IsConnect() ) return; Emu.Pause(); if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); CNetPlayDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { if( !m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd ) { m_ChatDlg.Create( NULL ); } ::ShowWindow( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_NETPLAY_START ); // test if( !Config.emulator.bBackground ) { Emu.Resume(); } } if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); Emu.Resume(); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnNetPlayDisconnect( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !NetPlay.IsConnect() ) return; Emu.Pause(); NetPlay.Disconnect(); Emu.Resume(); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnNetPlayChat( WNDCMDPARAM ) { DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnNetPlayChat\n" ); if( !NetPlay.IsConnect() ) return; if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } // ダイアログが画面外ならば中央に移動する:) RECT rcParent, rc; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcParent ); ::GetWindowRect( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, &rc ); if( (rc.right < rcParent.left) || (rc.left > rcParent.right) || (rc.bottom < rcParent.top) || (rc.top > rcParent.bottom) ) { INT x = rcParent.left+(rcParent.right-rcParent.left)/2-(rc.right-rc.left)/2; INT y = rcParent.top +(rcParent.bottom-rcParent.top)/2-(rc.bottom-rc.top)/2; ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, x, y, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, -1, -1, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW ); } // ::ShowWindow( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnSearch( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnSearch\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; if( !m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd ) { m_SearchDlg.Create( NULL ); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } // ダイアログを中央に移動する:) RECT rcParent, rc; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcParent ); ::GetWindowRect( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd, &rc ); INT x = rcParent.left+(rcParent.right-rcParent.left)/2-(rc.right-rc.left)/2; INT y = rcParent.top +(rcParent.bottom-rcParent.top)/2-(rc.bottom-rc.top)/2; ::SetWindowPos( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, x, y, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); ::SetWindowPos( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } ::ShowWindow( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnCheat( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnCheat\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; // if( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd ) { // if( ::IsWindowVisible( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd ) ) // return; // } if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); CCheatCodeDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnGenie( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnGenie\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; Emu.Pause(); string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bCheatPath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szCheatPath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), "gen" ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", tempstr.c_str() ); OPENFILENAME ofn; CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ::strcpy( szFile, tempstr.c_str() ); ZEROMEMORY( &ofn, sizeof(ofn) ); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "GameGeine Files(*.gen)\0*.gen\0All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = pathstr.c_str(); CHAR szTitle[256]; CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_LOADGENIECODE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if( ::GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { Nes->GenieLoad( szFile ); } Emu.Resume(); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnCheatCommand( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnCheatCommand\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; if( uID == ID_CHEAT_ENABLE ) { Nes->SetCheatCodeAllFlag( TRUE, TRUE ); } else if( uID == ID_CHEAT_DISABLE ) { Nes->SetCheatCodeAllFlag( FALSE, TRUE ); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnDatachBacode( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnDatachBacode\n" ); if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; if( !m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd ) { m_DatachBarcodeDlg.Create( NULL ); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } // ダイアログを中央に移動する:) RECT rcParent, rc; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcParent ); ::GetWindowRect( m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd, &rc ); INT x = rcParent.left+(rcParent.right-rcParent.left)/2-(rc.right-rc.left)/2; INT y = rcParent.top +(rcParent.bottom-rcParent.top)/2-(rc.bottom-rc.top)/2; ::SetWindowPos( m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd, NULL, x, y, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); ::SetWindowPos( m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } ::ShowWindow( m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnDipSwitch( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnDipSwitch\n" ); CDipSwitchDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnEmulatorCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnEmulatorCfg\n" ); CEmulatorDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { Emu.SetPriority( Config.emulator.nPriority ); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnGraphicsCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnGraphicsCfg\n" ); CGraphicsDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { Emu.Pause(); // サーフェスをリビルドする必要があるかのチェック BOOL bRebuildDirectDraw = FALSE; BOOL bRebuildSurface = FALSE; BOOL bMenuOFF = FALSE; if( DirectDraw.GetUseHEL() != Config.graphics.bUseHEL ) bRebuildDirectDraw = TRUE; if( DirectDraw.GetSystemMemory() != Config.graphics.bSystemMemory ) bRebuildSurface = TRUE; // DirectDrawオプションの設定 DirectDraw.SetFlipMode ( Config.graphics.bSyncDraw ); DirectDraw.SetAspectMode ( Config.graphics.bAspect ); DirectDraw.SetAllLineMode ( Config.graphics.bAllLine ); DirectDraw.SetMaxZoom ( Config.graphics.bFitZoom ); DirectDraw.SetTVFrameMode ( Config.graphics.bTVFrame ); DirectDraw.SetScanlineMode ( Config.graphics.bScanline ); DirectDraw.SetScanlineColor( Config.graphics.nScanlineColor ); DirectDraw.SetUseHEL ( Config.graphics.bUseHEL ); DirectDraw.SetDoubleSize ( Config.graphics.bDoubleSize ); DirectDraw.SetSystemMemory( Config.graphics.bSystemMemory ); DirectDraw.SetWindowVSyncMode( Config.graphics.bWindowVSync ); if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { // スクリーンモードの変更があった場合 if( !DirectDraw.IsNowDisplayMode( Config.graphics.dwDisplayWidth, Config.graphics.dwDisplayHeight, Config.graphics.dwDisplayDepth, Config.graphics.dwDisplayRate ) ) { if( !bRebuildDirectDraw ) DirectDraw.BeginDisplayChange(); // スクリーンモードの設定 DirectDraw.SetDisplayMode( Config.graphics.dwDisplayWidth, Config.graphics.dwDisplayHeight, Config.graphics.dwDisplayDepth, Config.graphics.dwDisplayRate ); DirectDraw.SetScreenMode( Config.general.bScreenMode ); if( !bRebuildDirectDraw ) DirectDraw.EndDisplayChange(); ::SetWindowPos( m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), SWP_SHOWWINDOW ); // パレット ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0 ); // サーフェスは再構築されたので二度は行わない bRebuildSurface = FALSE; bMenuOFF = TRUE; } } else { OnSetWindowSize(); } if( bRebuildDirectDraw ) { DirectDraw.ReleaseDDraw(); DirectDraw.InitialDDraw( m_hWnd ); DirectDraw.InitialSurface( Config.general.bScreenMode ); bMenuOFF = TRUE; } else if( bRebuildSurface ) { DirectDraw.ReleaseSurface(); DirectDraw.InitialSurface( Config.general.bScreenMode ); bMenuOFF = TRUE; } if( Config.general.bScreenMode && bMenuOFF ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnChangeMenu( FALSE ); } } Emu.Resume(); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnSoundCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnSoundCfg\n" ); CSoundDlg dlg; DWORD rate, bits; DirectSound.GetSamplingRate( rate, bits ); BOOL bSoundOn = DirectSound.IsStreamPlay(); if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { if( Config.sound.nRate != (INT)rate || Config.sound.nBits != (INT)bits || Config.sound.nBufferSize != DirectSound.GetBufferSize() ) { Emu.Pause(); if( bSoundOn ) { DirectSound.StreamStop(); } DirectSound.ReleaseBuffer(); DirectSound.SetSamplingRate( Config.sound.nRate, Config.sound.nBits ); DirectSound.SetBufferSize( Config.sound.nBufferSize ); if( DirectSound.InitialBuffer() ) { if( Nes ) { Nes->SoundSetup(); } if( bSoundOn ) { DirectSound.StreamPlay(); DirectSound.StreamPause(); } } Emu.Resume(); } } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnControllerCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnControllerCfg\n" ); CControllerDlg dlg; CWndHook::SetFiltering( TRUE ); dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); CWndHook::SetFiltering( FALSE ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnShortcutCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnShortcutCfg\n" ); CShortcutDlg dlg; CWndHook::SetFiltering( TRUE ); if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, NULL ); ::DestroyMenu( m_hMenu ); // メニューの再ロード m_hMenu = CApp::LoadMenu( IDR_MENU ); CApp::SetMenu( m_hMenu ); ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, m_hMenu ); OnRebuildMenu(); } CWndHook::SetFiltering( FALSE ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnFolderCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnFolderCfg\n" ); CFolderDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnLanguageCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnLanguageCfg\n" ); CLanguageDlg dlg; if( dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ) == IDOK ) { // ランチャー起動中ならば閉じる BOOL bLauncher = FALSE; BOOL bLauncherVisible = FALSE; if( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd && ::IsWindow(m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd) ) { bLauncherVisible = ::IsWindowVisible( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd ); bLauncher = TRUE; m_LauncherDlg.Destroy(); } // チャットダイアログは閉じる BOOL bChat = FALSE; BOOL bChatVisible = FALSE; if( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd && ::IsWindow(m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd) ) { bChatVisible = ::IsWindowVisible( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd ); bChat = TRUE; m_ChatDlg.Destroy(); } // サーチダイアログは閉じる if( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd && ::IsWindow(m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd) ) { m_SearchDlg.Destroy(); } // バーコード入力ダイアログは閉じる if( m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd && ::IsWindow(m_DatachBarcodeDlg.m_hWnd) ) { m_DatachBarcodeDlg.Destroy(); } // メニューの破棄 ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, NULL ); ::DestroyMenu( m_hMenu ); // 元のプラグインの開放 ::FreeLibrary( CApp::GetPlugin() ); // 新しいプラグインのロード HINSTANCE hPlugin; if( !(hPlugin = ::LoadLibrary( CPlugin::GetPluginPath() )) ) { ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, "Language plug-in load failed.", "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK ); ::PostMessage( m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); return; } CApp::SetPlugin( hPlugin ); // メニューの再ロード m_hMenu = CApp::LoadMenu( IDR_MENU ); CApp::SetMenu( m_hMenu ); ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, m_hMenu ); OnRebuildMenu(); // ランチャー再起動 if( bLauncher ) { m_LauncherDlg.Create( NULL ); if( bLauncherVisible ) { ::ShowWindow( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } } // チャット再起動 if( bChat ) { m_ChatDlg.Create( NULL ); if( bChatVisible ) { ::ShowWindow( m_ChatDlg.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } } ::SetForegroundWindow( m_hWnd ); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnMovieCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnMovieCfg\n" ); CMovieDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnGameOptionCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnGameOptionCfg\n" ); CGameOptionDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnJoyAxisCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnJoyAxisCfg\n" ); CJoyAxisDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); DirectInput.SetJoyAxisMode( Config.general.JoyAxisSetting ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnPaletteEditCfg( WNDCMDPARAM ) { DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnPaletteEditCfg\n" ); if( !m_PaletteEdit.m_hWnd ) { m_PaletteEdit.Create( NULL ); } if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, TRUE ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } // ダイアログを中央に移動する:) RECT rcParent, rc; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcParent ); ::GetWindowRect( m_PaletteEdit.m_hWnd, &rc ); INT x = rcParent.left+(rcParent.right-rcParent.left)/2-(rc.right-rc.left)/2; INT y = rcParent.top +(rcParent.bottom-rcParent.top)/2-(rc.bottom-rc.top)/2; ::SetWindowPos( m_PaletteEdit.m_hWnd, NULL, x, y, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); ::SetWindowPos( m_PaletteEdit.m_hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } else { ::SetWindowPos( m_PaletteEdit.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); } ::ShowWindow( m_PaletteEdit.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnFullScreen( WNDCMDPARAM ) { DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnFullScreen\n" ); m_bKeyEnable = FALSE; // 危険なので... Emu.Pause(); Config.general.bScreenMode = !Config.general.bScreenMode; // OnChangeMenu( FALSE ); if( !Config.general.bScreenMode ) { // FullScreen to Window mode DirectDraw.BeginDisplayChange(); // 位置の復帰 ::SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, m_StyleBackup ); ::SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, m_ExStyleBackup ); ::SetWindowPlacement( m_hWnd, &m_WindowPlacement ); } else { // Window to FullScreen mode // 位置の保存 // m_bZoomed = ::IsZoomed( m_hWnd ); m_WindowPlacement.length = sizeof(m_WindowPlacement); ::GetWindowPlacement( m_hWnd, &m_WindowPlacement ); m_StyleBackup = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); m_ExStyleBackup = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ); ::SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP ); ::SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, 0 ); // スクリーンモードの設定 DirectDraw.SetDisplayMode( Config.graphics.dwDisplayWidth, Config.graphics.dwDisplayHeight, Config.graphics.dwDisplayDepth, Config.graphics.dwDisplayRate ); DirectDraw.BeginDisplayChange(); } // OnChangeMenu( FALSE ); DirectDraw.SetScreenMode( Config.general.bScreenMode ); DirectDraw.EndDisplayChange(); if( !Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd && ::IsWindow(m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd) ) { ::SetWindowPos( m_LauncherDlg.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } OnChangeMenu( TRUE ); ::SetForegroundWindow( m_hWnd ); ::RedrawWindow( m_hWnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_FRAME|RDW_INVALIDATE ); } else { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { OnChangeMenu( FALSE ); } else { OnChangeMenu( TRUE ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), SWP_SHOWWINDOW ); } // 危険なので... Emu.Resume(); m_bKeyEnable = TRUE; } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnZoom( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnZoom %d\n", uID-ID_ZOOMx1 ); // フルスクリーン時は無視 if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) return; Config.general.nScreenZoom = (INT)(uID-ID_ZOOMx1); OnSetWindowSize(); CHAR szStr[64]; ::wsprintf( szStr, "Screen Zoom *%d", uID-ID_ZOOMx1+1 ); Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)szStr ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnViewCommand( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; switch( uID ) { case ID_VIEW_PATTERN: if( !m_PatternView.m_hWnd ) { m_PatternView.Create( HWND_DESKTOP ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_PatternView.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); break; case ID_VIEW_NAMETABLE: if( !m_NameTableView.m_hWnd ) { m_NameTableView.Create( HWND_DESKTOP ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_NameTableView.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); break; case ID_VIEW_PALETTE: if( !m_PaletteView.m_hWnd ) { m_PaletteView.Create( HWND_DESKTOP ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_PaletteView.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); break; case ID_VIEW_MEMORY: if( !m_MemoryView.m_hWnd ) { m_MemoryView.Create( HWND_DESKTOP ); } ::SetWindowPos( m_MemoryView.m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE ); break; default: break; } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnEmuCommand( WNDCMDPARAM ) { // DEBUGOUT( "CMainFrame::OnEmuCommand %d\n", uID ); switch( uID ) { case ID_HWRESET: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_HWRESET ); break; case ID_SWRESET: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_SWRESET ); break; case ID_PAUSE: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_EMUPAUSE ); break; case ID_ONEFRAME: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_ONEFRAME ); break; case ID_THROTTLE: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_THROTTLE ); break; case ID_FRAMESKIP_UP: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_FRAMESKIP_UP ); break; case ID_FRAMESKIP_DOWN: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_FRAMESKIP_DOWN ); break; case ID_FRAMESKIP_AUTO: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_FRAMESKIP_AUTO ); break; case ID_STATE_UP: { CHAR szStr[64]; if( ++m_nStateSlot > 10-1 ) { m_nStateSlot = 0; } ::wsprintf( szStr, "State Slot #%d", m_nStateSlot ); Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)szStr ); } break; case ID_STATE_DOWN: { CHAR szStr[64]; if( --m_nStateSlot < 0 ) { m_nStateSlot = 10-1; } ::wsprintf( szStr, "State Slot #%d", m_nStateSlot ); Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)szStr ); } break; case ID_STATE_SLOT0: case ID_STATE_SLOT1: case ID_STATE_SLOT2: case ID_STATE_SLOT3: case ID_STATE_SLOT4: case ID_STATE_SLOT5: case ID_STATE_SLOT6: case ID_STATE_SLOT7: case ID_STATE_SLOT8: case ID_STATE_SLOT9: m_nStateSlot = (INT)(uID-ID_STATE_SLOT0); { CHAR szStr[64]; ::wsprintf( szStr, "State Slot #%d", m_nStateSlot ); Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)szStr ); } break; case ID_DISK_EJECT: case ID_DISK_0A: case ID_DISK_0B: case ID_DISK_1A: case ID_DISK_1B: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_DISK_COMMAND, (LONG)(uID-ID_DISK_EJECT) ); break; case ID_MUTE_0: case ID_MUTE_1: case ID_MUTE_2: case ID_MUTE_3: case ID_MUTE_4: case ID_MUTE_5: case ID_MUTE_6: case ID_MUTE_7: case ID_MUTE_8: case ID_MUTE_9: case ID_MUTE_A: case ID_MUTE_B: case ID_MUTE_C: case ID_MUTE_D: case ID_MUTE_E: case ID_MUTE_F: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_SOUND_MUTE, (LONG)(uID-ID_MUTE_0) ); break; case ID_EXCTR_NONE: case ID_EXCTR_PADDLE: case ID_EXCTR_HYPERSHOT: case ID_EXCTR_ZAPPER: case ID_EXCTR_KEYBOARD: case ID_EXCTR_SUBOR_KEYBOARD: case ID_EXCTR_CRAZYCLIMBER: case ID_EXCTR_SPACESHADOWGUN: case ID_EXCTR_FAMILYTRAINER_A: case ID_EXCTR_FAMILYTRAINER_B: case ID_EXCTR_MAHJANG: case ID_EXCTR_EXCITINGBOXING: case ID_EXCTR_OEKAKIDS_TABLET: case ID_EXCTR_TURBOFILE: case ID_EXCTR_CHINA_EDUCATIONAL_MOUSE: case ID_EXCTR_VSUNISYSTEM: case ID_EXCTR_VSUNISYSTEM_ZAPPER: if(uID>=ID_EXCTR_CRAZYCLIMBER){ uID++; }else if(uID==ID_EXCTR_SUBOR_KEYBOARD){ uID=ID_EXCTR_CRAZYCLIMBER; } Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_EXCONTROLLER, uID-ID_EXCTR_NONE ); break; case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK0: case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK1: case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK2: case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK3: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_TURBOFILE, uID-ID_TURBOFILE_BANK0 ); break; case ID_SNAPSHOT: Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_SNAPSHOT ); break; case ID_TVASPECT: Config.graphics.bAspect = !Config.graphics.bAspect; Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetAspectMode( Config.graphics.bAspect ); if( !Config.general.bScreenMode ) OnSetWindowSize(); Emu.Resume(); break; case ID_SCANLINE: Config.graphics.bScanline = !Config.graphics.bScanline; Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetScanlineMode( Config.graphics.bScanline ); Emu.Resume(); break; case ID_ALLLINE: Config.graphics.bAllLine = !Config.graphics.bAllLine; Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetAllLineMode( Config.graphics.bAllLine ); if( !Config.general.bScreenMode ) OnSetWindowSize(); Emu.Resume(); break; case ID_ALLSPRITE: Config.graphics.bAllSprite = !Config.graphics.bAllSprite; break; case ID_SYNCDRAW: Config.graphics.bSyncDraw = !Config.graphics.bSyncDraw; Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetFlipMode( Config.graphics.bSyncDraw ); Emu.Resume(); break; case ID_FITSCREEN: Config.graphics.bFitZoom = !Config.graphics.bFitZoom; Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetMaxZoom( Config.graphics.bFitZoom ); Emu.Resume(); break; case ID_TVFRAME: Config.graphics.bTVFrame = !Config.graphics.bTVFrame; Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetTVFrameMode( Config.graphics.bTVFrame ); Emu.Resume(); break; case ID_FPSDISP: Config.graphics.bFPSDisp = !Config.graphics.bFPSDisp; break; case ID_LEFTCLIP: Config.graphics.bLeftClip = !Config.graphics.bLeftClip; break; case ID_FILTER_NONE: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)"Filter: None" ); goto _gohell; case ID_FILTER_2XSAI: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)"Filter: 2xSaI" ); goto _gohell; case ID_FILTER_SUPER2XSAI: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)"Filter: Super2xSaI" ); goto _gohell; case ID_FILTER_SUPEREAGLE: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)"Filter: SuperEagle" ); goto _gohell; case ID_FILTER_SCALE2X: Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MESSAGE_OUT, (LONG)"Filter: Scale2x" ); // goto _gohell; _gohell: Config.graphics.nGraphicsFilter = (INT)(uID-ID_FILTER_NONE); Emu.Pause(); DirectDraw.SetGraphicsFilter( Config.graphics.nGraphicsFilter ); Emu.Resume(); break; default: break; } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnStateCommand( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() ) return; CHAR st[16]; ::wsprintf( st, "st%1X", m_nStateSlot ); string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bStatePath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szStatePath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", pathstr.c_str() ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), st ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", tempstr.c_str() ); if( uID == ID_STATE_LOAD ) { INT ret; if( (ret = NES::IsStateFile( tempstr.c_str(), Nes->rom )) >= 0 ) { if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALSTATECRC ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return; } } } Emu.EventParam2( CEmuThread::EV_STATE_LOAD, (INT)tempstr.c_str(), m_nStateSlot ); } if( uID == ID_STATE_SAVE ) { Emu.EventParam2( CEmuThread::EV_STATE_SAVE, (INT)tempstr.c_str(), m_nStateSlot ); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnStateCommand2( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() ) return; BOOL bLoad = FALSE; INT slot = 0; if( uID >= ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT0 && uID <= ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT9 ) { bLoad = TRUE; slot = uID - ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT0; } else { bLoad = FALSE; slot = uID - ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT0; } CHAR st[16]; ::wsprintf( st, "st%1X", slot ); string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bStatePath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szStatePath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", pathstr.c_str() ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), st ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", tempstr.c_str() ); if( bLoad ) { INT ret; if( (ret = NES::IsStateFile( tempstr.c_str(), Nes->rom )) >= 0 ) { if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALSTATECRC ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return; } } } Emu.EventParam2( CEmuThread::EV_STATE_LOAD, (INT)tempstr.c_str(), slot ); } if( !bLoad ) { Emu.EventParam2( CEmuThread::EV_STATE_SAVE, (INT)tempstr.c_str(), slot ); } } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnMovieCommand( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() ) return; if( uID == ID_MOVIE_STOP ) { Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_MOVIE_STOP ); return; } Emu.Pause(); if( Config.general.bScreenMode && !m_bMenu ) { OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bMoviePath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szMoviePath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), "vmv" ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", tempstr.c_str() ); OPENFILENAME ofn; CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ::strcpy( szFile, tempstr.c_str() ); ZEROMEMORY( &ofn, sizeof(ofn) ); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "vmv"; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "Movie Files(*.vmv)\0*.vmv\0All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = pathstr.c_str(); CHAR szTitle[256]; if( uID == ID_MOVIE_PLAY ) { CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_PLAYMOVIE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if( ::GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { INT ret; if( (ret = NES::IsMovieFile( szFile, Nes->rom )) >= 0 ) { if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEOLD ) { ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONHAND|MB_OK ); goto _Movie_Play_Failed; } else if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEVER ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) goto _Movie_Play_Failed; } } else if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIECRC ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(ret), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) goto _Movie_Play_Failed; } } Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MOVIE_PLAY, (INT)szFile ); } _Movie_Play_Failed:; } } if( uID == ID_MOVIE_REC ) { ofn.Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_RECMOVIE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if( ::GetSaveFileName( &ofn ) ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MOVIE_REC, (INT)szFile ); } } if( uID == ID_MOVIE_REC_APPEND ) { CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_APPENDMOVIE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if( ::GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { INT ret; if( (ret = NES::IsMovieFile( szFile, Nes->rom )) >= 0 ) { if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEOLD ) { ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEOLD_A), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONHAND|MB_OK ); goto _Movie_Append_Failed; } else if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEVER ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIEVER_A), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) goto _Movie_Append_Failed; } } else if( ret == IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIECRC ) { if( Config.emulator.bCrcCheck ) { if( ::MessageBox( m_hWnd, CApp::GetErrorString(IDS_ERROR_ILLEGALMOVIECRC_A), "VirtuaNES", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) goto _Movie_Append_Failed; } } Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MOVIE_RECAPPEND, (INT)szFile ); } else { // 新規作成と同じ Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_MOVIE_REC, (INT)szFile ); } } _Movie_Append_Failed:; } if( Config.general.bScreenMode && !m_bMenu ) { OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } Emu.Resume(); } void CMainFrame::OnMovieInfo( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() || !Nes ) return; if( !(Nes->IsMoviePlay() || Nes->IsMovieRec()) ) return; CMovieInfoDlg dlg; // メンバの設定 Nes->GetMovieInfo( dlg.m_wRecVersion, dlg.m_wVersion, dlg.m_dwFrames, dlg.m_dwRerecordTimes ); if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); dlg.DoModal( m_hWnd ); if( !m_bMenu ) OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } WNDCMD CMainFrame::OnTapeCommand( WNDCMDPARAM ) { if( !Emu.IsRunning() ) return; if( uID == ID_TAPE_STOP ) { Emu.Event( CEmuThread::EV_TAPE_STOP ); return; } Emu.Pause(); if( Config.general.bScreenMode && !m_bMenu ) { OnFullScreenGDI( TRUE ); } string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bSavePath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szSavePath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), "vtp" ); DEBUGOUT( "Path: %s\n", tempstr.c_str() ); OPENFILENAME ofn; CHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; ::strcpy( szFile, tempstr.c_str() ); ZEROMEMORY( &ofn, sizeof(ofn) ); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "vtp"; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "Tape Files(*.vtp)\0*.vtp\0All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = pathstr.c_str(); CHAR szTitle[256]; if( uID == ID_TAPE_PLAY ) { CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_PLAYTAPE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if( ::GetOpenFileName( &ofn ) ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_TAPE_PLAY, (INT)szFile ); } } if( uID == ID_TAPE_REC ) { ofn.Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; CApp::LoadString( IDS_UI_RECTAPE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; if( ::GetSaveFileName( &ofn ) ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_TAPE_REC, (INT)szFile ); } } if( Config.general.bScreenMode && !m_bMenu ) { OnFullScreenGDI( FALSE ); } Emu.Resume(); } void CMainFrame::OnFullScreenGDI( BOOL bFlag ) { if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, (INT)bFlag ); } } } void CMainFrame::OnShowCursor( BOOL bFlag ) { if( !bFlag ) { if( m_bCursor ) { while( ::ShowCursor( FALSE ) >= 0 ); m_bCursor = FALSE; } } else { if( !m_bCursor ) { while( ::ShowCursor( TRUE ) < 0 ); m_bCursor = TRUE; } } } void CMainFrame::OnChangeMenu( BOOL bFlag ) { if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) { if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { Emu.EventParam( CEmuThread::EV_FULLSCREEN_GDI, (INT)bFlag ); } else { DirectDraw.SetFullScreenGDI( bFlag ); } } if( m_bMenu ) { if( !bFlag ) { ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, NULL ); m_bMenu = FALSE; } } else { if( bFlag ) { ::SetMenu( m_hWnd, m_hMenu ); m_bMenu = TRUE; ::DrawMenuBar( m_hWnd ); } } // OnShowCursor( m_bMenu ); } void CMainFrame::OnSetWindowSize() { // ウインドウモードの時だけ if( Config.general.bScreenMode ) return; LONG width, height; if( !Config.graphics.bAspect ) width = CDirectDraw::SCREEN_WIDTH; else width = (LONG)((CDirectDraw::SCREEN_WIDTH)*1.25); if( !Config.graphics.bAllLine ) height = CDirectDraw::SCREEN_HEIGHT-16; else height = CDirectDraw::SCREEN_HEIGHT; width *= Config.general.nScreenZoom+1; height *= Config.general.nScreenZoom+1; RECT rcW, rcC; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcW ); ::GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &rcC ); rcW.right += width -(rcC.right-rcC.left); rcW.bottom += height-(rcC.bottom-rcC.top); ::SetWindowPos( m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, rcW.left, rcW.top, rcW.right-rcW.left, rcW.bottom-rcW.top, SWP_NOZORDER ); // メニューが折り返されると縦が小さくなる事があるので再修正 ::GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &rcC ); if( (rcC.bottom-rcC.top) != height ) { ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &rcW ); ::GetClientRect( m_hWnd, &rcC ); rcW.right += width -(rcC.right-rcC.left); rcW.bottom += height-(rcC.bottom-rcC.top); ::SetWindowPos( m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, rcW.left, rcW.top, rcW.right-rcW.left, rcW.bottom-rcW.top, SWP_NOZORDER ); } // 最大表示時にサイズを変更した場合の最大表示の解除及びボタンの再描画 LONG style = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); style &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE; ::SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, style ); ::RedrawWindow( m_hWnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_FRAME|RDW_INVALIDATE ); // 位置保存しなおし m_bZoomed = FALSE; ::GetWindowRect( m_hWnd, &m_WindowRect ); } void CMainFrame::OnRebuildMenu() { CHAR szMenuString[256]; string str; for( INT i = 0; CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0]; i++ ) { ::GetMenuString( m_hMenu, CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0], szMenuString, 256, MF_BYCOMMAND ); INT id, code; id = CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+2]; code = Config.shortcut.nShortCut[id]; if( code != 0 ) { string temp = szMenuString; temp = temp + "\t"; temp = temp + Config.ShortcutToKeyName( code ); ::ModifyMenu( m_hMenu, CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0], MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_STRING, CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0], temp.c_str() ); } } } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uID ) { BOOL bEnable = FALSE; BOOL bCheck = FALSE; BOOL bEmu = Emu.IsRunning(); BOOL bScn = Config.general.bScreenMode; switch( uID ) { case ID_CLOSE: case ID_ROMINFO: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_NETPLAY_CONNECT: if( bEmu ) bEnable = !(Nes->IsMoviePlay() || Nes->IsMovieRec() || Nes->rom->IsNSF()); else bEnable = FALSE; ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|((bEnable&&bEmu&&NetPlay.IsNetPlay()&&!NetPlay.IsConnect())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT: case ID_NETPLAY_CHAT: if( bEmu ) bEnable = !(Nes->IsMoviePlay() || Nes->IsMovieRec() || Nes->rom->IsNSF()); else bEnable = FALSE; ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|((bEnable&&bEmu&&NetPlay.IsNetPlay()&&NetPlay.IsConnect())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_WAVERECORD: bCheck = bEmu && Emu.IsWaveRecord(); ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bCheck?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_HWRESET: case ID_SWRESET: case ID_PAUSE: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_STATE_LOAD: case ID_STATE_SAVE: if( Nes ) { bEnable = bEmu && !Nes->rom->IsNSF(); } else { bEnable = bEmu; } ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_STATE_SLOT0: case ID_STATE_SLOT1: case ID_STATE_SLOT2: case ID_STATE_SLOT3: case ID_STATE_SLOT4: case ID_STATE_SLOT5: case ID_STATE_SLOT6: case ID_STATE_SLOT7: case ID_STATE_SLOT8: case ID_STATE_SLOT9: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT0: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT1: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT2: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT3: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT4: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT5: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT6: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT7: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT8: case ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT9: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT0: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT1: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT2: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT3: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT4: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT5: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT6: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT7: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT8: case ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT9: // 日時表示(結構面倒w) { CHAR szMenuString[256]; CHAR* pToken; const UCHAR seps[] = " \t\0"; // セパレータ // ID番号からインデックスを探す for( INT i = 0; CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0] != uID; i++ ); ::GetMenuString( m_hMenu, CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0], szMenuString, 256, MF_BYCOMMAND ); if( (pToken = (CHAR*)_mbstok( (UCHAR*)szMenuString, seps )) ) { string str = pToken; if( Emu.IsRunning() && Nes ) { CHAR temp[256]; if( uID >= ID_STATE_SLOT0 && uID <= ID_STATE_SLOT9 ) ::wsprintf( temp, "st%1X", CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0]-ID_STATE_SLOT0 ); else if( uID >= ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT0 && uID <= ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT9 ) ::wsprintf( temp, "st%1X", CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0]-ID_QUICKLOAD_SLOT0 ); else ::wsprintf( temp, "st%1X", CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0]-ID_QUICKSAVE_SLOT0 ); string pathstr, tempstr; if( Config.path.bStatePath ) { pathstr = CPathlib::CreatePath( CApp::GetModulePath(), Config.path.szStatePath ); ::CreateDirectory( pathstr.c_str(), NULL ); } else { pathstr = Nes->rom->GetRomPath(); } tempstr = CPathlib::MakePathExt( pathstr.c_str(), Nes->rom->GetRomName(), temp ); HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile( tempstr.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi; FILETIME filetime; SYSTEMTIME systime; ::GetFileInformationByHandle( hFile, &fi ); ::FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &fi.ftLastWriteTime, &filetime ); ::FileTimeToSystemTime( &filetime, &systime ); ::wsprintf( temp,"%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", systime.wYear, systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, systime.wHour, systime.wMinute, systime.wSecond ); ::CloseHandle( hFile ); str = str + " "; str = str + temp; } else { str = str + " not exist"; } } INT code = Config.shortcut.nShortCut[CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+2]]; if( code ) { str = str + "\t"; str = str + Config.ShortcutToKeyName( code ); } ::ModifyMenu( m_hMenu, CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0], MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_STRING, CConfig::ShortcutKeyID[i*3+0], str.c_str() ); } if( !(uID >= ID_STATE_SLOT0 && uID <= ID_STATE_SLOT9) ) { ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); } if( uID >= ID_STATE_SLOT0 && uID <= ID_STATE_SLOT9 ) { ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(m_nStateSlot==(INT)(uID-ID_STATE_SLOT0)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); } } break; case ID_ZOOMx1: case ID_ZOOMx2: case ID_ZOOMx3: case ID_ZOOMx4: if( bScn ) ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_GRAYED ); else ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_ENABLED ); ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(Config.general.nScreenZoom==(uID-ID_ZOOMx1)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_FILTER_NONE: case ID_FILTER_2XSAI: case ID_FILTER_SUPER2XSAI: case ID_FILTER_SUPEREAGLE: case ID_FILTER_SCALE2X: ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(Config.graphics.nGraphicsFilter==(uID-ID_FILTER_NONE)?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_DISK_EJECT: case ID_DISK_0A: case ID_DISK_0B: case ID_DISK_1A: case ID_DISK_1B: if( Nes ) { INT no = Nes->GetDiskNo(); bEnable = bEmu && !(Nes->rom->GetMapperNo() != 20 || Nes->rom->IsNSF() || (!no || (uID-ID_DISK_EJECT)>no)); } else { bEnable = bEmu; } ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_MOVIE_PLAY: case ID_MOVIE_REC: case ID_MOVIE_REC_APPEND: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|((bEmu&&!NetPlay.IsConnect())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_MOVIE_STOP: case ID_MOVIE_INFO: if( Nes ) { bEnable = Nes->IsMoviePlay() || Nes->IsMovieRec(); } else { bEnable = bEmu; } ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_TAPE_PLAY: case ID_TAPE_REC: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|((bEmu&&!NetPlay.IsConnect())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_TAPE_STOP: if( Nes ) { bEnable = Nes->IsTapePlay() || Nes->IsTapeRec(); } else { bEnable = bEmu; } ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_BARCODEBATTLER: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|((bEmu&&!NetPlay.IsConnect())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_VSUNISYSTEM_DIPSWITCH: bEnable = bEmu && ( (Nes->pad->GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_VSUNISYSTEM) ||(Nes->pad->GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_VSZAPPER) ); ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|((bEmu&&!NetPlay.IsConnect())?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_SNAPSHOT: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_EXCTR_NONE: case ID_EXCTR_PADDLE: case ID_EXCTR_HYPERSHOT: case ID_EXCTR_ZAPPER: case ID_EXCTR_KEYBOARD: case ID_EXCTR_SUBOR_KEYBOARD: case ID_EXCTR_CRAZYCLIMBER: case ID_EXCTR_TOPRIDER: case ID_EXCTR_SPACESHADOWGUN: case ID_EXCTR_FAMILYTRAINER_A: case ID_EXCTR_FAMILYTRAINER_B: case ID_EXCTR_EXCITINGBOXING: case ID_EXCTR_MAHJANG: case ID_EXCTR_OEKAKIDS_TABLET: case ID_EXCTR_TURBOFILE: case ID_EXCTR_CHINA_EDUCATIONAL_MOUSE: case ID_EXCTR_VSUNISYSTEM: case ID_EXCTR_VSUNISYSTEM_ZAPPER: { UINT tuID = uID; if(uID>=ID_EXCTR_CRAZYCLIMBER){ uID++; }else if(uID==ID_EXCTR_SUBOR_KEYBOARD){ uID=ID_EXCTR_CRAZYCLIMBER; } if( Nes ) { if( Nes->pad->GetExController() == (uID-ID_EXCTR_NONE) ) bCheck = TRUE; else bCheck = FALSE; } else { if( uID == ID_EXCTR_NONE ) bCheck = TRUE; else bCheck = FALSE; } ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, tuID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, tuID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bCheck?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; } case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK0: case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK1: case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK2: case ID_TURBOFILE_BANK3: if( Nes ) { bEnable = bEmu && (Nes->pad->GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_TURBOFILE); if( bEnable ) { if( Nes->GetTurboFileBank() == (uID-ID_TURBOFILE_BANK0) ) bCheck = TRUE; else bCheck = FALSE; } } ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bCheck?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_FULLSCREEN: ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bScn?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_FPSDISP: ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(Config.graphics.bFPSDisp?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_TVFRAME: ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(Config.graphics.bTVFrame?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); break; case ID_CFG_GAMEOPTION: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_SEARCH: case ID_CHEAT: case ID_CHEAT_ENABLE: case ID_CHEAT_DISABLE: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; #if 0 case ID_CHEAT: if( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd ) bEnable = bEmu && !::IsWindowVisible( m_SearchDlg.m_hWnd ); else bEnable = bEmu; ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEnable?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; #endif case ID_GENIE: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_VIEW_PATTERN: case ID_VIEW_NAMETABLE: case ID_VIEW_PALETTE: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; case ID_VIEW_MEMORY: case ID_VIEW_WATCH: ::EnableMenuItem( hMenu, uID, MF_BYCOMMAND|(bEmu?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED) ); break; default: break; } } void CMainFrame::OnKeyControl() { BYTE KeyInp[256+64*8]; // 20ms未満では受け付けないようにする if( (::timeGetTime()-m_dwKeyTime) < 20 ) return; m_dwKeyTime = ::timeGetTime(); ::memset( KeyInp, 0x00, sizeof(KeyInp) ); if( !m_bKeyEnable ) { // トリガを発生させないようにする為 ::memset( m_KeyBuf, 0x80, sizeof(m_KeyBuf) ); //DEBUGOUT( "Key Disable\n" ); return; } // トリガ&リピート生成 BYTE* pSw = (BYTE*)DirectInput.m_Sw; BYTE* pOld = (BYTE*)m_KeyBuf; BYTE* pCnt = (BYTE*)m_KeyCnt; BYTE* pKey = (BYTE*)KeyInp; for( INT i = 0; i < 256+64*8; i++ ) { pKey[i] = (pSw[i]&0x80) & ~(pOld[i]&0x80); if( pKey[i] ) { pCnt[i] = 14; } else if( pCnt[i] != 0 && (pSw[i]&0x80) ) { if( --pCnt[i] == 0 ) { pKey[i] = pSw[i]&0x80; pCnt[i] = 5; } else { pKey[i] = 0; } } } ::memcpy( m_KeyBuf, DirectInput.m_Sw, sizeof(DirectInput.m_Sw) ); //DEBUGOUT( "LMENU:%02X RMENU:%02X ENTER:%02X\n", m_KeyBuf[DIK_LMENU], m_KeyBuf[DIK_RMENU], KeyInp[DIK_RETURN] ); // イベント発信 BOOL bAltOnly = FALSE; if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { // ファミリーベーシックキーボードの時 if( Emu.GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_KEYBOARD || Emu.GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_Subor_KEYBOARD || Emu.GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_PEC_KEYBOARD || Emu.GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_Kingwon_KEYBOARD || Emu.GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_ZeCheng_KEYBOARD || Emu.GetExController() == PAD::EXCONTROLLER_CHINA_EDUCATIONAL_MOUSE || Emu.GetNES()->rom->GetMapperNo() == 169 ) //YuXing bAltOnly = TRUE; if( Emu.IsPausing() ) bAltOnly = FALSE; } WORD keyex = 0; if( m_KeyBuf[DIK_LMENU] || m_KeyBuf[DIK_RMENU] ) keyex = CCfgShortCut::K_ALT; if( m_KeyBuf[DIK_LCONTROL] || m_KeyBuf[DIK_RCONTROL] ) keyex = CCfgShortCut::K_CTRL; if( m_KeyBuf[DIK_LSHIFT] || m_KeyBuf[DIK_RSHIFT] ) keyex = CCfgShortCut::K_SHIFT; WORD* pShortCutKey = Config.shortcut.nShortCut; INT* pShortCutKeyID = Config.ShortcutKeyID; if( bAltOnly ) { INT no; WORD key, key2; for( INT i = 0; pShortCutKeyID[i*3+0]; i++ ) { no = pShortCutKeyID[i*3+2]; key = pShortCutKey[no]; key2 = pShortCutKey[no+128]; if( (key & 0xF000) == CCfgShortCut::K_ALT && keyex == CCfgShortCut::K_ALT && KeyInp[key&0x0FFF] && (key&0x0FFF) ) { ::PostMessage( CApp::GetHWnd(), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)pShortCutKeyID[i*3+0], (LPARAM)0 ); } if( (key2 & 0xF000) == CCfgShortCut::K_ALT && keyex == CCfgShortCut::K_ALT && KeyInp[key2&0x0FFF] && (key2&0x0FFF) ) { ::PostMessage( CApp::GetHWnd(), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)pShortCutKeyID[i*3+0], (LPARAM)0 ); } } } else { INT no; WORD key, key2; for( INT i = 0; pShortCutKeyID[i*3+0]; i++ ) { no = pShortCutKeyID[i*3+2]; key = pShortCutKey[no]; key2 = pShortCutKey[no+128]; if( (key & 0xF000) == keyex && KeyInp[key&0x0FFF] && (key&0x0FFF) ) { ::PostMessage( CApp::GetHWnd(), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)pShortCutKeyID[i*3+0], (LPARAM)0 ); } if( (key2 & 0xF000) == keyex && KeyInp[key2&0x0FFF] && (key2&0x0FFF) ) { ::PostMessage( CApp::GetHWnd(), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)pShortCutKeyID[i*3+0], (LPARAM)0 ); } } } } void _cdecl CMainFrame::KeyThreadProc( LPVOID lpParam ) { while( !m_bKeyThreadExit ) { ::Sleep( 20 ); // エミュレーション中以外こっちでやらない if( Emu.IsRunning() ) { continue; } else { DirectInput.Poll(); OnKeyControl(); } } _endthread(); }