#ifndef UI_EFFECT_INCLUDED #define UI_EFFECT_INCLUDED sampler2D _NoiseTex; sampler2D _ParamTex; #if GRAYSCALE | SEPIA | NEGA | PIXEL | MONO | CUTOFF | HUE #define UI_TONE #endif #if ADD | SUBTRACT | FILL #define UI_COLOR #endif #if FASTBLUR | MEDIUMBLUR | DETAILBLUR #define UI_BLUR #endif // Unpack float to low-precision [0-1] fixed4. fixed4 UnpackToVec4(float value) { const int PACKER_STEP = 64; const int PRECISION = PACKER_STEP - 1; fixed4 unpacked; unpacked.x = (value % PACKER_STEP) / PRECISION; value = floor(value / PACKER_STEP); unpacked.y = (value % PACKER_STEP) / PRECISION; value = floor(value / PACKER_STEP); unpacked.z = (value % PACKER_STEP) / PRECISION; value = floor(value / PACKER_STEP); unpacked.w = (value % PACKER_STEP) / PRECISION; return unpacked; } // Unpack float to low-precision [0-1] fixed3. fixed3 UnpackToVec3(float value) { const int PACKER_STEP = 256; const int PRECISION = PACKER_STEP - 1; fixed3 unpacked; unpacked.x = (value % (PACKER_STEP)) / (PACKER_STEP - 1); value = floor(value / (PACKER_STEP)); unpacked.y = (value % PACKER_STEP) / (PACKER_STEP - 1); value = floor(value / PACKER_STEP); unpacked.z = (value % PACKER_STEP) / (PACKER_STEP - 1); return unpacked; } // Unpack float to low-precision [0-1] half2. half2 UnpackToVec2(float value) { const int PACKER_STEP = 4096; const int PRECISION = PACKER_STEP - 1; half2 unpacked; unpacked.x = (value % (PACKER_STEP)) / (PACKER_STEP - 1); value = floor(value / (PACKER_STEP)); unpacked.y = (value % PACKER_STEP) / (PACKER_STEP - 1); return unpacked; } // Sample texture with blurring. // * Fast: Sample texture with 3x3 kernel. // * Medium: Sample texture with 5x5 kernel. // * Detail: Sample texture with 7x7 kernel. fixed4 Tex2DBlurring (sampler2D tex, half2 texcood, half2 blur, half4 mask) { #if FASTBLUR && EX const int KERNEL_SIZE = 5; const float KERNEL_[5] = { 0.2486, 0.7046, 1.0, 0.7046, 0.2486}; #elif MEDIUMBLUR && EX const int KERNEL_SIZE = 9; const float KERNEL_[9] = { 0.0438, 0.1719, 0.4566, 0.8204, 1.0, 0.8204, 0.4566, 0.1719, 0.0438}; #elif DETAILBLUR && EX const int KERNEL_SIZE = 13; const float KERNEL_[13] = { 0.0438, 0.1138, 0.2486, 0.4566, 0.7046, 0.9141, 1.0, 0.9141, 0.7046, 0.4566, 0.2486, 0.1138, 0.0438}; #elif FASTBLUR const int KERNEL_SIZE = 3; const float KERNEL_[3] = { 0.4566, 1.0, 0.4566}; #elif MEDIUMBLUR const int KERNEL_SIZE = 5; const float KERNEL_[5] = { 0.2486, 0.7046, 1.0, 0.7046, 0.2486}; #elif DETAILBLUR const int KERNEL_SIZE = 7; const float KERNEL_[7] = { 0.1719, 0.4566, 0.8204, 1.0, 0.8204, 0.4566, 0.1719}; #else const int KERNEL_SIZE = 1; const float KERNEL_[1] = { 1.0 }; #endif float4 o = 0; float sum = 0; float2 shift = 0; for(int x = 0; x < KERNEL_SIZE; x++) { shift.x = blur.x * (float(x) - KERNEL_SIZE/2); for(int y = 0; y < KERNEL_SIZE; y++) { shift.y = blur.y * (float(y) - KERNEL_SIZE/2); float2 uv = texcood + shift; float weight = KERNEL_[x] * KERNEL_[y]; sum += weight; #if EX fixed masked = min(mask.x <= uv.x, uv.x <= mask.z) * min(mask.y <= uv.y, uv.y <= mask.w); o += lerp(fixed4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0), tex2D(tex, uv), masked) * weight; #else o += tex2D(tex, uv) * weight; #endif } } return o / sum; } // Sample texture with blurring. // * Fast: Sample texture with 3x3 kernel. // * Medium: Sample texture with 5x5 kernel. // * Detail: Sample texture with 7x7 kernel. fixed4 Tex2DBlurring (sampler2D tex, half2 texcood, half2 blur) { return Tex2DBlurring(tex, texcood, blur, half4(0,0,1,1)); } // Sample texture with blurring. // * Fast: Sample texture with 3x1 kernel. // * Medium: Sample texture with 5x1 kernel. // * Detail: Sample texture with 7x1 kernel. fixed4 Tex2DBlurring1D (sampler2D tex, half2 uv, half2 blur) { #if FASTBLUR const int KERNEL_SIZE = 3; #elif MEDIUMBLUR const int KERNEL_SIZE = 5; #elif DETAILBLUR const int KERNEL_SIZE = 7; #else const int KERNEL_SIZE = 1; #endif float4 o = 0; float sum = 0; float weight; half2 texcood; for(int i = -KERNEL_SIZE/2; i <= KERNEL_SIZE/2; i++) { texcood = uv; texcood.x += blur.x * i; texcood.y += blur.y * i; weight = 1.0/(abs(i)+2); o += tex2D(tex, texcood)*weight; sum += weight; } return o / sum; } fixed3 shift_hue(fixed3 RGB, half VSU, half VSW) { fixed3 result; result.x = (0.299 + 0.701*VSU + 0.168*VSW)*RGB.x + (0.587 - 0.587*VSU + 0.330*VSW)*RGB.y + (0.114 - 0.114*VSU - 0.497*VSW)*RGB.z; result.y = (0.299 - 0.299*VSU - 0.328*VSW)*RGB.x + (0.587 + 0.413*VSU + 0.035*VSW)*RGB.y + (0.114 - 0.114*VSU + 0.292*VSW)*RGB.z; result.z = (0.299 - 0.3*VSU + 1.25*VSW)*RGB.x + (0.587 - 0.588*VSU - 1.05*VSW)*RGB.y + (0.114 + 0.886*VSU - 0.203*VSW)*RGB.z; return result; } // Apply tone effect. fixed4 ApplyToneEffect(fixed4 color, fixed factor) { #ifdef GRAYSCALE color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, Luminance(color.rgb), factor); #elif SEPIA color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, Luminance(color.rgb) * half3(1.07, 0.74, 0.43), factor); #elif NEGA color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, 1 - color.rgb, factor); #endif return color; } // Apply color effect. fixed4 ApplyColorEffect(half4 color, half4 factor) { #if FILL color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, factor.rgb, factor.a); #elif ADD color.rgb += factor.rgb * factor.a; #elif SUBTRACT color.rgb -= factor.rgb * factor.a; #else color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, color.rgb * factor.rgb, factor.a); #endif #if CUTOFF color.a = factor.a; #endif return color; } // Apply transition effect. fixed4 ApplyTransitionEffect(half4 color, half3 transParam) { fixed4 param = tex2D(_ParamTex, float2(0.25, transParam.z)); float alpha = tex2D(_NoiseTex, transParam.xy).a; #if REVERSE fixed effectFactor = 1 - param.x; #else fixed effectFactor = param.x; #endif #if FADE color.a *= saturate(alpha + (1 - effectFactor * 2)); #elif CUTOFF color.a *= step(0.001, color.a * alpha - effectFactor); #elif DISSOLVE fixed width = param.y/4; fixed softness = param.z; fixed3 dissolveColor = tex2D(_ParamTex, float2(0.75, transParam.z)).rgb; float factor = alpha - effectFactor * ( 1 + width ) + width; fixed edgeLerp = step(factor, color.a) * saturate((width - factor)*16/ softness); color = ApplyColorEffect(color, fixed4(dissolveColor, edgeLerp)); color.a *= saturate((factor)*32/ softness); #endif return color; } // Apply shiny effect. half4 ApplyShinyEffect(half4 color, half2 shinyParam) { fixed nomalizedPos = shinyParam.x; fixed4 param1 = tex2D(_ParamTex, float2(0.25, shinyParam.y)); fixed4 param2 = tex2D(_ParamTex, float2(0.75, shinyParam.y)); half location = param1.x * 2 - 0.5; fixed width = param1.y; fixed soft = param1.z; fixed brightness = param1.w; fixed gloss = param2.x; half normalized = 1 - saturate(abs((nomalizedPos - location) / width)); half shinePower = smoothstep(0, soft*2, normalized); half3 reflectColor = lerp(1, color.rgb * 10, gloss); color.rgb += color.a * (shinePower / 2) * brightness * reflectColor; return color; } half3 RgbToHsv(half3 c) { half4 K = half4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0); half4 p = lerp(half4(c.bg, K.wz), half4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g)); half4 q = lerp(half4(p.xyw, c.r), half4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r)); half d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y); half e = 1.0e-10; return half3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x); } half3 HsvToRgb(half3 c) { c = half3(c.x, clamp(c.yz, 0.0, 1.0)); half4 K = half4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0); half3 p = abs(frac(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www); return c.z * lerp(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y); } // Apply Hsv effect. half4 ApplyHsvEffect(half4 color, half param) { fixed4 param1 = tex2D(_ParamTex, float2(0.25, param)); fixed4 param2 = tex2D(_ParamTex, float2(0.75, param)); fixed3 targetHsv = param1.rgb; fixed3 targetRange = param1.w; fixed3 hsvShift = param2.xyz - 0.5; half3 hsv = RgbToHsv(color.rgb); half3 range = abs(hsv - targetHsv); half diff = max(max(min(1-range.x, range.x), min(1-range.y, range.y)/10), min(1-range.z, range.z)/10); fixed masked = step(diff, targetRange); color.rgb = HsvToRgb(hsv + hsvShift * masked); return color; } #endif // UI_EFFECT_INCLUDED