using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Linq; namespace AssetBundleBrowser { [System.Serializable] internal class AssetBundleInspectTab { Rect m_Position; [SerializeField] private InspectTabData m_Data; private Dictionary > m_BundleList; private InspectBundleTree m_BundleTreeView; [SerializeField] private TreeViewState m_BundleTreeState; internal Editor m_Editor = null; private SingleBundleInspector m_SingleInspector; /// /// Collection of loaded asset bundle records indexed by bundle name /// private Dictionary m_loadedAssetBundles; /// /// Returns the record for a loaded asset bundle by name if it exists in our container. /// /// Asset bundle record instance if loaded, otherwise null. /// Name of the loaded asset bundle, excluding the variant extension private AssetBundleRecord GetLoadedBundleRecordByName(string bundleName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleName)) { return null; } if (!m_loadedAssetBundles.ContainsKey(bundleName)) { return null; } return m_loadedAssetBundles[bundleName]; } internal AssetBundleInspectTab() { m_BundleList = new Dictionary>(); m_SingleInspector = new SingleBundleInspector(); m_loadedAssetBundles = new Dictionary(); } internal void OnEnable(Rect pos) { m_Position = pos; if (m_Data == null) m_Data = new InspectTabData(); //LoadData... var dataPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("."); dataPath = dataPath.Replace("\\", "/"); dataPath += "/Library/AssetBundleBrowserInspect.dat"; if (File.Exists(dataPath)) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Open(dataPath, FileMode.Open); var data = bf.Deserialize(file) as InspectTabData; if (data != null) m_Data = data; file.Close(); } if (m_BundleList == null) m_BundleList = new Dictionary>(); if (m_BundleTreeState == null) m_BundleTreeState = new TreeViewState(); m_BundleTreeView = new InspectBundleTree(m_BundleTreeState, this); RefreshBundles(); } internal void OnDisable() { ClearData(); var dataPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("."); dataPath = dataPath.Replace("\\", "/"); dataPath += "/Library/AssetBundleBrowserInspect.dat"; BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Create(dataPath); bf.Serialize(file, m_Data); file.Close(); } internal void OnGUI(Rect pos) { m_Position = pos; if (Application.isPlaying) { var style = new GUIStyle(; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; style.wordWrap = true; GUI.Label( new Rect(m_Position.x + 1f, m_Position.y + 1f, m_Position.width - 2f, m_Position.height - 2f), new GUIContent("Inspector unavailable while in PLAY mode"), style); } else { OnGUIEditor(); } } private void OnGUIEditor() { EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add File", GUILayout.MaxWidth(75f))) { BrowseForFile(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Add Folder", GUILayout.MaxWidth(75f))) { BrowseForFolder(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (m_BundleList.Count > 0) { int halfWidth = (int)(m_Position.width / 2.0f); m_BundleTreeView.OnGUI(new Rect(m_Position.x, m_Position.y + 30, halfWidth, m_Position.height - 30)); m_SingleInspector.OnGUI(new Rect(m_Position.x + halfWidth, m_Position.y + 30, halfWidth, m_Position.height - 30)); } } internal void RemoveBundlePath(string pathToRemove) { UnloadBundle(pathToRemove); m_Data.RemovePath(pathToRemove); } internal void RemoveBundleFolder(string pathToRemove) { List paths = null; if(m_BundleList.TryGetValue(pathToRemove, out paths)) { foreach(var p in paths) { UnloadBundle(p); } } m_Data.RemoveFolder(pathToRemove); } private void BrowseForFile() { var newPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanelWithFilters("Bundle Folder", string.Empty, new string[] { }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPath)) { var gamePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(".");//TODO - FileUtil.GetProjectRelativePath?? gamePath = gamePath.Replace("\\", "/"); if (newPath.StartsWith(gamePath)) newPath = newPath.Remove(0, gamePath.Length + 1); m_Data.AddPath(newPath); RefreshBundles(); } } //TODO - this is largely copied from BuildTab, should maybe be shared code. private void BrowseForFolder(string folderPath = null) { folderPath = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Bundle Folder", string.Empty, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath)) { var gamePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(".");//TODO - FileUtil.GetProjectRelativePath?? gamePath = gamePath.Replace("\\", "/"); if (folderPath.Length > gamePath.Length && folderPath.StartsWith(gamePath)) folderPath = folderPath.Remove(0, gamePath.Length + 1); AddBundleFolder(folderPath); RefreshBundles(); } } internal void AddBundleFolder(string folderPath) { m_Data.AddFolder(folderPath); } private void ClearData() { m_SingleInspector.SetBundle(null); if (null != m_loadedAssetBundles) { List records = new List(m_loadedAssetBundles.Values); foreach (AssetBundleRecord record in records) { record.bundle.Unload(true); } m_loadedAssetBundles.Clear(); } } internal void RefreshBundles() { ClearData(); if (m_Data.BundlePaths == null) return; //find assets if (m_BundleList == null) m_BundleList = new Dictionary>(); m_BundleList.Clear(); var pathsToRemove = new List(); foreach(var filePath in m_Data.BundlePaths) { if(File.Exists(filePath)) { AddBundleToList(string.Empty, filePath); } else { Debug.Log("Expected bundle not found: " + filePath); pathsToRemove.Add(filePath); } } foreach(var path in pathsToRemove) { m_Data.RemovePath(path); } pathsToRemove.Clear(); foreach(var folder in m_Data.BundleFolders) { if(Directory.Exists(folder.path)) { AddFilePathToList(folder.path, folder.path); } else { Debug.Log("Expected folder not found: " + folder); pathsToRemove.Add(folder.path); } } foreach (var path in pathsToRemove) { m_Data.RemoveFolder(path); } m_BundleTreeView.Reload(); } private void AddBundleToList(string parent, string bundlePath) { List bundles = null; m_BundleList.TryGetValue(parent, out bundles); if(bundles == null) { bundles = new List(); m_BundleList.Add(parent, bundles); } bundles.Add(bundlePath); } private void AddFilePathToList(string rootPath, string path) { var notAllowedExtensions = new string[] { ".meta", ".manifest", ".dll", ".cs", ".exe", ".js" }; foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(file); if(!notAllowedExtensions.Contains(ext)) { var f = file.Replace('\\', '/'); if (File.Exists(file) && !m_Data.FolderIgnoresFile(rootPath, f)) { AddBundleToList(rootPath, f); } } } foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) { AddFilePathToList(rootPath, dir); } } internal Dictionary> BundleList { get { return m_BundleList; } } internal void SetBundleItem(IList selected) { //m_SelectedBundleTreeItems = selected; if (selected == null || selected.Count == 0 || selected[0] == null) { m_SingleInspector.SetBundle(null); } else if(selected.Count == 1) { AssetBundle bundle = LoadBundle(selected[0].bundlePath); m_SingleInspector.SetBundle(bundle, selected[0].bundlePath, m_Data, this); } else { m_SingleInspector.SetBundle(null); //perhaps there should be a way to set a message in the inspector, to tell it... //var style =; //style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; //style.wordWrap = true; //GUI.Label( // inspectorRect, // new GUIContent("Multi-select inspection not supported"), // style); } } [System.Serializable] internal class InspectTabData { [SerializeField] private List m_BundlePaths = new List(); [SerializeField] private List m_BundleFolders = new List(); internal IList BundlePaths { get { return m_BundlePaths.AsReadOnly(); } } internal IList BundleFolders { get { return m_BundleFolders.AsReadOnly(); } } internal void AddPath(string newPath) { if (!m_BundlePaths.Contains(newPath)) { var possibleFolderData = FolderDataContainingFilePath(newPath); if(possibleFolderData == null) { m_BundlePaths.Add(newPath); } else { possibleFolderData.ignoredFiles.Remove(newPath); } } } internal void AddFolder(string newPath) { if (!BundleFolderContains(newPath)) m_BundleFolders.Add(new BundleFolderData(newPath)); } internal void RemovePath(string pathToRemove) { m_BundlePaths.Remove(pathToRemove); } internal void RemoveFolder(string pathToRemove) { m_BundleFolders.Remove(BundleFolders.FirstOrDefault(bfd => bfd.path == pathToRemove)); } internal bool FolderIgnoresFile(string folderPath, string filePath) { if (BundleFolders == null) return false; var bundleFolderData = BundleFolders.FirstOrDefault(bfd => bfd.path == folderPath); return bundleFolderData != null && bundleFolderData.ignoredFiles.Contains(filePath); } internal BundleFolderData FolderDataContainingFilePath(string filePath) { foreach (var bundleFolderData in BundleFolders) { if (Path.GetFullPath(filePath).StartsWith(Path.GetFullPath(bundleFolderData.path))) { return bundleFolderData; } } return null; } private bool BundleFolderContains(string folderPath) { foreach(var bundleFolderData in BundleFolders) { if(Path.GetFullPath(bundleFolderData.path) == Path.GetFullPath(folderPath)) { return true; } } return false; } [System.Serializable] internal class BundleFolderData { [SerializeField] internal string path; [SerializeField] private List m_ignoredFiles; internal List ignoredFiles { get { if (m_ignoredFiles == null) m_ignoredFiles = new List(); return m_ignoredFiles; } } internal BundleFolderData(string p) { path = p; } } } /// /// Returns the bundle at the specified path, loading it if necessary. /// Unloads previously loaded bundles if necessary when dealing with variants. /// /// Returns the loaded bundle, null if it could not be loaded. /// Path of bundle to get private AssetBundle LoadBundle(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return null; } string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); string bundleName = path.Substring(0, path.Length - extension.Length); // Check if we have a record for this bundle AssetBundleRecord record = GetLoadedBundleRecordByName(bundleName); AssetBundle bundle = null; if (null != record) { // Unload existing bundle if variant names differ, otherwise use existing bundle if (!record.path.Equals(path)) { UnloadBundle(bundleName); } else { bundle = record.bundle; } } if (null == bundle) { // Load the bundle bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(path); if (null == bundle) { return null; } m_loadedAssetBundles[bundleName] = new AssetBundleRecord(path, bundle); // Load the bundle's assets string[] assetNames = bundle.GetAllAssetNames(); foreach (string name in assetNames) { bundle.LoadAsset(name); } } return bundle; } /// /// Unloads the bundle with the given name. /// /// Name of the bundle to unload without variant extension private void UnloadBundle(string bundleName) { AssetBundleRecord record = this.GetLoadedBundleRecordByName(bundleName); if (null == record) { return; } record.bundle.Unload(true); m_loadedAssetBundles.Remove(bundleName); } } }