using AxibugEmuOnline.Web.Common; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Web.Controllers { public class ApiController : Controller { private readonly ILogger<ApiController> _logger; public ApiController(ILogger<ApiController> logger) { _logger = logger; } [HttpGet] public JsonResult NesRomList(string SearchKey,int Ptype,int GType,int Page, int PageSize) { string searchPattern = $"%{SearchKey}%"; Resp_GameList resp = new Resp_GameList(); resp.gameList = new List<Resp_RomInfo>(); MySqlConnection conn = Haoyue_SQLPoolManager.DequeueSQLConn("NesRomList"); { GameType SearchGType = (GameType)GType; string GameTypeCond = ""; switch (SearchGType) { case GameType.NONE: GameTypeCond = string.Empty; break; case GameType.ALLINONE: GameTypeCond = $" and GameType = '�Ͽ�' "; break; default: GameTypeCond = $" and GameType = '{SearchGType.ToString()}' "; break; } string query = "SELECT count(id) FROM romlist_nes where `Name` like ?searchPattern " + GameTypeCond; using (var command = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { // ���ò���ֵ command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?searchPattern", searchPattern); // ִ�в�ѯ��������� using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { resp.resultAllCount = reader.GetInt32(0); = Page; resp.maxPage = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)resp.resultAllCount / PageSize); } } } query = $"SELECT id,`Name`,GameType,Note,RomUrl,ImgUrl,`Hash` FROM romlist_nes where `Name` like ?searchPattern {GameTypeCond} LIMIT ?offset, ?pageSize;"; using (var command = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { // ���ò���ֵ command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?searchPattern", searchPattern); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?offset", Page * PageSize); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?pageSize", PageSize); // ִ�в�ѯ��������� using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { int orderIndex = Page * PageSize; while (reader.Read()) { resp.gameList.Add(new Resp_RomInfo() { orderid = orderIndex++, id = reader.GetInt32(0), romName = !reader.IsDBNull(1) ? reader.GetString(1) : string.Empty, gType = !reader.IsDBNull(2) ? reader.GetString(2) : string.Empty, desc = !reader.IsDBNull(3) ? reader.GetString(3) : string.Empty, url = !reader.IsDBNull(4) ? reader.GetString(4) : string.Empty, imgUrl = !reader.IsDBNull(5) ? reader.GetString(5) : string.Empty, hash = !reader.IsDBNull(6) ? reader.GetString(6) : string.Empty, stars = 0, }); } } } Haoyue_SQLPoolManager.EnqueueSQLConn(conn); } return new JsonResult(resp); } enum PlatformType : byte { All = 0, Nes, } enum GameType : byte { NONE = 0, ACT, ARPG, AVG, ETC, FTG, PUZ, RAC, RPG, SLG, SPG, SRPG, STG, TAB, /// <summary> /// �Ͽ� /// </summary> ALLINONE, } class Resp_GameList { public int page { get; set; } public int maxPage { get; set; } public int resultAllCount { get; set; } public List<Resp_RomInfo> gameList { get; set; } } public class Resp_RomInfo { public int orderid { get; set; } public int id { get; set; } public string romName { get; set;} public string gType { get; set; } public string desc { get; set; } public string url { get; set; } public string imgUrl { get; set; } public string hash { get; set; } public int stars { get; set; } } } }