// // This is a modified version of the SSAO renderer from Microsoft's MiniEngine // library. The copyright notice from the original version is included below. // // The original source code of MiniEngine is available on GitHub. // https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-Samples // // // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // This code is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // // Developed by Minigraph // // Author: James Stanard // #pragma warning(disable : 3568) #pragma exclude_renderers gles gles3 d3d11_9x #pragma kernel MultiScaleVORender MAIN=MultiScaleVORender #pragma kernel MultiScaleVORender_interleaved MAIN=MultiScaleVORender_interleaved INTERLEAVE_RESULT #pragma kernel MultiScaleVORender_MSAA MAIN=MultiScaleVORender_MSAA MSAA #pragma kernel MultiScaleVORender_MSAA_interleaved MAIN=MultiScaleVORender_MSAA_interleaved MSAA INTERLEAVE_RESULT #include "../StdLib.hlsl" #ifndef INTERLEAVE_RESULT #define WIDE_SAMPLING 1 #endif #if WIDE_SAMPLING // 32x32 cache size: the 16x16 in the center forms the area of focus with the 8-pixel perimeter used for wide gathering. #define TILE_DIM 32 #define THREAD_COUNT_X 16 #define THREAD_COUNT_Y 16 #else // 16x16 cache size: the 8x8 in the center forms the area of focus with the 4-pixel perimeter used for gathering. #define TILE_DIM 16 #define THREAD_COUNT_X 8 #define THREAD_COUNT_Y 8 #endif #ifdef MSAA // Input Textures #ifdef INTERLEAVE_RESULT Texture2DArray DepthTex; #else Texture2D DepthTex; #endif // Output texture RWTexture2D Occlusion; // Shared memory groupshared float2 DepthSamples[TILE_DIM * TILE_DIM]; #else // Input Textures #ifdef INTERLEAVE_RESULT Texture2DArray DepthTex; #else Texture2D DepthTex; #endif // Output texture RWTexture2D Occlusion; // Shared memory groupshared float DepthSamples[TILE_DIM * TILE_DIM]; #endif SamplerState samplerDepthTex; CBUFFER_START(CB1) float4 gInvThicknessTable[3]; float4 gSampleWeightTable[3]; float4 gInvSliceDimension; float2 AdditionalParams; CBUFFER_END #define gRejectFadeoff AdditionalParams.x #define gIntensity AdditionalParams.y #ifdef MSAA float2 TestSamplePair(float frontDepth, float2 invRange, uint base, int offset) { // "Disocclusion" measures the penetration distance of the depth sample within the sphere. // Disocclusion < 0 (full occlusion) -> the sample fell in front of the sphere // Disocclusion > 1 (no occlusion) -> the sample fell behind the sphere float2 disocclusion1 = DepthSamples[base + offset] * invRange - frontDepth; float2 disocclusion2 = DepthSamples[base - offset] * invRange - frontDepth; float2 pseudoDisocclusion1 = saturate(gRejectFadeoff * disocclusion1); float2 pseudoDisocclusion2 = saturate(gRejectFadeoff * disocclusion2); return saturate( clamp(disocclusion1, pseudoDisocclusion2, 1.0) + clamp(disocclusion2, pseudoDisocclusion1, 1.0) - pseudoDisocclusion1 * pseudoDisocclusion2); } float2 TestSamples(uint centerIdx, uint x, uint y, float2 invDepth, float invThickness) { #if WIDE_SAMPLING x <<= 1; y <<= 1; #endif float2 invRange = invThickness * invDepth; float frontDepth = invThickness - 0.5; if (y == 0) { // Axial return 0.5 * ( TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM) ); } else if (x == y) { // Diagonal return 0.5 * ( TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM - x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM + x) ); } else { // L-Shaped return 0.25 * ( TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, y * TILE_DIM + x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, y * TILE_DIM - x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM + y) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM - y) ); } } #else float TestSamplePair(float frontDepth, float invRange, uint base, int offset) { // "Disocclusion" measures the penetration distance of the depth sample within the sphere. // Disocclusion < 0 (full occlusion) -> the sample fell in front of the sphere // Disocclusion > 1 (no occlusion) -> the sample fell behind the sphere float disocclusion1 = DepthSamples[base + offset] * invRange - frontDepth; float disocclusion2 = DepthSamples[base - offset] * invRange - frontDepth; float pseudoDisocclusion1 = saturate(gRejectFadeoff * disocclusion1); float pseudoDisocclusion2 = saturate(gRejectFadeoff * disocclusion2); return saturate( clamp(disocclusion1, pseudoDisocclusion2, 1.0) + clamp(disocclusion2, pseudoDisocclusion1, 1.0) - pseudoDisocclusion1 * pseudoDisocclusion2); } float TestSamples(uint centerIdx, uint x, uint y, float invDepth, float invThickness) { #if WIDE_SAMPLING x <<= 1; y <<= 1; #endif float invRange = invThickness * invDepth; float frontDepth = invThickness - 0.5; if (y == 0) { // Axial return 0.5 * ( TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM) ); } else if (x == y) { // Diagonal return 0.5 * ( TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM - x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM + x) ); } else { // L-Shaped return 0.25 * ( TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, y * TILE_DIM + x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, y * TILE_DIM - x) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM + y) + TestSamplePair(frontDepth, invRange, centerIdx, x * TILE_DIM - y) ); } } #endif #ifdef DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS TRIVIAL_COMPUTE_KERNEL(MAIN) #else [numthreads(THREAD_COUNT_X, THREAD_COUNT_Y, 1)] void MAIN(uint3 Gid : SV_GroupID, uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID, uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID) { #if WIDE_SAMPLING float2 QuadCenterUV = int2(DTid.xy + GTid.xy - 7) * gInvSliceDimension.xy; #else float2 QuadCenterUV = int2(DTid.xy + GTid.xy - 3) * gInvSliceDimension.xy; #endif #ifdef MSAA // Fetch four depths and store them in LDS #ifdef INTERLEAVE_RESULT float4 depths0 = DepthTex.GatherRed(samplerDepthTex, float3(QuadCenterUV, DTid.z)); float4 depths1 = DepthTex.GatherGreen(samplerDepthTex, float3(QuadCenterUV, DTid.z)); #else float4 depths0 = DepthTex.GatherRed(samplerDepthTex, QuadCenterUV); float4 depths1 = DepthTex.GatherGreen(samplerDepthTex, QuadCenterUV); #endif int destIdx = GTid.x * 2 + GTid.y * 2 * TILE_DIM; DepthSamples[destIdx] = float2(depths0.w, depths1.w); DepthSamples[destIdx + 1] = float2(depths0.z, depths1.z); DepthSamples[destIdx + TILE_DIM] = float2(depths0.x, depths1.x); DepthSamples[destIdx + TILE_DIM + 1] = float2(depths0.y, depths1.y); #else #ifdef INTERLEAVE_RESULT float4 depths = DepthTex.Gather(samplerDepthTex, float3(QuadCenterUV, DTid.z)); #else float4 depths = DepthTex.Gather(samplerDepthTex, QuadCenterUV); #endif int destIdx = GTid.x * 2 + GTid.y * 2 * TILE_DIM; DepthSamples[destIdx] = depths.w; DepthSamples[destIdx + 1] = depths.z; DepthSamples[destIdx + TILE_DIM] = depths.x; DepthSamples[destIdx + TILE_DIM + 1] = depths.y; #endif GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); #if WIDE_SAMPLING uint thisIdx = GTid.x + GTid.y * TILE_DIM + 8 * TILE_DIM + 8; #else uint thisIdx = GTid.x + GTid.y * TILE_DIM + 4 * TILE_DIM + 4; #endif #ifdef MSAA const float2 invThisDepth = float2(1.0 / DepthSamples[thisIdx].x, 1.0 / DepthSamples[thisIdx].y); float2 ao = 0.0; #else const float invThisDepth = 1.0 / DepthSamples[thisIdx]; float ao = 0.0; #endif //#define SAMPLE_EXHAUSTIVELY #ifdef SAMPLE_EXHAUSTIVELY // 68 samples: sample all cells in *within* a circular radius of 5 ao += gSampleWeightTable[0].x * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 0, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[0].x); ao += gSampleWeightTable[0].y * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 0, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[0].y); ao += gSampleWeightTable[0].z * TestSamples(thisIdx, 3, 0, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[0].z); ao += gSampleWeightTable[0].w * TestSamples(thisIdx, 4, 0, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[0].w); ao += gSampleWeightTable[1].x * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 1, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[1].x); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].x * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 2, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].x); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].w * TestSamples(thisIdx, 3, 3, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].w); ao += gSampleWeightTable[1].y * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 2, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[1].y); ao += gSampleWeightTable[1].z * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 3, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[1].z); ao += gSampleWeightTable[1].w * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 4, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[1].w); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].y * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 3, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].y); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].z * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 4, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].z); #else // SAMPLE_CHECKER // 36 samples: sample every-other cell in a checker board pattern ao += gSampleWeightTable[0].y * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 0, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[0].y); ao += gSampleWeightTable[0].w * TestSamples(thisIdx, 4, 0, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[0].w); ao += gSampleWeightTable[1].x * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 1, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[1].x); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].x * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 2, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].x); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].w * TestSamples(thisIdx, 3, 3, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].w); ao += gSampleWeightTable[1].z * TestSamples(thisIdx, 1, 3, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[1].z); ao += gSampleWeightTable[2].z * TestSamples(thisIdx, 2, 4, invThisDepth, gInvThicknessTable[2].z); #endif #ifdef INTERLEAVE_RESULT uint2 OutPixel = DTid.xy << 2 | uint2(DTid.z & 3, DTid.z >> 2); #else uint2 OutPixel = DTid.xy; #endif Occlusion[OutPixel] = lerp(1, ao, gIntensity); } #endif // DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS