using System; using UnityEngine.Assertions; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing { /// /// Screen-space Reflections quality presets. /// public enum ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset { /// /// Lowest quality. /// Lower, /// /// Low quality. /// Low, /// /// Medium quality. /// Medium, /// /// High quality. /// High, /// /// Higher quality. /// Higher, /// /// Ultra quality. /// Ultra, /// /// Overkill (as in: don't use) quality. /// Overkill, /// /// Custom, tweakable quality settings. /// Custom } /// /// Screen-space Reflections buffer sizes. /// public enum ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution { /// /// Downsampled buffer. Faster but lower quality. /// Downsampled, /// /// Full-sized buffer. Slower but higher quality. /// FullSize, /// /// Supersampled buffer. Very slow but much higher quality. /// Supersampled } /// /// A volume parameter holding a value. /// [Serializable] public sealed class ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter : ParameterOverride { } /// /// A volume parameter holding a value. /// [Serializable] public sealed class ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter : ParameterOverride { } /// /// This class holds settings for the Screen-space Reflections effect. /// [Serializable] [PostProcess(typeof(ScreenSpaceReflectionsRenderer), "Unity/Screen-space reflections")] public sealed class ScreenSpaceReflections : PostProcessEffectSettings { /// /// The quality preset to use for rendering. Use /// to tweak settings. /// [Tooltip("Choose a quality preset, or use \"Custom\" to create your own custom preset. Don't use a preset higher than \"Medium\" if you desire good performance on consoles.")] public ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter preset = new ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter { value = ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset.Medium }; /// /// The maximum number of steps in the raymarching pass. Higher values mean more reflections. /// [Range(0, 256), Tooltip("Maximum number of steps in the raymarching pass. Higher values mean more reflections.")] public IntParameter maximumIterationCount = new IntParameter { value = 16 }; /// /// Changes the size of the internal buffer. Downsample it to maximize performances or /// supersample it to get slow but higher quality results. /// [Tooltip("Changes the size of the SSR buffer. Downsample it to maximize performances or supersample it for higher quality results with reduced performance.")] public ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter resolution = new ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter { value = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled }; /// /// The ray thickness. Lower values are more expensive but allow the effect to detect /// smaller details. /// [Range(1f, 64f), Tooltip("Ray thickness. Lower values are more expensive but allow the effect to detect smaller details.")] public FloatParameter thickness = new FloatParameter { value = 8f }; /// /// The maximum distance to traverse in the scene after which it will stop drawing /// reflections. /// [Tooltip("Maximum distance to traverse after which it will stop drawing reflections.")] public FloatParameter maximumMarchDistance = new FloatParameter { value = 100f }; /// /// Fades reflections close to the near plane. This is useful to hide common artifacts. /// [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Fades reflections close to the near planes.")] public FloatParameter distanceFade = new FloatParameter { value = 0.5f }; /// /// Fades reflections close to the screen edges. /// [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Fades reflections close to the screen edges.")] public FloatParameter vignette = new FloatParameter { value = 0.5f }; /// /// Returns true if the effect is currently enabled and supported. /// /// The current post-processing render context /// true if the effect is currently enabled and supported public override bool IsEnabledAndSupported(PostProcessRenderContext context) { return enabled && == RenderingPath.DeferredShading && SystemInfo.supportsMotionVectors && SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders && SystemInfo.copyTextureSupport > CopyTextureSupport.None && context.resources.shaders.screenSpaceReflections && context.resources.shaders.screenSpaceReflections.isSupported && context.resources.computeShaders.gaussianDownsample; } } [UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve] internal sealed class ScreenSpaceReflectionsRenderer : PostProcessEffectRenderer { RenderTexture m_Resolve; RenderTexture m_History; int[] m_MipIDs; class QualityPreset { public int maximumIterationCount; public float thickness; public ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution downsampling; } readonly QualityPreset[] m_Presets = { new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 10, thickness = 32, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled }, // Lower new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 16, thickness = 32, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled }, // Low new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 32, thickness = 16, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled }, // Medium new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 48, thickness = 8, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled }, // High new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 16, thickness = 32, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.FullSize }, // Higher new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 48, thickness = 16, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.FullSize }, // Ultra new QualityPreset { maximumIterationCount = 128, thickness = 12, downsampling = ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Supersampled }, // Overkill }; enum Pass { Test, Resolve, Reproject, Composite } public override DepthTextureMode GetCameraFlags() { return DepthTextureMode.Depth | DepthTextureMode.MotionVectors; } internal void CheckRT(ref RenderTexture rt, int width, int height, FilterMode filterMode, bool useMipMap) { if (rt == null || !rt.IsCreated() || rt.width != width || rt.height != height) { if (rt != null) { rt.Release(); RuntimeUtilities.Destroy(rt); } rt = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, RuntimeUtilities.defaultHDRRenderTextureFormat) { filterMode = filterMode, useMipMap = useMipMap, autoGenerateMips = false, hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; rt.Create(); } } public override void Render(PostProcessRenderContext context) { var cmd = context.command; cmd.BeginSample("Screen-space Reflections"); // Get quality settings if (settings.preset.value != ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset.Custom) { int id = (int)settings.preset.value; settings.maximumIterationCount.value = m_Presets[id].maximumIterationCount; settings.thickness.value = m_Presets[id].thickness; settings.resolution.value = m_Presets[id].downsampling; } settings.maximumMarchDistance.value = Mathf.Max(0f, settings.maximumMarchDistance.value); // Square POT target int size = Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(Mathf.Min(context.width, context.height)); if (settings.resolution.value == ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Downsampled) size >>= 1; else if (settings.resolution.value == ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution.Supersampled) size <<= 1; // The gaussian pyramid compute works in blocks of 8x8 so make sure the last lod has a // minimum size of 8x8 const int kMaxLods = 12; int lodCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(size, 2f) - 3f); lodCount = Mathf.Min(lodCount, kMaxLods); CheckRT(ref m_Resolve, size, size, FilterMode.Trilinear, true); var noiseTex = context.resources.blueNoise256[0]; var sheet = context.propertySheets.Get(context.resources.shaders.screenSpaceReflections);, noiseTex); var screenSpaceProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4x4(); screenSpaceProjectionMatrix.SetRow(0, new Vector4(size * 0.5f, 0f, 0f, size * 0.5f)); screenSpaceProjectionMatrix.SetRow(1, new Vector4(0f, size * 0.5f, 0f, size * 0.5f)); screenSpaceProjectionMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f)); screenSpaceProjectionMatrix.SetRow(3, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f)); var projectionMatrix = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(, false); screenSpaceProjectionMatrix *= projectionMatrix;,;,;, projectionMatrix.inverse);, screenSpaceProjectionMatrix);, new Vector4((float)settings.vignette.value, settings.distanceFade.value, settings.maximumMarchDistance.value, lodCount));, new Vector4((float)context.width / (float)context.height, (float)size / (float)noiseTex.width, settings.thickness.value, settings.maximumIterationCount.value)); cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderIDs.Test, size, size, 0, FilterMode.Point, context.sourceFormat); cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(context.source, ShaderIDs.Test, sheet, (int)Pass.Test); if (context.isSceneView) { cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(context.source, m_Resolve, sheet, (int)Pass.Resolve); } else { CheckRT(ref m_History, size, size, FilterMode.Bilinear, false); if (m_ResetHistory) { context.command.BlitFullscreenTriangle(context.source, m_History); m_ResetHistory = false; } cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderIDs.SSRResolveTemp, size, size, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, context.sourceFormat); cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(context.source, ShaderIDs.SSRResolveTemp, sheet, (int)Pass.Resolve);, m_History); cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(ShaderIDs.SSRResolveTemp, m_Resolve, sheet, (int)Pass.Reproject); cmd.CopyTexture(m_Resolve, 0, 0, m_History, 0, 0); cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(ShaderIDs.SSRResolveTemp); } cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(ShaderIDs.Test); // Pre-cache mipmaps ids if (m_MipIDs == null || m_MipIDs.Length == 0) { m_MipIDs = new int[kMaxLods]; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxLods; i++) m_MipIDs[i] = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSRGaussianMip" + i); } var compute = context.resources.computeShaders.gaussianDownsample; int kernel = compute.FindKernel("KMain"); var mipFormat = RuntimeUtilities.defaultHDRRenderTextureFormat; var last = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_Resolve); for (int i = 0; i < lodCount; i++) { size >>= 1; Assert.IsTrue(size > 0); cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_MipIDs[i], size, size, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, mipFormat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, 1, true); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_Source", last); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_Result", m_MipIDs[i]); cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(compute, "_Size", new Vector4(size, size, 1f / size, 1f / size)); cmd.DispatchCompute(compute, kernel, size / 8, size / 8, 1); cmd.CopyTexture(m_MipIDs[i], 0, 0, m_Resolve, 0, i + 1); last = m_MipIDs[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < lodCount; i++) cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(m_MipIDs[i]);, m_Resolve); cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(context.source, context.destination, sheet, (int)Pass.Composite); cmd.EndSample("Screen-space Reflections"); } public override void Release() { RuntimeUtilities.Destroy(m_Resolve); RuntimeUtilities.Destroy(m_History); m_Resolve = null; m_History = null; } } }