using System; namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Client.UNES { partial class PPU { private const int GameWidth = 256, GameHeight = 240; private uint _bufferPos; public readonly uint[] RawBitmap = new uint[GameWidth * GameHeight]; //查找表的Idx网络缓存 public readonly byte[] RawBitmap_paletteIdxCache = new byte[GameWidth * GameHeight]; private readonly uint[] _priority = new uint[GameWidth * GameHeight]; // TODO: use real chroma/luma decoding private readonly uint[] _palette = { 0x7C7C7C, 0x0000FC, 0x0000BC, 0x4428BC, 0x940084, 0xA80020, 0xA81000, 0x881400, 0x503000, 0x007800, 0x006800, 0x005800, 0x004058, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xBCBCBC, 0x0078F8, 0x0058F8, 0x6844FC, 0xD800CC, 0xE40058, 0xF83800, 0xE45C10, 0xAC7C00, 0x00B800, 0x00A800, 0x00A844, 0x008888, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xF8F8F8, 0x3CBCFC, 0x6888FC, 0x9878F8, 0xF878F8, 0xF85898, 0xF87858, 0xFCA044, 0xF8B800, 0xB8F818, 0x58D854, 0x58F898, 0x00E8D8, 0x787878, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xFCFCFC, 0xA4E4FC, 0xB8B8F8, 0xD8B8F8, 0xF8B8F8, 0xF8A4C0, 0xF0D0B0, 0xFCE0A8, 0xF8D878, 0xD8F878, 0xB8F8B8, 0xB8F8D8, 0x00FCFC, 0xF8D8F8, 0x000000, 0x000000 }; private int _scanLineCount = 261; private int _cyclesPerLine = 341; private int _cpuSyncCounter; private readonly uint[] _scanLineOAM = new uint[8 * 4]; private readonly bool[] _isSprite0 = new bool[8]; private int _spriteCount; private long _tileShiftRegister; private uint _currentNameTableByte; private uint _currentHighTile, _currentLowTile; private uint _currentColor; public void ProcessPixel(int x, int y) { ProcessBackgroundForPixel(x, y); if (F.DrawSprites) { ProcessSpritesForPixel(x, y); } if (y != -1) { _bufferPos++; } } private void CountSpritesOnLine(int scanLine) { _spriteCount = 0; var height = F.TallSpritesEnabled ? 16 : 8; for (var idx = 0; idx < _oam.Length; idx += 4) { var y = _oam[idx] + 1; if (scanLine >= y && scanLine < y + height) { _isSprite0[_spriteCount] = idx == 0; _scanLineOAM[_spriteCount * 4 + 0] = _oam[idx + 0]; _scanLineOAM[_spriteCount * 4 + 1] = _oam[idx + 1]; _scanLineOAM[_spriteCount * 4 + 2] = _oam[idx + 2]; _scanLineOAM[_spriteCount * 4 + 3] = _oam[idx + 3]; _spriteCount++; } if (_spriteCount == 8) { break; } } } private void NextNameTableByte() { _currentNameTableByte = ReadByte(0x2000 | (V & 0x0FFF)); } private void NextTileByte(bool hi) { var tileIdx = _currentNameTableByte * 16; var address = F.PatternTableAddress + tileIdx + FineY; if (hi) { _currentHighTile = ReadByte(address + 8); } else { _currentLowTile = ReadByte(address); } } private void NextAttributeByte() { // Bless nesdev var address = 0x23C0 | (V & 0x0C00) | ((V >> 4) & 0x38) | ((V >> 2) & 0x07); _currentColor = (ReadByte(address) >> (int)((CoarseX & 2) | ((CoarseY & 2) << 1))) & 0x3; } private void ShiftTileRegister() { for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++) { uint palette = ((_currentHighTile & 0x80) >> 6) | ((_currentLowTile & 0x80) >> 7); _tileShiftRegister |= (palette + _currentColor * 4) << ((7 - x) * 4); _currentLowTile <<= 1; _currentHighTile <<= 1; } } private void ProcessBackgroundForPixel(int cycle, int scanLine) { if (cycle < 8 && !F.DrawLeftBackground || !F.DrawBackground && scanLine != -1) { // Maximally sketchy: if current address is in the PPU palette, then it draws that palette entry if rendering is disabled // Otherwise, it draws $3F00 (universal bg color) // // Don't know if any game actually uses it, but a test ROM I wrote unexpectedly showed this // corner case //RawBitmap[_bufferPos] = _palette[ReadByte(0x3F00 + ((F.BusAddress & 0x3F00) == 0x3F00 ? F.BusAddress & 0x001F : 0)) & 0x3F]; byte pIdx = (byte)(ReadByte(0x3F00 + ((F.BusAddress & 0x3F00) == 0x3F00 ? F.BusAddress & 0x001F : 0)) & 0x3F); //RawBitmap[_bufferPos] = _palette[pIdx]; RawBitmap_paletteIdxCache[_bufferPos] = pIdx; return; } var paletteEntry = (uint)(_tileShiftRegister >> 32 >> (int)((7 - X) * 4)) & 0x0F; if (paletteEntry % 4 == 0) paletteEntry = 0; if (scanLine != -1) { _priority[_bufferPos] = paletteEntry; //RawBitmap[_bufferPos] = _palette[ReadByte(0x3F00u + paletteEntry) & 0x3F]; byte pIdx = (byte)(ReadByte(0x3F00u + paletteEntry) & 0x3F); //RawBitmap[_bufferPos] = _palette[pIdx]; RawBitmap_paletteIdxCache[_bufferPos] = pIdx; } } private void ProcessSpritesForPixel(int x, int scanLine) { for (var idx = _spriteCount * 4 - 4; idx >= 0; idx -= 4) { var spriteX = _scanLineOAM[idx + 3]; var spriteY = _scanLineOAM[idx] + 1; // Don't draw this sprite if... if (spriteY == 0 || // it's located at y = 0 spriteY > 239 || // it's located past y = 239 ($EF) x >= spriteX + 8 || // it's behind the current dot x < spriteX || // it's ahead of the current dot x < 8 && !F.DrawLeftSprites) // it's in the clip area, and clipping is enabled { continue; } // amusingly enough, the PPU's palette handling is basically identical // to that of the Gameboy / Gameboy Color, so I've sort of just copy/pasted // handling code wholesale from my GBC emulator at // var tileIdx = _scanLineOAM[idx + 1]; if (F.TallSpritesEnabled) { tileIdx &= ~0x1u; } tileIdx *= 16; var attribute = _scanLineOAM[idx + 2] & 0xE3; var palette = attribute & 0x3; var front = (attribute & 0x20) == 0; var flipX = (attribute & 0x40) > 0; var flipY = (attribute & 0x80) > 0; var px = (int) (x - spriteX); var line = (int) (scanLine - spriteY); var tableBase = F.TallSpritesEnabled ? (_scanLineOAM[idx + 1] & 1) * 0x1000 : F.SpriteTableAddress; if (F.TallSpritesEnabled) { if (line >= 8) { line -= 8; if (!flipY) { tileIdx += 16; } flipY = false; } if (flipY) { tileIdx += 16; } } // here we handle the x and y flipping by tweaking the indices we are accessing var logicalX = flipX ? 7 - px : px; var logicalLine = flipY ? 7 - line : line; var address = (uint) (tableBase + tileIdx + logicalLine); // this looks bad, but it's about as readable as it's going to get var color = (uint) ( ( ( ( // fetch upper bit from 2nd bit plane ReadByte(address + 8) & (0x80 >> logicalX) ) >> (7 - logicalX) ) << 1 // this is the upper bit of the color number ) | ( ( ReadByte(address) & (0x80 >> logicalX) ) >> (7 - logicalX) )); // << 0, this is the lower bit of the color number if (color > 0) { var backgroundPixel = _priority[_bufferPos]; // Sprite 0 hits... if (!(!_isSprite0[idx / 4] || // do not occur on not-0 sprite x < 8 && !F.DrawLeftSprites || // or if left clipping is enabled backgroundPixel == 0 || // or if bg pixel is transparent F.Sprite0Hit || // or if it fired this frame already x == 255)) // or if x is 255, "for an obscure reason related to the pixel pipeline" { F.Sprite0Hit = true; } if (F.DrawBackground && (front || backgroundPixel == 0)) { if (scanLine != -1) { //RawBitmap[_bufferPos] = _palette[ReadByte(0x3F10 + palette * 4 + color) & 0x3F]; byte pIdx = (byte)(ReadByte(0x3F10 + palette * 4 + color) & 0x3F); RawBitmap[_bufferPos] = _palette[pIdx]; RawBitmap_paletteIdxCache[_bufferPos] = pIdx; } } } } } public void ProcessFrame() { RawBitmap.Fill(0u); RawBitmap_paletteIdxCache.Fill((byte)0); _priority.Fill(0u); _bufferPos = 0; for (var i = -1; i < _scanLineCount; i++) { ProcessScanLine(i); } } public void ProcessScanLine(int line) { for (var i = 0; i < _cyclesPerLine; i++) { ProcessCycle(line, i); } } private int _cpuClocksSinceVBL; private int _ppuClocksSinceVBL; public void ProcessCycle(int scanLine, int cycle) { var visibleCycle = 1 <= cycle && cycle <= 256; var prefetchCycle = 321 <= cycle && cycle <= 336; var fetchCycle = visibleCycle || prefetchCycle; if (F.VBlankStarted) { _ppuClocksSinceVBL++; } if (0 <= scanLine && scanLine < 240 || scanLine == -1) { if (visibleCycle) { ProcessPixel(cycle - 1, scanLine); } // During pixels 280 through 304 of this scanline, the vertical scroll bits are reloaded TODO: if rendering is enabled. if (scanLine == -1 && 280 <= cycle && cycle <= 304) { ReloadScrollY(); } if (fetchCycle) { _tileShiftRegister <<= 4; // See // Takes 8 cycles for tile to be read, 2 per "step" switch (cycle & 7) { case 1: // NT NextNameTableByte(); break; case 3: // AT NextAttributeByte(); break; case 5: // Tile low NextTileByte(false); break; case 7: // Tile high NextTileByte(true); break; case 0: // 2nd cycle of tile high fetch if (cycle == 256) IncrementScrollY(); else IncrementScrollX(); // Begin rendering a brand new tile ShiftTileRegister(); break; } } if (cycle == 257) { ReloadScrollX(); // 257 - 320 // The tile data for the sprites on the next scanline are fetched here. // TODO: stagger this over all the cycles as opposed to only on 257 CountSpritesOnLine(scanLine + 1); } } // TODO: this is a hack; VBlank should be cleared on dot 1 of the pre-render line, // but for some reason we're at 2272-2273 CPU clocks at that time // (i.e., our PPU timing is off somewhere by 6-9 PPU cycles per frame) if (F.VBlankStarted && _cpuClocksSinceVBL == 2270) { F.VBlankStarted = false; _cpuClocksSinceVBL = 0; } if (cycle == 1) { if (scanLine == 241) { F.VBlankStarted = true; if (F.NMIEnabled) { _emulator.CPU.TriggerInterrupt(CPU.InterruptType.NMI); } } // Happens at the same time as 1st cycle of NT byte fetch if (scanLine == -1) { // Console.WriteLine(_ppuClocksSinceVBL); _ppuClocksSinceVBL = 0; F.VBlankStarted = false; F.Sprite0Hit = false; F.SpriteOverflow = false; } } _emulator.Mapper.ProcessCycle(scanLine, cycle); if (_cpuSyncCounter + 1 == 3) { if (F.VBlankStarted) { _cpuClocksSinceVBL++; } _emulator.CPU.TickFromPPU(); _cpuSyncCounter = 0; } else { _cpuSyncCounter++; } } } }