// // This is a modified version of the SSAO renderer from Microsoft's MiniEngine // library. The copyright notice from the original version is included below. // // The original source code of MiniEngine is available on GitHub. // https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-Samples // // // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // This code is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // // Developed by Minigraph // // Author: James Stanard // #pragma warning(disable : 3568) #pragma exclude_renderers gles gles3 d3d11_9x #pragma kernel MultiScaleVODownsample1 main=MultiScaleVODownsample1 #pragma kernel MultiScaleVODownsample1_MSAA main=MultiScaleVODownsample1_MSAA MSAA #include "../StdLib.hlsl" #ifdef MSAA // Output textures RWTexture2D<float2> LinearZ; RWTexture2D<float2> DS2x; RWTexture2DArray<float2> DS2xAtlas; RWTexture2D<float2> DS4x; RWTexture2DArray<float2> DS4xAtlas; // Input textures Texture2D<float4> Depth; // Shared memory groupshared float2 g_CacheW[256]; #else // Output textures RWTexture2D<float> LinearZ; RWTexture2D<float> DS2x; RWTexture2DArray<float> DS2xAtlas; RWTexture2D<float> DS4x; RWTexture2DArray<float> DS4xAtlas; // Input textures Texture2D<float> Depth; // Shared memory groupshared float g_CacheW[256]; #endif CBUFFER_START(CB0) float4 ZBufferParams; CBUFFER_END #ifdef MSAA float2 Linearize(uint2 st) { float depthMin = Depth[st].y; float depthMax = Depth[st].x; float2 depth = float2(depthMin, depthMax); float2 dist = 1.0 / (ZBufferParams.x * depth + ZBufferParams.y); #ifdef UNITY_REVERSED_Z if (depth.x == 0) dist.x = 1e5; if (depth.y == 0) dist.y = 1e5; #else if (depth.x == 1) dist.x = 1e5; if (depth.y == 1) dist.y = 1e5; #endif LinearZ[st] = dist; return dist; } #else float Linearize(uint2 st) { float depth = Depth[st]; float dist = 1.0 / (ZBufferParams.x * depth + ZBufferParams.y); #ifdef UNITY_REVERSED_Z if (depth == 0) dist = 1e5; #else if (depth == 1) dist = 1e5; #endif LinearZ[st] = dist; return dist; } #endif #ifdef DISABLE_COMPUTE_SHADERS TRIVIAL_COMPUTE_KERNEL(main) #else [numthreads(8, 8, 1)] void main(uint3 Gid : SV_GroupID, uint GI : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID, uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID) { uint2 startST = Gid.xy << 4 | GTid.xy; uint destIdx = GTid.y << 4 | GTid.x; g_CacheW[destIdx + 0 ] = Linearize(startST | uint2(0, 0)); g_CacheW[destIdx + 8 ] = Linearize(startST | uint2(8, 0)); g_CacheW[destIdx + 128] = Linearize(startST | uint2(0, 8)); g_CacheW[destIdx + 136] = Linearize(startST | uint2(8, 8)); GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); uint ldsIndex = (GTid.x << 1) | (GTid.y << 5); #ifdef MSAA float2 w1 = g_CacheW[ldsIndex]; #else float w1 = g_CacheW[ldsIndex]; #endif uint2 st = DTid.xy; uint slice = ((st.x & 3) | (st.y << 2)) & 15; DS2x[st] = w1; DS2xAtlas[uint3(st >> 2, slice)] = w1; if ((GI & 011) == 0) { st = DTid.xy >> 1; slice = ((st.x & 3) | (st.y << 2)) & 15; DS4x[st] = w1; DS4xAtlas[uint3(st >> 2, slice)] = w1; } } #endif