diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/App.cs b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/App.cs
index f8b50ce9..2f394d93 100644
--- a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/App.cs
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/App.cs
@@ -1,249 +1,253 @@
-using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Manager;
-using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Network;
-using AxibugProtobuf;
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using UnityEngine;
-using static AxibugEmuOnline.Client.HttpAPI;
-using static AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Manager.LogManager;
-namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Client.ClientCore
- public static class App
- {
- public static string TokenStr;
- public static string IP;
- public static int Port;
- public static LogManager log;
- public static NetworkHelper network;
- public static AppLogin login;
- public static AppChat chat;
- public static UserDataManager user;
- //public static AppNetGame netgame;
- public static AppEmu emu;
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Manager;
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Network;
+using AxibugProtobuf;
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using UnityEngine;
+using static AxibugEmuOnline.Client.HttpAPI;
+using static AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Manager.LogManager;
+namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Client.ClientCore
+ public static class App
+ {
+ public static string TokenStr;
+ public static string IP;
+ public static int Port;
+ public static LogManager log;
+ public static NetworkHelper network;
+ public static AppLogin login;
+ public static AppChat chat;
+ public static UserDataManager user;
+ public static AppEmu emu;
/// nes Rom库
- ///
- public static RomLib nesRomLib;
+ ///
+ public static RomLib nesRomLib;
/// 收藏 Rom库
- ///
- public static RomLib starRomLib;
- public static HttpAPI httpAPI;
- public static CacheManager CacheMgr;
- public static AppRoom roomMgr;
- public static AppSettings settings;
- public static AppShare share;
- private static object gameSavMgr;
- static bool bTest;
- static string mTestSrvIP;
- #region Mono
- public static TickLoop tickLoop;
- private static CoroutineRunner coRunner;
- public static SonyVitaCommonDialog sonyVitaCommonDialog;
- #endregion
- public static string PersistentDataPath => "ux0:data/AxibugEmu";
- public static string PersistentDataPath => Application.persistentDataPath;
- public static void Init(bool isTest = false, string testSrvIP = "", bool bUseLocalWebApi = false, string mLocalWebApi = "")
- {
- log = new LogManager(OnLogOut);
- //其他平台必要的初始化
- if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.PSP2)
- {
- PSP2Init();
- }
- settings = new AppSettings();
- network = new NetworkHelper();
- login = new AppLogin();
- chat = new AppChat();
- user = new UserDataManager();
- emu = new AppEmu();
- //netgame = new AppNetGame();
- httpAPI = new HttpAPI();
- if (bUseLocalWebApi)
- httpAPI.WebHost = mLocalWebApi;
- nesRomLib = new RomLib(RomPlatformType.Nes);
- starRomLib = new RomLib();
- CacheMgr = new CacheManager();
- roomMgr = new AppRoom();
- share = new AppShare();
- gameSavMgr = new AppGameSavMgr();
- bTest = isTest;
- mTestSrvIP = testSrvIP;
- var go = new GameObject("[AppAxibugEmuOnline]");
- GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(go);
- tickLoop = go.AddComponent();
- coRunner = go.AddComponent();
- var importNode = GameObject.Find("IMPORTENT");
- if (importNode != null) GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(importNode);
- StartCoroutine(AppTickFlow());
- RePullNetInfo();
- }
- private static void PSP2Init()
- {
- //PSVita最好手动创建目录
- if (!Directory.Exists(PersistentDataPath))
- Directory.CreateDirectory(PersistentDataPath);
- //创建PSV弹窗UI
- sonyVitaCommonDialog = new GameObject().AddComponent();
- //释放解码 FMV的26M内存,一般游戏用不上(PSP才用那破玩意儿)
- UnityEngine.PSVita.PSVitaVideoPlayer.TransferMemToMonoHeap();
- }
- private static IEnumerator AppTickFlow()
- {
- while (true)
- {
- Tick();
- yield return null;
- }
- }
- public static void RePullNetInfo()
- {
- StartCoroutine(StartNetInit());
- }
- static IEnumerator StartNetInit()
- {
- if (App.network.isConnected)
- yield break;
- int platform = 0;
- if (bTest)
- {
- yield return null;
- Connect(mTestSrvIP, 10492);
- yield break;
- }
- bool bHttpCheckDone = false;
- Resp_CheckStandInfo resp = null;
- while (true)
- {
- AxiHttpProxy.SendWebRequestProxy request = AxiHttpProxy.Get($"{App.httpAPI.WebSiteApi}/CheckStandInfo?platform={platform}&version={Application.version}");
- yield return request.SendWebRequest;
- if (!request.downloadHandler.isDone)
- {
- bHttpCheckDone = false;
- }
- else if (request.downloadHandler.bHadErr)
- {
- bHttpCheckDone = false;
- App.log.Error(request.downloadHandler.ErrInfo);
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- resp = JsonUtility.FromJson(request.downloadHandler.text);
- bHttpCheckDone = true;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- bHttpCheckDone = false;
- App.log.Error(ex.ToString());
- }
- }
- //请求成功
- if (bHttpCheckDone)
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
- App.log.Debug("请求失败,重试请求API...");
- }
- }
- /*UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get($"{App.httpAPI.WebSiteApi}/CheckStandInfo?platform={platform}&version={Application.version}");
- yield return request.SendWebRequest();
- if (request.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
- yield break;
- App.log.Debug($"ApiResp => {request.downloadHandler.text}");
- Resp_CheckStandInfo resp = JsonUtility.FromJson(request.downloadHandler.text);*/
- //需要更新
- if (resp.needUpdateClient == 1)
- {
- //TODO
- }
- yield return null;
- //Connect("", 10492);
- Connect(resp.serverIp, resp.serverPort);
- }
- private static void Tick()
- {
- nesRomLib.ExecuteFetchRomInfo();
- }
- public static Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator itor)
- {
- return coRunner.StartCoroutine(itor);
- }
- public static void StopCoroutine(Coroutine cor)
- {
- coRunner.StopCoroutine(cor);
- }
- public static void Connect(string IP, int port)
- {
- Task task = new Task(() =>
- {
- network.Init(IP, port);
- });
- task.Start();
- }
- public static void Close()
- {
- App.log.Info("停止");
- }
- static void OnLogOut(int LogLevel, string msg)
- {
- E_LogType logType = (E_LogType)LogLevel;
- switch (logType)
- {
- case E_LogType.Debug:
- case E_LogType.Info:
- Debug.Log("[AxiNet]:" + msg);
- break;
- case E_LogType.Warning:
- Debug.LogWarning("[AxiNet]:" + msg);
- break;
- case E_LogType.Error:
- Debug.LogError("[AxiNet]:" + msg);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ ///
+ public static RomLib starRomLib;
+ public static HttpAPI httpAPI;
+ public static CacheManager CacheMgr;
+ public static AppRoom roomMgr;
+ public static AppSettings settings;
+ public static AppShare share;
+ public static GamePadManager gamePadMgr;
+ private static object gameSavMgr;
+ static bool bTest;
+ static string mTestSrvIP;
+ #region Mono
+ public static TickLoop tickLoop;
+ private static CoroutineRunner coRunner;
+ public static SonyVitaCommonDialog sonyVitaCommonDialog;
+ #endregion
+ public static string PersistentDataPath => "ux0:data/AxibugEmu";
+ public static string PersistentDataPath => Application.persistentDataPath;
+ public static void Init(bool isTest = false, string testSrvIP = "", bool bUseLocalWebApi = false, string mLocalWebApi = "")
+ {
+ log = new LogManager(OnLogOut);
+ //其他平台必要的初始化
+ if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.PSP2)
+ {
+ PSP2Init();
+ }
+ settings = new AppSettings();
+ network = new NetworkHelper();
+ login = new AppLogin();
+ chat = new AppChat();
+ user = new UserDataManager();
+ emu = new AppEmu();
+ httpAPI = new HttpAPI();
+ if (bUseLocalWebApi)
+ httpAPI.WebHost = mLocalWebApi;
+ nesRomLib = new RomLib(RomPlatformType.Nes);
+ starRomLib = new RomLib();
+ CacheMgr = new CacheManager();
+ roomMgr = new AppRoom();
+ share = new AppShare();
+ gameSavMgr = new AppGameSavMgr();
+ gamePadMgr = new GamePadManager();
+ bTest = isTest;
+ mTestSrvIP = testSrvIP;
+ var go = new GameObject("[AppAxibugEmuOnline]");
+ GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(go);
+ tickLoop = go.AddComponent();
+ coRunner = go.AddComponent();
+ var importNode = GameObject.Find("IMPORTENT");
+ if (importNode != null) GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(importNode);
+ StartCoroutine(AppTickFlow());
+ RePullNetInfo();
+ }
+ private static void PSP2Init()
+ {
+ //PSVita最好手动创建目录
+ if (!Directory.Exists(PersistentDataPath))
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(PersistentDataPath);
+ //创建PSV弹窗UI
+ sonyVitaCommonDialog = new GameObject().AddComponent();
+ //释放解码 FMV的26M内存,一般游戏用不上(PSP才用那破玩意儿)
+ UnityEngine.PSVita.PSVitaVideoPlayer.TransferMemToMonoHeap();
+ }
+ private static IEnumerator AppTickFlow()
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Tick();
+ yield return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void RePullNetInfo()
+ {
+ StartCoroutine(StartNetInit());
+ }
+ static IEnumerator StartNetInit()
+ {
+ if (App.network.isConnected)
+ yield break;
+ int platform = 0;
+ if (bTest)
+ {
+ yield return null;
+ Connect(mTestSrvIP, 10492);
+ yield break;
+ }
+ bool bHttpCheckDone = false;
+ Resp_CheckStandInfo resp = null;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ AxiHttpProxy.SendWebRequestProxy request = AxiHttpProxy.Get($"{App.httpAPI.WebSiteApi}/CheckStandInfo?platform={platform}&version={Application.version}");
+ yield return request.SendWebRequest;
+ if (!request.downloadHandler.isDone)
+ {
+ bHttpCheckDone = false;
+ }
+ else if (request.downloadHandler.bHadErr)
+ {
+ bHttpCheckDone = false;
+ App.log.Error(request.downloadHandler.ErrInfo);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ resp = JsonUtility.FromJson(request.downloadHandler.text);
+ bHttpCheckDone = true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ bHttpCheckDone = false;
+ App.log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ //请求成功
+ if (bHttpCheckDone)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
+ App.log.Debug("请求失败,重试请求API...");
+ }
+ }
+ /*UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get($"{App.httpAPI.WebSiteApi}/CheckStandInfo?platform={platform}&version={Application.version}");
+ yield return request.SendWebRequest();
+ if (request.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
+ yield break;
+ App.log.Debug($"ApiResp => {request.downloadHandler.text}");
+ Resp_CheckStandInfo resp = JsonUtility.FromJson(request.downloadHandler.text);*/
+ //需要更新
+ if (resp.needUpdateClient == 1)
+ {
+ //TODO
+ }
+ yield return null;
+ //Connect("", 10492);
+ Connect(resp.serverIp, resp.serverPort);
+ }
+ private static void Tick()
+ {
+ nesRomLib.ExecuteFetchRomInfo();
+ starRomLib.ExecuteFetchRomInfo();
+ gamePadMgr.Update();
+ }
+ public static Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator itor)
+ {
+ return coRunner.StartCoroutine(itor);
+ }
+ public static void StopCoroutine(Coroutine cor)
+ {
+ coRunner.StopCoroutine(cor);
+ }
+ public static void Connect(string IP, int port)
+ {
+ Task task = new Task(() =>
+ {
+ network.Init(IP, port);
+ });
+ task.Start();
+ }
+ public static void Close()
+ {
+ App.log.Info("停止");
+ }
+ static void OnLogOut(int LogLevel, string msg)
+ {
+ E_LogType logType = (E_LogType)LogLevel;
+ switch (logType)
+ {
+ case E_LogType.Debug:
+ case E_LogType.Info:
+ Debug.Log("[AxiNet]:" + msg);
+ break;
+ case E_LogType.Warning:
+ Debug.LogWarning("[AxiNet]:" + msg);
+ break;
+ case E_LogType.Error:
+ Debug.LogError("[AxiNet]:" + msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Initer.cs b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Initer.cs
index b0834165..881a74da 100644
--- a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Initer.cs
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Initer.cs
@@ -1,50 +1,51 @@
-using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.ClientCore;
-using UnityEngine;
-namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Client
- public class Initer : MonoBehaviour
- {
- static GlobalRef m_refs;
- public static CanvasGroup FilterPreview => m_refs.FilterPreview;
- public static CanvasGroup XMBBg => m_refs.XMBBg;
- public static string dev_UUID;
- [SerializeField]
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.ClientCore;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Client
+ public class Initer : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ static GlobalRef m_refs;
+ public static CanvasGroup FilterPreview => m_refs.FilterPreview;
+ public static CanvasGroup XMBBg => m_refs.XMBBg;
+ public static string dev_UUID;
+ [SerializeField]
- public bool bTestSkipWebApiToConServer = false;
- public string mTestSrvIP = "";
- public bool bUseLocalWebApi = false;
- public string mLocalWebApi = "http://localhost:5051";
- public bool bEditorUUID = false;
- private void Awake()
+ public bool bTestSkipWebApiToConServer = false;
+ public string mTestSrvIP = "";
+ public bool bUseLocalWebApi = false;
+ public string mLocalWebApi = "http://localhost:5051";
+ public bool bEditorUUID = false;
+ private void Awake()
- App.Init(bTestSkipWebApiToConServer, mTestSrvIP, bUseLocalWebApi,mLocalWebApi);
- dev_UUID = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;
+ App.Init(bTestSkipWebApiToConServer, mTestSrvIP, bUseLocalWebApi,mLocalWebApi);
+ dev_UUID = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;
if (bEditorUUID)
- {
- dev_UUID += "_Editor";
- }
- App.Init(this);
- dev_UUID = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;
+ {
+ dev_UUID += "_Editor";
+ }
+ App.Init(this);
+ dev_UUID = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;
m_refs = Instantiate(IMPORTENT, transform).GetComponent();
- }
+ }
private void Start()
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Manager/AppSettings/Filter/FilterChainEffect.cs b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Manager/AppSettings/Filter/FilterChainEffect.cs
index 6508fad7..0807fb89 100644
--- a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Manager/AppSettings/Filter/FilterChainEffect.cs
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Manager/AppSettings/Filter/FilterChainEffect.cs
@@ -1,160 +1,160 @@
-using Assets.Script.AppMain.Filter;
-using AxibugEmuOnline.Client;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using UnityEngine;
-using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
-public abstract class FilterChainEffect : FilterEffect
- #region SealedForDisable
- protected sealed override string ShaderName => null;
- protected sealed override void OnInit(Material renderMat) { }
+using Assets.Script.AppMain.Filter;
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
+public abstract class FilterChainEffect : FilterEffect
+ #region SealedForDisable
+ protected sealed override string ShaderName => null;
+ protected sealed override void OnInit(Material renderMat) { }
public sealed override void Render(Texture src, RenderTexture result)
- OnRenderer(src, result);
- }
- protected sealed override void OnRenderer(Material renderMat, Texture src, RenderTexture result) { }
- #endregion
- List m_passes = new List();
- static int Original;
- static int OriginalSize;
- static int Source;
- static int SourceSize;
- static int FrameCount;
- static int OutputSize;
- List m_passOutputTexNames = new List();
- List m_passOutputTexSizes = new List();
- static FilterChainEffect()
- {
- Original = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(Original));
- OriginalSize = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(OriginalSize));
- Source = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(Source));
- SourceSize = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(SourceSize));
- FrameCount = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(FrameCount));
- OutputSize = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(OutputSize));
- }
- protected sealed override void Init()
- {
- DefinePasses(ref m_passes);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_passes.Count; i++)
- {
- m_passes[i].Init(i);
- m_passOutputTexNames.Add(Shader.PropertyToID(m_passes[i].NormalOutputTextureName));
- m_passOutputTexSizes.Add(Shader.PropertyToID($"{m_passes[i].NormalOutputTextureName}Size"));
+ OnRenderer(src, result);
+ }
+ protected sealed override void OnRenderer(Material renderMat, Texture src, RenderTexture result) { }
+ #endregion
+ List m_passes = new List();
+ static int Original;
+ static int OriginalSize;
+ static int Source;
+ static int SourceSize;
+ static int FrameCount;
+ static int OutputSize;
+ List m_passOutputTexNames = new List();
+ List m_passOutputTexSizes = new List();
+ static FilterChainEffect()
+ {
+ Original = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(Original));
+ OriginalSize = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(OriginalSize));
+ Source = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(Source));
+ SourceSize = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(SourceSize));
+ FrameCount = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(FrameCount));
+ OutputSize = Shader.PropertyToID(nameof(OutputSize));
+ }
+ protected sealed override void Init()
+ {
+ DefinePasses(ref m_passes);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_passes.Count; i++)
+ {
+ m_passes[i].Init(i);
+ m_passOutputTexNames.Add(Shader.PropertyToID(m_passes[i].NormalOutputTextureName));
+ m_passOutputTexSizes.Add(Shader.PropertyToID($"{m_passes[i].NormalOutputTextureName}Size"));
if (m_passes[i].AliasOutputTextureName != null)
- m_passOutputTexSizes.Add(Shader.PropertyToID($"{m_passes[i].AliasOutputTextureName}Size"));
- }
- }
- }
- Dictionary m_outputCaches = new Dictionary();
- private void OnRenderer(Texture input, RenderTexture finalOut)
- {
- m_outputCaches.Clear();
- Vector4 originalSize = new Vector4(input.width, input.height, 1f / input.width, 1f / input.height);
- Texture lastoutput = input;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_passes.Count; i++)
- {
- var pass = m_passes[i];
- pass.OnRender();
- pass.Mat.SetTexture(Original, input);
- pass.Mat.SetVector(OriginalSize, originalSize);
- pass.Mat.SetTexture(Source, lastoutput);
+ m_passOutputTexSizes.Add(Shader.PropertyToID($"{m_passes[i].AliasOutputTextureName}Size"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dictionary m_outputCaches = new Dictionary();
+ private void OnRenderer(Texture input, RenderTexture finalOut)
+ {
+ m_outputCaches.Clear();
+ Vector4 originalSize = new Vector4(input.width, input.height, 1f / input.width, 1f / input.height);
+ Texture lastoutput = input;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_passes.Count; i++)
+ {
+ var pass = m_passes[i];
+ pass.OnRender();
+ pass.Mat.SetTexture(Original, input);
+ pass.Mat.SetVector(OriginalSize, originalSize);
+ pass.Mat.SetTexture(Source, lastoutput);
pass.Mat.SetVector(SourceSize, new Vector4(lastoutput.width, lastoutput.height, 1f / lastoutput.width, 1f / lastoutput.height));
- pass.Mat.SetFloat(FrameCount, Time.frameCount);
- for (int index = 0; index < m_passOutputTexNames.Count; index++)
- {
- var existoutput = m_passOutputTexNames[index];
- var existoutputSize = m_passOutputTexSizes[index];
+ pass.Mat.SetFloat(FrameCount, Time.frameCount);
+ for (int index = 0; index < m_passOutputTexNames.Count; index++)
+ {
+ var existoutput = m_passOutputTexNames[index];
+ var existoutputSize = m_passOutputTexSizes[index];
if (m_outputCaches.TryGetValue(existoutput, out var passOutput))
if (pass.Mat.HasTexture(existoutput))
pass.Mat.SetTexture(existoutput, passOutput);
if (pass.Mat.HasVector(existoutputSize))
- pass.Mat.SetVector(existoutputSize, new Vector4(passOutput.width, passOutput.height, 1f / passOutput.width, 1f / passOutput.height));
- }
- }
+ pass.Mat.SetVector(existoutputSize, new Vector4(passOutput.width, passOutput.height, 1f / passOutput.width, 1f / passOutput.height));
+ }
+ }
var output = pass.GetOutput(input, lastoutput, finalOut);
- pass.Mat.SetVector(OutputSize, new Vector4(output.width, output.height, 1f / output.width, 1f / output.height));
- m_outputCaches[pass.NormalOutputTextureName_PID] = output;
- if (pass.AliasOutputTextureName != null) m_outputCaches[pass.AliasOutputTextureName_PID] = output;
- Graphics.Blit(lastoutput, output, pass.Mat);
- lastoutput = output;
- }
- Graphics.Blit(lastoutput, finalOut);
- foreach (var rt in m_outputCaches.Values)
- RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt);
- }
- protected abstract void DefinePasses(ref List passes);
- public class PassDefine
+ pass.Mat.SetVector(OutputSize, new Vector4(output.width, output.height, 1f / output.width, 1f / output.height));
+ m_outputCaches[pass.NormalOutputTextureName_PID] = output;
+ if (pass.AliasOutputTextureName != null) m_outputCaches[pass.AliasOutputTextureName_PID] = output;
+ Graphics.Blit(lastoutput, output, pass.Mat);
+ lastoutput = output;
+ }
+ Graphics.Blit(lastoutput, finalOut);
+ foreach (var rt in m_outputCaches.Values)
+ RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(rt);
+ }
+ protected abstract void DefinePasses(ref List passes);
+ public class PassDefine
- public string ShaderName { get; private set; }
- public FilterMode FilterMode { get; private set; }
- public TextureWrapMode WrapMode { get; private set; }
+ public string ShaderName { get; private set; }
+ public FilterMode FilterMode { get; private set; }
+ public TextureWrapMode WrapMode { get; private set; }
public EnumScaleMode ScaleModeX { get; private set; }
- public EnumScaleMode ScaleModeY { get; private set; }
- public float ScaleX { get; private set; }
- public float ScaleY { get; private set; }
- public string AliasOutputTextureName { get; private set; }
- public int AliasOutputTextureName_PID { get; private set; }
- public string NormalOutputTextureName { get; private set; }
- public int NormalOutputTextureName_PID { get; private set; }
+ public EnumScaleMode ScaleModeY { get; private set; }
+ public float ScaleX { get; private set; }
+ public float ScaleY { get; private set; }
+ public string AliasOutputTextureName { get; private set; }
+ public int AliasOutputTextureName_PID { get; private set; }
+ public string NormalOutputTextureName { get; private set; }
+ public int NormalOutputTextureName_PID { get; private set; }
public bool sRGB { get; private set; }
- private PassDefine() { }
- public static PassDefine Create(
- string shaderName,
- FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point,
- TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
- EnumScaleMode scaleModeX = EnumScaleMode.Source, EnumScaleMode scaleModeY = EnumScaleMode.Source, float scaleX = 1f, float scaleY = 1f,
- string outputAlias = null,
- bool sRGB = false
- )
- {
- return new PassDefine()
- {
- ShaderName = shaderName,
- FilterMode = filterMode,
- WrapMode = wrapMode,
- ScaleModeX = scaleModeX,
- ScaleModeY = scaleModeY,
- ScaleX = scaleX,
- ScaleY = scaleY,
- AliasOutputTextureName = outputAlias,
- sRGB = sRGB,
- };
- }
- private Dictionary m_linkingParams = new Dictionary();
+ private PassDefine() { }
+ public static PassDefine Create(
+ string shaderName,
+ FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point,
+ TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
+ EnumScaleMode scaleModeX = EnumScaleMode.Source, EnumScaleMode scaleModeY = EnumScaleMode.Source, float scaleX = 1f, float scaleY = 1f,
+ string outputAlias = null,
+ bool sRGB = false
+ )
+ {
+ return new PassDefine()
+ {
+ ShaderName = shaderName,
+ FilterMode = filterMode,
+ WrapMode = wrapMode,
+ ScaleModeX = scaleModeX,
+ ScaleModeY = scaleModeY,
+ ScaleX = scaleX,
+ ScaleY = scaleY,
+ AliasOutputTextureName = outputAlias,
+ sRGB = sRGB,
+ };
+ }
+ private Dictionary m_linkingParams = new Dictionary();
public PassDefine SetParameters(string shaderValName, FilterParameter para)
m_linkingParams[shaderValName] = para;
return this;
- }
- public int PassIndex { get; private set; }
+ }
+ public int PassIndex { get; private set; }
public Material Mat { get; private set; }
public void OnRender()
@@ -167,63 +167,63 @@ public abstract class FilterChainEffect : FilterEffect
if (valType == typeof(float))
Mat.SetFloat(paraName, (float)val);
- }
- internal void Init(int passIndex)
- {
- Mat = new Material(Shader.Find(ShaderName));
- PassIndex = passIndex;
- NormalOutputTextureName = $"PassOutput{passIndex}";
- NormalOutputTextureName_PID = Shader.PropertyToID(NormalOutputTextureName);
- if (AliasOutputTextureName != null) AliasOutputTextureName_PID = Shader.PropertyToID(AliasOutputTextureName);
- }
- internal RenderTexture GetOutput(Texture original, Texture source, Texture final)
- {
- int width = 0;
- switch (ScaleModeX)
- {
- case EnumScaleMode.Viewport:
- width = (int)(final.width * ScaleX);
- break;
- case EnumScaleMode.Source:
- width = (int)(source.width * ScaleX);
- break;
- case EnumScaleMode.Absolute:
- width = (int)ScaleX;
- break;
- }
+ }
+ internal void Init(int passIndex)
+ {
+ Mat = new Material(Shader.Find(ShaderName));
+ PassIndex = passIndex;
+ NormalOutputTextureName = $"PassOutput{passIndex}";
+ NormalOutputTextureName_PID = Shader.PropertyToID(NormalOutputTextureName);
+ if (AliasOutputTextureName != null) AliasOutputTextureName_PID = Shader.PropertyToID(AliasOutputTextureName);
+ }
+ internal RenderTexture GetOutput(Texture original, Texture source, Texture final)
+ {
+ int width = 0;
+ switch (ScaleModeX)
+ {
+ case EnumScaleMode.Viewport:
+ width = (int)(final.width * ScaleX);
+ break;
+ case EnumScaleMode.Source:
+ width = (int)(source.width * ScaleX);
+ break;
+ case EnumScaleMode.Absolute:
+ width = (int)ScaleX;
+ break;
+ }
int height = 0;
- switch (ScaleModeY)
- {
- case EnumScaleMode.Viewport:
- height = (int)(final.height * ScaleY);
- break;
- case EnumScaleMode.Source:
- height = (int)(source.height * ScaleY);
- break;
- case EnumScaleMode.Absolute:
- height = (int)ScaleY;
- break;
- }
- //if (sRGB) format = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB;
+ switch (ScaleModeY)
+ {
+ case EnumScaleMode.Viewport:
+ height = (int)(final.height * ScaleY);
+ break;
+ case EnumScaleMode.Source:
+ height = (int)(source.height * ScaleY);
+ break;
+ case EnumScaleMode.Absolute:
+ height = (int)ScaleY;
+ break;
+ }
+ //if (sRGB) format = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB;
var rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 0, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, 1);
- rt.wrapMode = WrapMode;
- rt.filterMode = FilterMode;
- return rt;
- }
- }
- public enum EnumScaleMode
- {
- /// 以输入源为缩放基准 以分辨率作为缩放基准 以固定值定义尺寸 以输入源为缩放基准 以分辨率作为缩放基准 以固定值定义尺寸
+ /// 被Unity所识别的通用GamePad类
+ ///
+ public class GamePad
+ {
+ internal GamePadInfo m_info;
+ public int Index => m_info.Index;
+ public string Name => m_info.Name;
+ public bool Offline { get; internal set; }
+ internal GamePad(GamePadInfo info)
+ {
+ m_info = info;
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return $"{Index}:{Name}{(Offline ? "(Offline)" : string.Empty)}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
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diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Manager/GamePadManager/GamePadManager.cs b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Manager/GamePadManager/GamePadManager.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Manager
+ public partial class GamePadManager
+ {
+ #region Events
+ public delegate void GamePadConnectedHandle(GamePad newConnectGamePad);
+ /// 当一个手柄连接时触发
+ public event GamePadConnectedHandle OnGamePadConnected;
+ public delegate void GamePadDisConnectedHandle(GamePad disConnectGamePad);
+ /// 当一个手柄断开时触发
+ public event GamePadDisConnectedHandle OnGamePadDisConnected;
+ #endregion
+ Dictionary m_gamePads = new Dictionary();
+ HashSet m_temp = new HashSet();
+ public void Update()
+ {
+ m_temp.Clear();
+ foreach (var info in m_gamePads.Keys)
+ m_temp.Add(info); //记录需要被移除的手柄
+ var devices = Input.GetJoystickNames();
+ for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
+ {
+ var info = new GamePadInfo { Index = i, Name = devices[i] };
+ m_temp.Remove(info);
+ if (!m_gamePads.ContainsKey(info))
+ {
+ m_gamePads[info] = new GamePad(info);
+ OnGamePadConnected?.Invoke(m_gamePads[info]);
+ };
+ }
+ foreach (var info in m_temp)
+ {
+ if (m_gamePads.TryGetValue(info, out GamePad gp))
+ {
+ m_gamePads.Remove(info);
+ gp.Offline = true;
+ OnGamePadDisConnected?.Invoke(gp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 获取所有已连接的手柄,返回的结果顺序与手柄序号无关
+ ///
+ ///
+ public GamePad[] GetGamePads()
+ {
+ return m_gamePads.Values.ToArray();
+ }
+ internal struct GamePadInfo : IEquatable, IComparable
+ {
+ internal int Index;
+ internal string Name;
+ public override bool Equals(object obj)
+ {
+ if (obj is GamePadInfo)
+ {
+ return Equals((GamePadInfo)obj);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool Equals(GamePadInfo other)
+ {
+ return Index == other.Index && Name == other.Name;
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode()
+ {
+ // Custom hash code implementation without HashCombine
+ int hash = 17;
+ hash = hash * 31 + Index.GetHashCode();
+ hash = hash * 31 + (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0);
+ return hash;
+ }
+ public int CompareTo(GamePadInfo other)
+ {
+ int indexComparison = Index.CompareTo(other.Index);
+ if (indexComparison != 0)
+ {
+ return indexComparison;
+ }
+ return string.Compare(Name, other.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
+ }
+ public static bool operator ==(GamePadInfo left, GamePadInfo right)
+ {
+ return left.Equals(right);
+ }
+ public static bool operator !=(GamePadInfo left, GamePadInfo right)
+ {
+ return !(left == right);
+ }
+ public static bool operator <(GamePadInfo left, GamePadInfo right)
+ {
+ return left.CompareTo(right) < 0;
+ }
+ public static bool operator >(GamePadInfo left, GamePadInfo right)
+ {
+ return left.CompareTo(right) > 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
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