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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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+guid: 65816e3cba19de446b225f8eead5ec1f
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/1.png.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/1.png.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f27f069a
Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/1.png.bytes differ
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/1.png.bytes.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/1.png.bytes.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea4912f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/1.png.bytes.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8653d87eab52e6941a87038ef06a2dea
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/cus64-64a1.mcu.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/cus64-64a1.mcu.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48e314f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/cus64-64a1.mcu.bytes differ
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/cus64-64a1.mcu.bytes.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/cus64-64a1.mcu.bytes.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74537d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/cus64-64a1.mcu.bytes.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 59fd575d698130a43a79dc166d4051d3
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/mame.xml.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/mame.xml.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dafa9ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/mame.xml.bytes
@@ -0,0 +1,8046 @@
+ airduel
+ 270
+ Air Duel (Japan, M72)
+ 1990
+ Irem
+ Lightning Swords
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ ltswords
+ Ken-Go (set 1)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ ltswords
+ Ken-Go (set 2)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ gunforce
+ Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Japan)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ gunforce
+ Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US)
+ 1991
+ Irem America
+ Blade Master (World)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ bmaster
+ Cross Blades! (Japan)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ 270
+ Lethal Thunder (World)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ lethalth
+ 270
+ Thunder Blaster (Japan)
+ 1991
+ Irem
+ Undercover Cops (World)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ uccops
+ Undercover Cops (US)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ uccops
+ Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ uccops
+ Undercover Cops (Japan)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ Mystic Riders (World)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ mysticri
+ Mahou Keibitai Gun Hohki (Japan)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ Major Title 2 (World, set 1)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ majtitl2
+ Major Title 2 (Japan)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ majtitl2
+ The Irem Skins Game (US set 1)
+ 1992
+ Irem America
+ majtitl2
+ The Irem Skins Game (US set 2)
+ 1992
+ Irem America
+ Hook (World)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ hook
+ Hook (US)
+ 1992
+ Irem America
+ hook
+ Hook (Japan)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ R-Type Leo (World)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ rtypeleo
+ R-Type Leo (Japan)
+ 1992
+ Irem
+ In The Hunt (World)
+ 1993
+ Irem
+ inthunt
+ In The Hunt (US)
+ 1993
+ Irem America
+ inthunt
+ Kaitei Daisensou (Japan)
+ 1993
+ Irem
+ Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World)
+ 1993
+ Irem
+ nbbatman
+ Ninja Baseball Bat Man (US)
+ 1993
+ Irem America
+ nbbatman
+ Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan)
+ 1993
+ Irem
+ Superior Soldiers (US)
+ 1993
+ Irem America
+ ssoldier
+ Perfect Soldiers (Japan)
+ 1993
+ Irem
+ Gun Force II (US)
+ 1994
+ Irem
+ gunforc2
+ Geo Storm (Japan)
+ 1994
+ Irem
+ 90
+ Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer)
+ 1986
+ Taito Corporation
+ tokio
+ 90
+ Tokio / Scramble Formation (older)
+ 1986
+ Taito Corporation
+ tokio
+ 90
+ Tokio / Scramble Formation (US)
+ 1986
+ Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)
+ tokio
+ 90
+ Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1)
+ 1986
+ Taito Corporation
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.0)
+ 1986
+ Taito Corporation
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble (US, Ver 5.1)
+ 1986
+ Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble (US, Ver 1.0)
+ 1986
+ Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)
+ bublbobl
+ Bobble Bobble (bootleg of Bubble Bobble)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 1)
+ 1986
+ bootleg (Datsu)
+ bublbobl
+ Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 2)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 3)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 4)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Super Bubble Bobble (bootleg)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble (bootleg with 68705)
+ 1986
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Dream Land / Super Dream Land (bootleg of Bubble Bobble)
+ 1987
+ bootleg
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble ('bootleg redux' hack for Bobble Bobble PCB)
+ 2013
+ bootleg (Punji)
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble (for Bobble Bobble PCB)
+ 2013
+ bootleg (Aladar)
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2
+ 2013
+ hack (Bisboch and Aladar)
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.2 (for Bobble Bobble PCB)
+ 2013
+ hack (Bisboch and Aladar)
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.1
+ 2012
+ hack (Bisboch and Aladar)
+ bublbobl
+ Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave V1.0
+ 2012
+ hack (Bisboch and Aladar)
+ Operation Wolf (World, set 1)
+ 1987
+ Taito Corporation Japan
+ opwolf
+ Operation Wolf (World, set 2)
+ 1987
+ Taito Corporation Japan
+ opwolf
+ Operation Wolf (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Taito Corporation
+ opwolf
+ Operation Wolf (US)
+ 1987
+ Taito America Corporation
+ opwolf
+ Operation Bear (bootleg of Operation Wolf)
+ 1987
+ bootleg (Bear Corporation Korea)
+ opwolf
+ Operation Wolf (Japan, prototype)
+ 1987
+ Taito Corporation
+ Silent Dragon (World)
+ 1992
+ Taito Corporation Japan
+ silentd
+ Silent Dragon (Japan)
+ 1992
+ Taito Corporation
+ silentd
+ Silent Dragon (US)
+ 1992
+ Taito America Corporation
+ Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System)
+ 1994
+ Taito Corporation
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ gng
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 2)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ gng
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (bootleg with Cross)
+ 1985
+ bootleg
+ gng
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (prototype)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ gng
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (Italian bootleg, harder)
+ 1985
+ bootleg
+ gng
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 3)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ gng
+ Ghosts'n Goblins (US)
+ 1985
+ Capcom (Taito America license)
+ gng
+ Makai-Mura (Japan)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ gng
+ Makai-Mura (Japan Revision C)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ gng
+ Makai-Mura (Japan Revision G)
+ 1985
+ Capcom
+ Diamond Run
+ 1989
+ KH Video
+ Street Fighter (US, set 1)
+ 1987
+ Capcom
+ sf
+ Street Fighter (US, set 2) (protected)
+ 1987
+ Capcom
+ sf
+ Street Fighter (Japan) (protected)
+ 1987
+ Capcom
+ sf
+ Street Fighter (Japan, pneumatic buttons)
+ 1987
+ Capcom
+ sf
+ Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons)
+ 1987
+ Capcom
+ sf
+ Street Fighter (prototype)
+ 1987
+ Capcom
+ Forgotten Worlds (World, newer)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Forgotten Worlds (World)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. E)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. C)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. A)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. AA)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Lost Worlds (Japan)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ forgottn
+ Lost Worlds (Japan Old Ver.)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ ghouls
+ Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ ghouls
+ Daimakaimura (Japan)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ ghouls
+ Daimakaimura (Japan Resale Ver.)
+ 1988
+ Capcom
+ Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ strider
+ Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-3)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ strider
+ Strider (USA, B-Board 90629B-3, buggy Street Fighter II conversion)
+ 1989
+ bootleg (Capcom)
+ strider
+ Strider Hiryu (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ strider
+ Strider Hiryu (Japan Resale Ver.)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ dynwar
+ Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 88622B-3)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ dynwar
+ Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ dynwar
+ Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan Resale Ver.)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ Willow (World)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ willow
+ Willow (USA)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ willow
+ Willow (USA Old Ver.)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ willow
+ Willow (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ U.N. Squadron (US)
+ 1989
+ Capcom / Daipro
+ unsquad
+ Area 88 (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Capcom / Daipro
+ unsquad
+ Area 88 (Japan Resale Ver.)
+ 1989
+ Capcom / Daipro
+ Final Fight (World, set 1)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (World, set 2)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (USA, set 1)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (USA, set 2)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (USA 900112)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (USA 900424)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (USA 900613)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (Japan 900112)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (Japan 900305)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Final Fight (Japan 900613)
+ 1989
+ Capcom
+ ffight
+ Street Smart / Final Fight (Japan, hack)
+ 1989
+ bootleg
+ 270
+ 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ 1941
+ 270
+ 1941: Counter Attack (World)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ 1941
+ 270
+ 1941: Counter Attack (USA 900227)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ 1941
+ 270
+ 1941: Counter Attack (Japan)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ 270
+ Mercs (World 900302)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ mercs
+ 270
+ Mercs (USA 900608)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ mercs
+ 270
+ Mercs (USA 900302)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ mercs
+ 270
+ Senjou no Ookami II (Japan 900302)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ Mega Twins (World 900619)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ mtwins
+ Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan 900619)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ msword
+ Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900623)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ msword
+ Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (USA 900725)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ msword
+ Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (Japan 900623)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ Carrier Air Wing (World 901012)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ cawing
+ Carrier Air Wing (World 901009)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ cawing
+ Carrier Air Wing (USA 901012)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ cawing
+ U.S. Navy (Japan 901012)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ Nemo (World 901130)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ nemo
+ Nemo (World 901109)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ nemo
+ Nemo (Japan 901120)
+ 1990
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910214)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910318)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910228)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910206)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910214)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910306)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910318)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910228)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910411)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522, Rev. G)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522, Rev. I)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 911101)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910214)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910306)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910411)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910522)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 920312)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 1)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 3)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg, set 4)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken Pt-I, bootleg)
+ 1991
+ bootleg
+ sf2
+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition, bootleg)
+ 1991
+ bootleg
+ Three Wonders (World 910520)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ 3wonders
+ Three Wonders (World 910513)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ 3wonders
+ Three Wonders (USA 910520)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ 3wonders
+ Wonder 3 (Japan 910520)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ 3wonders
+ Three Wonders (bootleg)
+ 1991
+ bootleg
+ 3wonders
+ Three Wonders (hack)
+ 1991
+ bootleg
+ The King of Dragons (World 910805)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ kod
+ The King of Dragons (World 910711)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ kod
+ The King of Dragons (USA 910910)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ kod
+ The King of Dragons (Japan 910805, B-Board 90629B-3)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ kod
+ The King of Dragons (Japan 910805, B-Board 89625B-1)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ Captain Commando (World 911202)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ captcomm
+ Captain Commando (World 911014)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ captcomm
+ Captain Commando (USA 910928)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ captcomm
+ Captain Commando (Japan 911202)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ captcomm
+ Captain Commando (Japan 910928)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ captcomm
+ Captain Commando (bootleg)
+ 1991
+ bootleg
+ Knights of the Round (World 911127)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ knights
+ Knights of the Round (USA 911127)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ knights
+ Knights of the Round (Japan 911127, B-Board 91634B-2)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ knights
+ Knights of the Round (Japan 911127, B-Board 89625B-1)
+ 1991
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920313)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920513)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920803)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920322)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920513)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920803)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hung Hsi, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 1)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 2)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow, bootleg, set 3)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (V004, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator!, bootleg, set 1)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator!, bootleg, set 2)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator Pt.II, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Double K.O. Turbo II, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (protected bootleg on non-dash board)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition ('Taiwan' bootleg with PAL)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M2, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M3, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M4, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M5, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M6, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M7, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M8, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M10, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (YYC, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Xiang Long, Chinese bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ sf2ce
+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Dongfang Bubai protection, bootleg)
+ 1992
+ bootleg
+ Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ cworld2j
+ Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 90629B-3, no battery)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ cworld2j
+ Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 91634B-2)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ 270
+ Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ varth
+ 270
+ Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920612)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ varth
+ 270
+ Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (USA 920612)
+ 1992
+ Capcom (Romstar license)
+ varth
+ 270
+ Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan 920714)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ varth
+ 270
+ Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan Resale Ver. 920714)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (USA 920701)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ qad
+ Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (Japan Resale Ver. 940921)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ wof
+ Warriors of Fate (World 921002)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ wof
+ Warriors of Fate (USA 921031)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ wof
+ Sangokushi II (Asia 921005)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ wof
+ Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Japan 921031)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ Huo Feng Huang (Chinese bootleg of Sangokushi II)
+ 1999
+ bootleg
+ Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (World 921209)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2hf
+ Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (USA 921209)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ sf2hf
+ Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209)
+ 1992
+ Capcom
+ Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ dino
+ Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (USA 930201)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ dino
+ Cadillacs: Kyouryuu Shin Seiki (Japan 930201)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Dinosaur Hunter (Chinese bootleg of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs)
+ 1993
+ bootleg
+ The Punisher (World 930422)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ punisher
+ The Punisher (USA 930422)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ punisher
+ The Punisher (Hispanic 930422)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ punisher
+ The Punisher (Japan 930422)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Biaofeng Zhanjing (Chinese bootleg of The Punisher)
+ 1993
+ bootleg
+ Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ slammast
+ Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA 930713)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ slammast
+ Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion (Japan 930713)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ mbombrd
+ Muscle Bomber Duo: Heat Up Warriors (Japan 931206)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Pnickies (Japan 940608)
+ 1994
+ Compile (Capcom license)
+ Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ megaman
+ Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ megaman
+ Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1, Japan 950922)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Pokonyan! Balloon (Japan 940322)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Pang! 3 (Euro 950601)
+ 1995
+ Mitchell
+ pang3
+ Pang! 3 (Euro 950511)
+ 1995
+ Mitchell
+ pang3
+ Pang! 3: Kaitou Tachi no Karei na Gogo (Japan 950511)
+ 1995
+ Mitchell
+ pang3
+ Pang! 3 (bootleg)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfzch
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (CPS Changer, Publicity USA 950727)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfzch
+ Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Brazil 950727)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 931005)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (USA 930911)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Asia 931005)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Asia 930914)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 931005)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 930911)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 930910)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Hispanic 930911)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (World 931119)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (World 930911)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Japan 931005)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Japan 930911)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Hispanic 931005)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Eco Fighters (World 931203)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ecofghtr
+ Eco Fighters (USA 940215)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ecofghtr
+ Eco Fighters (USA 931203)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ecofghtr
+ Ultimate Ecology (Japan 931203)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ecofghtr
+ Eco Fighters (Asia 931203)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ecofghtr
+ Eco Fighters (Hispanic 931203)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940113)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (USA 940125)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (USA 940113)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940412)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940125)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Japan 940113)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Asia 940412)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Asia 940113)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Hispanic 940412)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Hispanic 940125)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Hispanic 940113)
+ 1993
+ Capcom
+ Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Asia 940223)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Hispanic 940223)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II Turbo (USA 940323)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II Turbo (USA 940223)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940311)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940223)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940223 rent version)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ avsp
+ Alien vs. Predator (USA 940520)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ avsp
+ Alien vs. Predator (Japan 940520)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ avsp
+ Alien vs. Predator (Asia 940520)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ avsp
+ Alien vs. Predator (Hispanic 940520)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (USA 940818)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (USA 940705)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Asia 940705)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Hispanic 940818)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705 alt)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ dstlk
+ Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940630)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ringdest
+ Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Asia 940831)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ringdest
+ Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Hispanic 940902)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ringdest
+ Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout (Japan 940831)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ ringdest
+ Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout (Japan 940808)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Armored Warriors (Euro 941024)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Armored Warriors (Euro 941011)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Armored Warriors (USA 941024)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Armored Warriors (USA 940920)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment (Japan 941024)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment (Japan 940916)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Armored Warriors (Asia 941024)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ armwar
+ Armored Warriors (Asia 940920)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (USA 950105)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950331)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950105)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 950105)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941222)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941219)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941217)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 950105)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217)
+ 1994
+ Capcom
+ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Euro 950316)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (USA 950406)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Hispanic 950403)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Brazil 950403)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Asia 950302)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950316)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307 stop version)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ nwarr
+ Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950302)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ cybots
+ Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (USA 950424)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ cybots
+ Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan 950420)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950718)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950627)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950605)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (USA 950627)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Asia 950627)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Asia 950605)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950727)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950627)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950605)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Hispanic 950718)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Hispanic 950627)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Brazil 951109)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Zero (Brazil 950727)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS2, USA 951006, SAMPLE Version)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ mmancp2u
+ Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS2, USA 950926, SAMPLE Version)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ mmancp2u
+ Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS2, Japan 950922)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (USA 951024)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951117)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951024)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (Asia 951024)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (Hispanic 951117)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (Brazil 951117)
+ 1995
+ Capcom
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Asia 960104)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Asia 951207)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 960104, yellow case)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951225)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 951207)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Hispanic 951218)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Brazil 951218)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960223)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960209)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960208)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (USA 960619)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (USA 960209)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960619)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960206)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Asia 960619)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Asia 960208)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Hispanic 960223)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Brazil 960223)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960430)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960430)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960227)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Asia 960227)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Brazil 960531)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Brazil 960304)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Hispanic 960304)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Oceania 960229)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfz2al
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Japan 960805)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfz2al
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Hispanic 960813)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ sfz2al
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Brazil 960813)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Euro 960529)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ spf2t
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA 960620)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ spf2t
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Japan 960531)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ spf2t
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Asia 960529)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ spf2t
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Hispanic 960531)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ megaman2
+ Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (Asia 960708)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ megaman2
+ Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (Japan 960708)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ megaman2
+ Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (Hispanic 960712)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan 960826)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 960910)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 961023)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 961004)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 960910)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 961023)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 961004)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 960910)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 960909)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 961023)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 961004)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960919)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960910)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Hispanic 961004)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 961023)
+ 1996
+ Capcom
+ Battle Circuit (Euro 970319)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ batcir
+ Battle Circuit (Asia 970319)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ batcir
+ Battle Circuit (Japan 970319)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ vsav
+ Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (USA 970519)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ vsav
+ Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970519)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ vsav
+ Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Asia 970519)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ vsav
+ Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Hispanic 970519)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970827)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970625)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970707)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970702)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970625)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Hispanic 970625)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 970625)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 970620)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 970827)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 970625)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Capcom Sports Club (Euro 971017)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ csclub
+ Capcom Sports Club (Euro 970722)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ csclub
+ Capcom Sports Club (Asia 970722)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ csclub
+ Capcom Sports Club (Japan 970722)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ csclub
+ Capcom Sports Club (Japan 970722, yellow case)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ csclub
+ Capcom Sports Club (Hispanic 970722)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ sgemf
+ Pocket Fighter (Japan 970904)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ sgemf
+ Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix (Asia 970904)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ sgemf
+ Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix (Hispanic 970904)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ vhunt2
+ Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970913)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)
+ 1997
+ Capcom
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980112)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 980123)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 971222)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980123)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980112)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980123) (Single PCB)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980123)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980112)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Hispanic 980123)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Brazil 980123)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980629)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980616, SAMPLE Version)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hispanic 980904)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hispanic 980629)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Brazil 980629)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980904)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980727)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980629)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980904)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980701)
+ 1998
+ Capcom
+ Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai (Japan 990527)
+ 1999
+ Capcom
+ Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202)
+ 2004
+ Capcom
+ hsf2
+ Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Asia 040202)
+ 2004
+ Capcom
+ hsf2
+ Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 040202)
+ 2004
+ Capcom
+ hsf2
+ Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 031222)
+ 2004
+ Capcom
+ Giga Wing (USA 990222)
+ 1999
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ gigawing
+ Giga Wing (Japan 990223)
+ 1999
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ gigawing
+ Giga Wing (Asia 990222)
+ 1999
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ gigawing
+ Giga Wing (Hispanic 990222)
+ 1999
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ gigawing
+ Giga Wing (Brazil 990222)
+ 1999
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412)
+ 2000
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ mmatrix
+ Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (Japan 000412)
+ 2000
+ Takumi (Capcom license)
+ Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010)
+ 2000
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ mpang
+ Mighty! Pang (Euro 000925)
+ 2000
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ mpang
+ Mighty! Pang (USA 001010)
+ 2000
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ mpang
+ Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011)
+ 2000
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ Puzz Loop 2 (Euro 010302)
+ 2001
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ pzloop2
+ Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010226)
+ 2001
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ pzloop2
+ Puzz Loop 2 (Japan 010205)
+ 2001
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ Janpai Puzzle Choukou (Japan 010820)
+ 2001
+ Mitchell (Capcom license)
+ 270
+ Dimahoo (Euro 000121)
+ 2000
+ Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license)
+ dimahoo
+ 270
+ Dimahoo (USA 000121)
+ 2000
+ Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license)
+ dimahoo
+ 270
+ Great Mahou Daisakusen (Japan 000121)
+ 2000
+ Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license)
+ 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)
+ 2000
+ Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license)
+ 1944
+ 1944: The Loop Master (Japan 000620)
+ 2000
+ Eighting / Raizing (Capcom license)
+ Progear (USA 010117)
+ 2001
+ Cave (Capcom license)
+ progear
+ Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117)
+ 2001
+ Cave (Capcom license)
+ progear
+ Progear (Asia 010117)
+ 2001
+ Cave (Capcom license)
+ ddtod
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1993
+ bootleg
+ ecofghtr
+ Eco Fighters (World 931203 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1993
+ bootleg
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (USA 930911 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1993
+ bootleg
+ ssf2
+ Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (World 931119 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1993
+ bootleg
+ armwar
+ Armored Warriors (Euro 941011 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ avsp
+ Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ dstlk
+ Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (USA 940705 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ ringdest
+ Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Asia 940223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ ssf2t
+ Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ xmcota
+ X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ msh
+ Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ cybots
+ Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (USA 950424 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ cybots
+ Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan 950424) (decrypted bootleg)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ nwarr
+ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (USA 950406 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ sfa
+ Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ 19xx
+ 270
+ 19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ ddsom
+ Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (USA 960619 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ megaman2
+ Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Asia 960227 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ sfa2
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960227 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ spf2t
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA 960620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ spf2t
+ Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Japan 960531 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ sfz2al
+ Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ xmvsf
+ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 961004 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ batcir
+ Battle Circuit (Euro 970319 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ csclub
+ Capcom Sports Club (Euro 970722 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ mshvsf
+ Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970625 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ sgemf
+ Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ vsav
+ Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ vhunt2
+ Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ vsav2
+ Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ mvsc
+ Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 980123 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1998
+ bootleg
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1998
+ bootleg
+ sfa3
+ Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980629 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1998
+ bootleg
+ gigawing
+ Giga Wing (USA 990222 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1999
+ bootleg
+ gigawing
+ Giga Wing (Japan 990223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 1999
+ bootleg
+ 1944
+ 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 2000
+ bootleg
+ dimahoo
+ 270
+ Dimahoo (USA 000121 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 2000
+ bootleg
+ mmatrix
+ Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 2000
+ bootleg
+ progear
+ Progear (USA 010117 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 2001
+ bootleg
+ progear
+ Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 2001
+ bootleg
+ progear
+ Progear no Arashi (Japan 010117) (decrypted bootleg)
+ 2001
+ bootleg
+ hsf2
+ Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Asia 040202 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
+ 2004
+ bootleg
+ Pocket Gal (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Data East Corporation
+ pcktgal
+ Pocket Gal (bootleg)
+ 1987
+ bootleg
+ pcktgal
+ Pocket Gal 2 (English)
+ 1989
+ Data East Corporation
+ pcktgal
+ Pocket Gal 2 (Japanese)
+ 1989
+ Data East Corporation
+ pcktgal
+ Super Pool III (English)
+ 1989
+ Data East Corporation
+ pcktgal
+ Super Pool III (I-Vics)
+ 1990
+ Data East Corporation (I-Vics license)
+ 90
+ Pinball Action (set 1)
+ 1989
+ Tehkan
+ pbaction
+ 90
+ Pinball Action (set 2)
+ 1989
+ Tehkan
+ pbaction
+ 90
+ Pinball Action (set 3, encrypted)
+ 1989
+ Tehkan
+ pbaction
+ 90
+ Pinball Action (set 4, encrypted)
+ 1989
+ Tehkan
+ pbaction
+ 90
+ Pinball Action (set 5, encrypted)
+ 1989
+ Tehkan
+ Cue Brick (World, version D)
+ 1985
+ Konami
+ M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version T)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ mia
+ M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version S)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players, version X)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version R)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version J)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version H)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version F)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version S)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, version ?)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 4 Players, version 2)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Asia 4 Players, version ?)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version U)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version ?)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players, version 1)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ tmnt
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Oceania 2 Players, version ?)
+ 1989
+ Konami
+ Punk Shot (US 4 Players)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ punkshot
+ Punk Shot (US 2 Players)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ punkshot
+ Punk Shot (Japan 2 Players)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ 90
+ Lightning Fighters (World)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ lgtnfght
+ 90
+ Lightning Fighters (Asia)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ lgtnfght
+ 90
+ Lightning Fighters (US)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ lgtnfght
+ 90
+ Trigon (Japan)
+ 1990
+ Konami
+ 90
+ Bells & Whistles (World, version L)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ blswhstl
+ 90
+ Bells & Whistles (Asia, version M)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ blswhstl
+ 90
+ Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan, version J)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ Golfing Greats
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ glfgreat
+ Golfing Greats (Japan)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ tmnt2
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver ADA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ tmnt2
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Players ver EBA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ tmnt2
+ Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver EAA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ tmnt2
+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Players ver UDA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Japan ver. JA2 Type L)
+ 1993
+ Konami
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBD)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBC)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UDA)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAC)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAB)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (2 Players ver UBC)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver ADD)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAD)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAC)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ ssriders
+ Sunset Riders (2 Players ver JBD)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ Thunder Cross II (World)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ thndrx2
+ Thunder Cross II (Asia)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ thndrx2
+ Thunder Cross II (Japan)
+ 1991
+ Konami
+ Premier Soccer (ver EAB)
+ 1993
+ Konami
+ prmrsocr
+ Premier Soccer (ver JAB)
+ 1993
+ Konami
+ NAM-1975 (NGM-001 ~ NGH-001)
+ 1990
+ Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002)
+ 1990
+ bstars
+ Baseball Stars Professional (NGH-002)
+ 1990
+ Top Player's Golf (NGM-003 ~ NGH-003)
+ 1990
+ Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004 ~ NGH-004)
+ 1990
+ Riding Hero (NGM-006 ~ NGH-006)
+ 1990
+ ridhero
+ Riding Hero (set 2)
+ 1990
+ Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007)
+ 1991
+ alpham2
+ Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (prototype)
+ 1991
+ Cyber-Lip (NGM-010)
+ 1990
+ The Super Spy (NGM-011 ~ NGH-011)
+ 1990
+ Mutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014)
+ 1992
+ King of the Monsters (set 1)
+ 1991
+ kotm
+ King of the Monsters (set 2)
+ 1991
+ Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017 ~ NGH-017)
+ 1991
+ sengoku
+ Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGH-017, US)
+ 1991
+ Burning Fight (NGM-018 ~ NGH-018)
+ 1991
+ burningf
+ Burning Fight (NGH-018, US)
+ 1991
+ burningf
+ Burning Fight (prototype, ver 23.3, 910326)
+ 1991
+ burningf
+ Burning Fight (prototype, older)
+ 1991
+ League Bowling (NGM-019 ~ NGH-019)
+ 1990
+ Ghost Pilots (NGM-020 ~ NGH-020)
+ 1991
+ gpilots
+ Ghost Pilots (NGH-020, US)
+ 1991
+ Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021 ~ NGH-021)
+ 1990
+ Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023 ~ NGH-023)
+ 1991
+ quizdais
+ Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (Korean release)
+ 1991
+ Last Resort
+ 1992
+ lresort
+ Last Resort (prototype)
+ 1992
+ Eight Man (NGM-025 ~ NGH-025)
+ 1991
+ SNK / Pallas
+ Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu
+ 1991
+ 2020 Super Baseball (set 1)
+ 1991
+ SNK / Pallas
+ 2020bb
+ 2020 Super Baseball (set 2)
+ 1991
+ SNK / Pallas
+ 2020bb
+ 2020 Super Baseball (set 3)
+ 1991
+ SNK / Pallas
+ Soccer Brawl (NGM-031)
+ 1991
+ socbrawl
+ Soccer Brawl (NGH-031)
+ 1991
+ Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (NGM-033 ~ NGH-033)
+ 1991
+ Robo Army
+ 1991
+ Football Frenzy (NGM-034 ~ NGH-034)
+ 1992
+ King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (NGM-039 ~ NGH-039)
+ 1992
+ kotm2
+ King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (prototype)
+ 1992
+ Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2
+ 1993
+ Baseball Stars 2
+ 1992
+ Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 (NGM-042 ~ NGH-042)
+ 1992
+ 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043)
+ 1993
+ Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044)
+ 1992
+ Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045)
+ 1993
+ samsho
+ Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGH-045)
+ 1993
+ Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGM-046)
+ 1994
+ tophuntr
+ Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGH-046)
+ 1994
+ Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - Arata-naru Tatakai (NGM-047 ~ NGH-047)
+ 1992
+ Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou
+ 1992
+ The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055 ~ NGH-055)
+ 1994
+ Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056)
+ 1994
+ aof2
+ Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGH-056)
+ 1994
+ Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 1)
+ 1993
+ fatfursp
+ Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 2)
+ 1993
+ Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei
+ 1995
+ Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - Real Fight Football (NGM-061 ~ NGH-061)
+ 1994
+ Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063)
+ 1994
+ samsho2
+ Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II)
+ 1994
+ Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - Haruka-naru Tatakai (NGM-069 ~ NGH-069)
+ 1995
+ Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - Eikou e no Michi
+ 1995
+ The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084)
+ 1995
+ kof95
+ The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084, alt board)
+ 1995
+ kof95
+ The King of Fighters '95 (NGH-084)
+ 1995
+ Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087)
+ 1995
+ samsho3
+ Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGH-087)
+ 1995
+ samsho3
+ Fighters Swords (Korean release of Samurai Shodown III)
+ 1995
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095 ~ NGH-095)
+ 1995
+ rbff1
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (bug fix revision)
+ 1995
+ Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden
+ 1996
+ aof3
+ Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (Korean release)
+ 1996
+ The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214)
+ 1996
+ kof96
+ The King of Fighters '96 (NGH-214)
+ 1996
+ The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero
+ 1996
+ Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle
+ 1996
+ kizuna
+ Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle 4 Way Battle Version / Fu'un Super Tag Battle Special Version
+ 1996
+ Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222)
+ 1996
+ samsho4
+ Pae Wang Jeon Seol / Legend of a Warrior (Korean censored Samurai Shodown IV)
+ 1996
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
+ 1996
+ rbffspec
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (Korean release)
+ 1996
+ The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320)
+ 1997
+ kof97
+ The King of Fighters '97 (NGH-2320)
+ 1997
+ kof97
+ The King of Fighters '97 (Korean release)
+ 1997
+ kof97
+ The King of Fighters '97 Plus (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ kof97
+ The King of Fighters '97 Chongchu Jianghu Plus 2003 (bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ kof97
+ King of Gladiator (The King of Fighters '97 bootleg)
+ 1997
+ bootleg
+ The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)
+ 1997
+ lastblad
+ The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGH-2340)
+ 1997
+ lastblad
+ The Last Soldier (Korean release of The Last Blade)
+ 1997
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGM-2400)
+ 1998
+ rbff2
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGH-2400)
+ 1998
+ rbff2
+ Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (Korean release)
+ 1998
+ Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410 ~ NGH-2410)
+ 1998
+ mslug2
+ Metal Slug 2 Turbo (NGM-9410)
+ 2015
+ Hack
+ The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420)
+ 1998
+ kof98
+ The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420, alt board)
+ 1998
+ kof98
+ The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Korean board)
+ 1998
+ kof98
+ The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Korean board 2)
+ 1998
+ kof98
+ The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGH-2420)
+ 1998
+ The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430 ~ NGH-2430)
+ 1998
+ Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory
+ 1998
+ Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500)
+ 1999
+ The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510)
+ 1999
+ kof99
+ The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGH-2510)
+ 1999
+ kof99
+ The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (earlier)
+ 1999
+ kof99
+ The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release)
+ 1999
+ kof99
+ The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (prototype)
+ 1999
+ Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530)
+ 1999
+ garou
+ Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530 ~ NGH-2530)
+ 1999
+ garou
+ Garou - Mark of the Wolves (prototype)
+ 1999
+ garou
+ Garou - Mark of the Wolves (bootleg)
+ 1999
+ bootleg
+ Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)
+ 2000
+ mslug3
+ Metal Slug 3 (NGH-2560)
+ 2000
+ mslug3
+ Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 bootleg)
+ 2000
+ bootleg
+ The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570 ~ NGH-2570)
+ 2000
+ kof2000
+ The King of Fighters 2000 (not encrypted)
+ 2000
+ Zupapa!
+ 2001
+ Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001
+ 2001
+ Noise Factory / SNK
+ The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?)
+ 2001
+ Eolith / SNK
+ kof2001
+ The King of Fighters 2001 (NGH-2621)
+ 2001
+ Eolith / SNK
+ kof2001
+ Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ kof2001
+ Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ kof2001
+ Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus alternate (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650 ~ NGH-2650)
+ 2002
+ Eolith / Playmore
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 2002 (bootleg)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 1)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg set 2)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (bootleg)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (bootleg)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
+ 2005
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
+ 2004
+ bootleg
+ kof2002
+ The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
+ 2004
+ bootleg
+ Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680)
+ 2003
+ SNK Playmore
+ mslug5
+ Metal Slug 5 (NGH-2680)
+ 2003
+ SNK Playmore
+ mslug5
+ Metal Slug 5 Plus (bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (NGM-2690 ~ NGH-2690)
+ 2003
+ SNK Playmore
+ svc
+ SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ svc
+ SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Plus (bootleg set 1)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ svc
+ SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Plus (bootleg set 2)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ svc
+ SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Super Plus (bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700)
+ 2003
+ Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore
+ samsho5
+ Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGH-2700)
+ 2003
+ Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore
+ samsho5
+ Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710)
+ 2003
+ SNK Playmore
+ kof2003
+ The King of Fighters 2003 (NGH-2710)
+ 2003
+ SNK Playmore
+ kof2003
+ The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 1)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ kof2003
+ The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 2)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ kof2003
+ The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ kof2003
+ The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)
+ 2003
+ bootleg
+ Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720)
+ 2004
+ Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore
+ samsh5sp
+ Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGH-2720, 2nd release, less censored)
+ 2004
+ Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore
+ samsh5sp
+ Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGH-2720, 1st release, censored)
+ 2004
+ Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore
+ Magician Lord (NGM-005)
+ 1990
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ maglord
+ Magician Lord (NGH-005)
+ 1990
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ Ninja Combat (NGM-009)
+ 1990
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ ncombat
+ Ninja Combat (NGH-009)
+ 1990
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001 ~ ALH-001)
+ 1990
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ Crossed Swords (ALM-002 ~ ALH-002)
+ 1991
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ Thrash Rally (ALM-003 ~ ALH-003)
+ 1991
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ Ninja Commando
+ 1992
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ World Heroes (ALM-005)
+ 1992
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ wh1
+ World Heroes (ALH-005)
+ 1992
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ wh1
+ World Heroes (set 3)
+ 1992
+ Alpha Denshi Co.
+ World Heroes 2 (ALM-006 ~ ALH-006)
+ 1993
+ World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007 ~ ADH-007)
+ 1994
+ Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008)
+ 1994
+ World Heroes Perfect
+ 1995
+ Shougi No Tatsujin - Master of Shougi
+ 1995
+ Over Top
+ 1996
+ Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho
+ 1996
+ Twinkle Star Sprites
+ 1996
+ Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (bootleg of CD version)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ Crossed Swords 2 (bootleg of CD version)
+ 1996
+ bootleg (Razoola)
+ Viewpoint
+ 1992
+ Sammy / Aicom
+ Janshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster
+ 1994
+ Aicom
+ Pulstar
+ 1995
+ Aicom
+ Blazing Star
+ 1998
+ Yumekobo
+ Prehistoric Isle 2
+ 1999
+ Yumekobo
+ Spin Master / Miracle Adventure
+ 1993
+ Data East Corporation
+ Windjammers / Flying Power Disc
+ 1994
+ Data East Corporation
+ Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite
+ 1994
+ Data East Corporation
+ Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004 ~ DEH-004)
+ 1994
+ Data East Corporation
+ Ghostlop (prototype)
+ 1996
+ Data East Corporation
+ Magical Drop II
+ 1996
+ Data East Corporation
+ Magical Drop III
+ 1997
+ Data East Corporation
+ Nightmare in the Dark
+ 2000
+ Eleven / Gavaking
+ nitd
+ Nightmare in the Dark (bootleg)
+ 2001
+ bootleg
+ Gururin
+ 1994
+ Face
+ Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger
+ 1997
+ Face
+ Panic Bomber
+ 1994
+ Eighting / Hudson
+ Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den
+ 1995
+ Hudson
+ Neo Bomberman
+ 1997
+ Hudson
+ Minasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai (MOM-001 ~ MOH-001)
+ 1990
+ Monolith Corp.
+ Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002 ~ MOH-002)
+ 1991
+ Monolith Corp.
+ Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf
+ 1996
+ Nazca
+ Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001
+ 1996
+ Nazca
+ Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok
+ 1994
+ Strikers 1945 Plus
+ 1999
+ Psikyo
+ Quiz King of Fighters (SAM-080 ~ SAH-080)
+ 1995
+ Saurus
+ quizkof
+ Quiz King of Fighters (Korean release)
+ 1995
+ Saurus
+ Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi
+ 1995
+ Saurus
+ Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken
+ 1996
+ Saurus
+ Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219)
+ 1996
+ Saurus
+ Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron Clad (prototype)
+ 1996
+ Saurus
+ ironclad
+ Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron Clad (prototype, bootleg)
+ 1996
+ bootleg
+ Stakes Winner 2
+ 1996
+ Saurus
+ Shock Troopers (set 1)
+ 1997
+ Saurus
+ shocktro
+ Shock Troopers (set 2)
+ 1997
+ Saurus
+ Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad
+ 1998
+ Saurus
+ shocktr2
+ Lansquenet 2004 (Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad bootleg)
+ 1998
+ bootleg
+ Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors
+ 1995
+ Sunsoft
+ Waku Waku 7
+ 1996
+ Sunsoft
+ Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, NGM-083)
+ 1994
+ Taito
+ pbobblen
+ Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, bootleg)
+ 1994
+ bootleg
+ Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo)
+ 1999
+ Taito (SNK license)
+ Pochi and Nyaa
+ 2003
+ Aiky / Taito
+ Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz
+ 1995
+ Takara
+ Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)
+ 1995
+ Technos Japan
+ Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer
+ 1995
+ Technos Japan
+ Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu
+ 1996
+ Technos Japan
+ Tecmo World Soccer '96
+ 1996
+ Tecmo
+ Fight Fever (set 1)
+ 1994
+ Viccom
+ fightfev
+ Fight Fever (set 2)
+ 1994
+ Viccom
+ Power Spikes II (NGM-068)
+ 1994
+ Video System Co.
+ Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2
+ 1994
+ Video System Co.
+ Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3
+ 1995
+ Video System Co.
+ Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin
+ 1997
+ Video System Co.
+ Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Neo-Geo, bootleg of CD version)
+ 1995
+ bootleg
+ Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049)
+ 1992
+ Visco
+ Puzzle De Pon!
+ 1995
+ Taito (Visco license)
+ Neo Mr. Do!
+ 1996
+ Visco
+ Goal! Goal! Goal!
+ 1995
+ Visco
+ Neo Drift Out - New Technology
+ 1996
+ Visco
+ Breakers
+ 1996
+ Visco
+ puzzledp
+ Puzzle De Pon! R!
+ 1997
+ Taito (Visco license)
+ Breakers Revenge
+ 1998
+ Visco
+ Battle Flip Shot
+ 1998
+ Visco
+ Captain Tomaday
+ 1999
+ Visco
+ Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
+ 1999
+ Visco
+ Bang Bead
+ 2000
+ Visco
+ Bang Bang Busters (2010 NCI release)
+ 2000
+ Visco
+ Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)
+ 2002
+ Mega / Playmore
+ mslug4
+ Metal Slug 4 (NGH-2630)
+ 2002
+ Mega / Playmore
+ mslug4
+ Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ Rage of the Dragons (NGM-2640?)
+ 2002
+ Evoga / Playmore
+ rotd
+ Rage of the Dragons (NGH-2640?)
+ 2002
+ Evoga / Playmore
+ Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660 ~ NGH-2660)
+ 2002
+ Noise Factory / Atlus
+ matrim
+ Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (bootleg)
+ 2002
+ bootleg
+ Jockey Grand Prix (set 1)
+ 2001
+ Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoft
+ jockeygp
+ Jockey Grand Prix (set 2)
+ 2001
+ Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoft
+ Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support)
+ 2005
+ 180
+ Shadowland (YD3)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ shadowld
+ 180
+ Yokai Douchuuki (Japan, new version (YD2, Rev B))
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ shadowld
+ 180
+ Yokai Douchuuki (Japan, old version (YD1))
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Dragon Spirit (new version (DS3))
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ dspirit
+ 90
+ Dragon Spirit (DS2)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ dspirit
+ 90
+ Dragon Spirit (old version (DS1))
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Blazer (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Quester (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ quester
+ 90
+ Quester Special Edition (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ 270
+ Pac-Mania
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ pacmania
+ 270
+ Pac-Mania (111187 sound program)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ pacmania
+ 90
+ Pac-Mania (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ 270
+ Galaga '88
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ galaga88
+ 90
+ Galaga '88 (02-03-88)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ galaga88
+ 90
+ Galaga '88 (Japan)
+ 1987
+ Namco
+ 180
+ World Stadium (Japan)
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ 180
+ Beraboh Man (Japan, Rev C)
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ berabohm
+ 180
+ Beraboh Man (Japan, Rev B)
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ 180
+ Bakutotsu Kijuutei
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ 180
+ World Court (Japan)
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ 180
+ Splatter House (World, new version (SH3))
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ splatter
+ 180
+ Splatter House (World, old version (SH2))
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ splatter
+ 180
+ Splatter House (Japan, SH1)
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ 180
+ Face Off (Japan 2 Players)
+ 1988
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Rompers (Japan, new version (Rev B))
+ 1989
+ Namco
+ rompers
+ 90
+ Rompers (Japan, old version)
+ 1989
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Blast Off (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Namco
+ ws
+ 180
+ World Stadium '89 (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Dangerous Seed (Japan)
+ 1989
+ Namco
+ ws
+ 180
+ World Stadium '90 (Japan)
+ 1990
+ Namco
+ Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan)
+ 1990
+ Namco
+ Boxy Boy (SB?)
+ 1990
+ Namco
+ boxyboy
+ Souko Ban Deluxe (Japan, SB1)
+ 1990
+ Namco
+ 90
+ Puzzle Club (Japan prototype)
+ 1990
+ Namco
+ Tank Force (US, 2 Player)
+ 1991
+ Namco
+ tankfrce
+ Tank Force (US, 4 Player)
+ 1991
+ Namco
+ tankfrce
+ Tank Force (Japan)
+ 1991
+ Namco
+ Dragon World (World, V040O)
+ 1997
+ drgnwrld
+ Dragon World (World, V030O)
+ 1995
+ drgnwrld
+ Dragon World (World, V021O)
+ 1995
+ drgnwrld
+ Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J)
+ 1995
+ IGS / Alta
+ drgnwrld
+ Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V020J)
+ 1995
+ IGS / Alta
+ drgnwrld
+ Zhong Guo Long (China, V010C)
+ 1995
+ drgnwrld
+ Dong Fang Zhi Zhu (Hong Kong, V011H)
+ 1995
+ drgnwrld
+ Dragon World (Korea, V040K)
+ 1995
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 126)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 112)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 112, Chinese Board)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. ???, Chinese Board)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 111, Chinese Board)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 111, Taiwanese Board)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 111, Korean Board)
+ 1997
+ orlegend
+ Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 105, Korean Board)
+ 1997
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/mame.xml.bytes.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/mame.xml.bytes.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13fc5299
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 61b2fc8f46ed4f64da4d5f87cd7362c2
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/neogeo_mainbios.rom.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/neogeo_mainbios.rom.bytes
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/neogeo_mainbios.rom.bytes differ
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: bb2d5e2ca3a42074897b32eb592df77c
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_m01s.rom.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_m01s.rom.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7055f76d
Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_m01s.rom.bytes differ
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_m01s.rom.bytes.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_m01s.rom.bytes.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1884be73
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
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+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_mainbios.rom.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_mainbios.rom.bytes
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Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_mainbios.rom.bytes differ
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: d3a1ac26f228c844fbdabcdb4c2a5710
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_t01s.rom.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_t01s.rom.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27cdfd80
Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/pgm_t01s.rom.bytes differ
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
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+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/readme.txt.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/readme.txt.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddb75e10
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+锘緿etail: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1275365/MAME-NET
+You should install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher before running the program. You should download MAME.NET ROM files in roms directory.
+Hotkey: F3 -- soft reset, F7 -- load state, Shift+F7 -- save state, F8 -- replay input, Shift+F8 -- record input (start and stop), 0-9 and A-Z after state related hotkey -- handle certain files, F10 -- toggle global throttle, P -- pause and continue, shift+P -- skip a frame.
+Control key: 1 -- P1 start, 2 -- P2 start, 5 -- P1 coin, 6 -- P2 coin, R -- Service 1, T -- Service, W -- P1 up, S -- P1 down, A -- P1 left, D -- P1 right, J -- P1 button1, K -- P1 button 2, L -- P1 button 3, U -- P1 button 4, I -- P1 button 5, O -- P1 button 6, Up -- P2 up, Down -- P2 down, Left -- P2 left, Right -- P2 right, NumPad1 -- P2 button 1, NumPad2 -- P2 button 2, NumPad3 -- P2 button 3, NumPad4 -- P2 button 4, NumPad5 -- P2 button 5, NumPad6 -- P2 button 6.
+Mouse supported games: Operation Wolf.
+When the ROMs of a game are loaded, the emulator is auto paused. Press P to continue.
+Occasionally GDI+ error occurs and a red cross is shown. You can click "File-Reset picturebox" to handle the error.
+MAME.NET ROM files: https://pan.baidu.com/s/14bR2wEzU2Qqx5hM7hJXMZA https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=11brIxHTJ_M4yOkm08wR3LOibZyEitcAw
+program reference: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1u9B9tBH0SNcJA3vIu75awA https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1-BEXXjVYUK5s2zDAp4AfQzCbpcGrcItF
+Email: shunninghuang@gmail.com
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/readme.txt.bytes.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/readme.txt.bytes.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5749631d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/readme.txt.bytes.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 0a511236317e4874594088e125a1a39c
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sfix.sfix.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sfix.sfix.bytes
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sfix.sfix.bytes differ
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new file mode 100644
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+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 60a7b0e5c8b772d409dcbec7b6695f74
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sm1.sm1.bytes b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sm1.sm1.bytes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..984b1b5a
Binary files /dev/null and b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sm1.sm1.bytes differ
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sm1.sm1.bytes.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sm1.sm1.bytes.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f170efda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Resources/MAME/emu/sm1.sm1.bytes.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 6d2848c0a1e76cf49b3e091adc79da62
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f36387b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: b56c11278238d6c4e902a42ae6948279
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b3f838a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 6019649657419e146ab2b4796835be14
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7f98652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 99dcde864a2f2cd41a7fa7e6289820c9
+folderAsset: yes
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common/UniMAMESetting.cs b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common/UniMAMESetting.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d17b093e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common/UniMAMESetting.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+锘縰sing UnityEngine;
+public class UniMAMESetting
+ public static UniMAMESetting instance
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (mInstance == null)
+ mInstance = new UniMAMESetting();
+ return mInstance;
+ }
+ }
+ private static UniMAMESetting mInstance;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common/UniMAMESetting.cs.meta b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common/UniMAMESetting.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b19409d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/Common/UniMAMESetting.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8e93a2fd757533948a43218e424841a7
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/UMAME.cs b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/UMAME.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2dd71b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AxibugEmuOnline.Client/Assets/Script/AppMain/Emulator/MameEmulator/UMAME.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+using AxiReplay;
+using MAME.Core;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client;
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.ClientCore;
+using AxibugProtobuf;
+using static AxibugEmuOnline.Client.NesControllerMapper;
+using VirtualNes.Core;
+using System.Linq;
+using AxibugEmuOnline.Client.Event;
+public class UMAME : MonoBehaviour, IEmuCore
+ public static UMAME instance { get; private set; }
+ public MAMEEmu emu { get; private set; }
+ UniLog mUniLog;
+ UniMouse mUniMouse;
+ [HideInInspector]
+ public UniVideoPlayer mUniVideoPlayer;
+ UniSoundPlayer mUniSoundPlayer;
+ UniKeyboard mUniKeyboard;
+ UniResources mUniResources;
+ public Text mFPS;
+ private Canvas mCanvas;
+ public List HadGameList = new List();
+ string mChangeRomName = string.Empty;
+ public UniTimeSpan mTimeSpan;
+ public bool bQuickTestRom = false;
+ public string mQuickTestRom = string.Empty;
+ public ReplayWriter mReplayWriter;
+ public ReplayReader mReplayReader;
+ public long currEmuFrame => emu.currEmuFrame;
+ public static System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ public static bool bInGame { get; private set; }
+ public static bool bLogicUpdatePause { get; private set; }
+ public string EmuDataPath { get { return App.PersistentDataPath(Platform); } }
+ public string RomPath => EmuDataPath + "/RemoteRoms/";
+ public string SavePath => EmuDataPath + "/sav/";
+ public RomPlatformType Platform { get { return mPlatform; } }
+ RomPlatformType mPlatform = RomPlatformType.Cps1;
+ public uint Frame => (uint)emu.currEmuFrame;
+ void Awake()
+ {
+ //设为60帧
+ Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
+ // 强制横屏
+ Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;
+ instance = this;
+ mFPS = GameObject.Find("FPS").GetComponent();
+ mCanvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent